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Topics list related to the lectures - Fundamentals of Telecommunications
to the course "Fundamentals of Telecommunications".
Evolution of the TLC network. Frequency band. Main Application and
services. Heterogeneous networks. Block Diagram
to periodic signals: Fourier series for real signals
applications: Heterogeneous networks. Different media. Mobile
network structure. Multiple access. Spectrum and power efficiency.
rates in mobile - block diagram of the transmission system.
Performance in the presence of disturbance. Quality for analog and
digital system.
of Fourier series expansion: quadratic waveform and sinosoidal tone.
exponential expression of Fourier series - comparison to the real
diagram of the communication system. Example of propagation
characteristics: railway tunnel, simulation and measurement
techniques. Linear circuit analysis. Transfer function. Complex
numbers. Example: the RC cell. 3-dB bandwidth. Evaluation of the
frequency response and introduction to the lab. experience.
series: application to the cases seen in the laboratory
laboratory experience: quadratic waveform and sinusoidal tone -
comparison between theory and practice
and Linear circuit analysis. dB definition and exercises. Summary on
Fourier series. Aperiodic signals. Energy and Fourier transform.
Various expressions. Network output for a general signal. Concept of
filter response, not distortion conditions, example of the Fourier
integraòl evaluation of a pulse. Discussion on secondary lobes and
associated periodic function.Filter design, ripple and attenuation.
Step function at the input of an ideal lowpass filter.
on logarithmic units and applications to the oscilloscope: ratio
between Fourier series coefficients
on linear filtering
laboratory experience: RC filter
of the response of an ideal lowpass filter to the step function.
Distortion discussion. Response to a pulse as a sum of two steps.
Time domain analysis: representation of a signal in the time domain.
Definition and measure of the impulsive response . Choice of the
duration value. Fourier transform of the Dirac operator. Connection
between the frequency and domain analysis.
on frequency and time domain analysis. Impulse response of the ideal
lowpass filter. Discussion about the product bandwidth and duration
of a signal.FIR definition starting from the convolution
theorem.Sampling process: sampled signal spectrum and anti-aliasiing
conditions. Shannon theorem.
filtering implementation via DSP and simulink
laboratory experience. A/D amd D/A conversion. Digital filtering.
and D/A conversion. Sampling process with discussion in the time and
frequency domain. Expression of the signal as a function of the
sampled values. Quantization and Coding. Evaluation od the
quantization and signal to noise ratio as a function of number of
bits per sample.