Foto del docente

Ornella Francioso

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-06/B Agricultural Chemistry


Giovanni Battista Conselvan, David Fuentes, Andrew Merchant, Cristina Peggion, Ornella Francioso, Paolo Carletti, Effects of humic substances and indole-3-acetic acid on Arabidopsis sugars and amino acids metabolic profile, «PLANT AND SOIL», 2018, 426, pp. 17 - 32 [Scientific article]

Andrea Ertani, Ornella Francioso, Anna Tinti, Michela Schiavon, Diego Pizzeghello, Serenella Nardi, Evaluation of Seaweed Extracts from Laminaria and Ascophyllum nodosum spp. as Biostimulants in Zea mays L. Using a Combination of Chemical, Biochemical and Morphological Approaches, «FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE», 2018, 9, Article number: 428 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Giovanni, Mastrolonardo; Ornella, Francioso; Giacomo, Certini, Relic charcoal hearth soils: a neglected carbon reservoir. Case study at Marsiliana forest, Central Italy, «GEODERMA», 2018, 315, pp. 88 - 95 [Scientific article]Open Access

Andrea Ertani, Ornella Francioso, Erika Ferrari, Michela Schiavon, Serenella Nardi, Spectroscopic-chemical fingerprint and biostimulant activity of a protein-based product in solid form, «MOLECULES», 2018, 23, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]Open Access

Giovanni Mastrolonardo; Ornella Francioso; Elisa Carrari; Cristiana Brogi; Martina Venturi; Giacomo Certini, A neglected - but not negligible – carbon reservoir in the Italian forests: relic charcoal kiln soils., in: EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts 2017, 2017, Vol. 19, pp. 6657 - 6657 (atti di: SSS5.12 Chemistry of exogenous and native soil organic matter: accrual, mineralization, stabilization and management, Vienna, 23–28 April) [Abstract]

Arianna, Bozzolo; Diego, Pizzeghello; Alessandra, Cardinali; Ornella, Francioso; Serenella, Nardi, Effects of moderate and high rates of biochar and compost on grapevine growth in a greenhouse experiment, «AIMS AGRICULTURE AND FOOD», 2017, 2, pp. 113 - 128 [Scientific article]Open Access

Francioso, Ornella; Bonoli, Mattia, IL RECUPERO DI ENERGIA E DI RISORSE IDRICHE, «ECOSCIENZA», 2017, 1, pp. 80 - 81 [Scientific article]

Diego, Pizzeghello; Ornella, Francioso; Giuseppe, Concheri; Adele, Muscolo; Serenella, Nardi, Land use affects the soil C sequestration in alpine environment, NE Italy, «FORESTS», 2017, 8, Article number: 197 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ertani, Andrea; Ornella, Francioso; Nardi, Serenella, Mini review: fruit residues as plant biostimulants for bio-based product recovery, «AIMS AGRICULTURE AND FOOD», 2017, 2, pp. 251 - 257 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mastrolonardo, Giovanni; Hudspith, Victoria A.; Francioso, Ornella; Rumpel, Cornelia; Montecchio, Daniela; Doerr, Stefan H.; Certini, Giacomo, Size fractionation as a tool for separating charcoal of different fuel source and recalcitrance in the wildfire ash layer, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2017, 595, pp. 461 - 471 [Scientific article]

Gianluca, Simonetti; Ornella, Francioso; Nicola Dal, Ferro; Serenella, Nardi; Antonio, Berti; Francesco, Morari, Soil porosity in physically separated fractions and its role in SOC protection, «JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS», 2017, 17, pp. 70 - 84 [Scientific article]

Serenella, Nardi; Andrea, Ertani; Francioso, Ornella, Soil-root cross-talking: The role of humic substances, «JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE», 2017, 180, pp. 5 - 13 [Scientific article]

Conselvan, Giovanni Battista; Pizzeghello, Diego; Francioso, Ornella; Di Foggia, Michele; Nardi, Serenella; Carletti, Paolo, substances extracted from leonardites, «PLANT AND SOIL», 2017, 420, pp. 119 - 134 [Scientific article]Open Access

Andrea Ertani; Diego Pizzeghello; Ornella Francioso; Anna Tinti; Serenella Nardi, Biological Activity of Vegetal Extracts Containing Phenols on Plant Metabolism, «MOLECULES», 2016, 21, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Santiago, Sanchez Cortes; Francioso, Ornella, Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering and Fluorescence Spectroscopy on Silver Plasmonic Nanoparticles as Innovative Techniques to Study Humic Substances. In Humic Substances and Natural Organic Matter, New York, Laurence Bates - Nova Science Publishers, 2016, pp. 14 . [Research monograph]

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