Foto del docente

Oreste Andrisano

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Curriculum vitae

  • ORESTE ANDRISANO was born in Bologna, Italy, February 14, 1952. He received the Dr. Ing. degree in electronic engineering cum laude from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 1975. In the same year he joined the University of Bologna, where he became a Professor of Electrical Engineering in 1985.

  • Since 1992 till 2002 he was the Director of CSITE (Centro di studio per l'Informatica e i Sistemi di Telecomunicazioni), University of Bologna and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome.

  • Since 2002, he has been the Responsible of the Wilab (Wireless Communications Laboratory, IEIIT-CNR at the University of Bologna).

  • Since the foundation (1999) till 2002 he has been Director of the Laboratorio Nazionale di Comunicazioni Multimediali, Naples (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni, CNIT).

  • Vicepresident of the Scientific Committe of CNIT (1997-1999), and member of the Executive Committe.



  • Editor of the “Transactions on Communications”, area “Modulation for fading channels” (1996-2001).

Research projects coordinated


  • National coordinator of the Multimedia Research Project, CNR-MURST, (1998-2003).


  • National Coordiantor of the Research Project Teledoc 2 (2003-2004), MIUR/CNIT.


  • National Coordinator of the Research Project TELCO (Telecommunication networks for cooperative driving), CNR, in the framework of the Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti II, 1995-1997.


  • Responsible of the Research project DVBT 2006, Digital Video Brodcasting, funded by Meta System s.p.a., 2007-2009.


  • Responsible of the Research Project TRIP – Transporting Routing Information Platform, funding body: REGIONE PIEMONTE, 2007-2009, Bando CIPE 2006, IEIIT-CNR and Almaviva s.p.A. - INFOMOBILITA' URBANA.


  • Responsible within IEIIT-CNR, of the project Pegasus, Industrial2015, 2009.

· In 1987 and 1988 he cooperated in the definition phase of PROMETHEUS (EUREKA), as an european coordinator for the transmission systems research area.

· He was in the Steering Committe of Project DACAR (Data Acquisition and Communication Techniques and their Assessment for Road Transport) in the framework of DRIVE I, ECC, 1988-1991. In this project he worked in the assessment and coordination group in cooperation with Volkswagen (Volfsburg) and Bakkenist (Amsterdam).

· In the period 1987-1994 he was the responsible in the University of Bologna for the PROMETHEUS activities.

· In the period 1991-1994 he was the responsible for the PROCOM activities in Italy.

· In the period 1995-1998 he has been in the Steering Committee of CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le telecomunicazioni).

· In the period 1995-1998 he has been the coordinator of the italian research project TELCO (Telecommunicatioon networks for Cooperative Driving).

Research Activity and Research projects

· Oreste Andrisano developed his research activity with reference to different fields in the digital communication area, such as digital signal processing, data transmission for satellite and fixed radio links applications, local wireless and mobile radio networks, short range and heterogeneous wireless networks. He has also been active in the Advanced Transport Telematics area, with reference to vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication systems.


  • Telecommunication Systems for Transport Telematics: vehicle to vehicle communication, vehicle-to-roadside communication, cooperative driving, ecc.


  • Cellular Mobile Radio Planning.


  • Private Emergency wireless Networks – 118.


  • Mesh Wireless Networks.


  • Fixed digital radio and satellites.


  • Digital Video Broadcasting.


  • Digital signal Processing for Telecommunications.

Research projects since 1998


  • Project: MULTIMEDIA; Duration: 1998 - 2003; Funding Body: MIUR; Amount - EURO:,00 (it.Lire)
  • Project: VICOM; Duration: 2002-2006; Funding Body: MIUR; Amount - EURO: 1.277.000,00
  • Project: WWLAN; Duration: 2004-2005; Funding Body: Alenia Spazio; Amount - EURO: 337.227,71
  • Project: TUSTY; Duration: 1999-2003; Funding Body: Siemens Mobile; Amount - EURO: 500.000,00
  • Project: SACRA; Duration: 2000-2004; Funding Body: Siemens Mobile; Amount - EURO: 603.519,60
  • Project: TIM; Duration: 2003-2005; Funding Body: Telecom Italia Mobile; Amount - EURO: 116.400,00
  • Project: TELEDOC; Duration: 2003-2005; Funding Body: MIUR; Amount - EURO: 1.800.000,00
  • Project: SUMMIT; Duration: 2004-2006; Funding Body: Regione Emilia Romagna; Amount - EURO: 188.750,33
  • Project: INSEBALA; Duration: 2004-2006; Funding Body: Regione Emilia Romagna; Amount - EURO: 250.000,00
  • Project: DIGITAL VIDEO; Duration: 2007-2009; Funding Body: Meta System; Amount - EURO: 2.000.000,00
  • Project: TRIP; Duration: 2007-2009; Funding Body: Regione Piemonte; Amount - EURO: 800.000,00


European research projects and Infomobilty area


  • Responsible of the Research project TRIP – Transporting Routing Information Platform, funded by REGIONE PIEMONTE, 2007-2009, Bando CIPE 2006, IEIIT-CNR e Almaviva s.p.A. Tematica INFOMOBILITA' URBANA.

  • Responsible within IEIIT CNR and Alma Mater s.r.l. of the research project Industria Italia 2015, PEGASUS, Settore INFOMOBILITA' URBANA.

  • European Coordinator for the Transmission Techniques Area in the definition Phase of the PROMETHEUS-EUREKA program.

  • Coordiantor within the University of Bologna in the framework of PROMETHEUS (EUREKA).

  • National Coordinator of PROCOM (PROMETHEUS-EUREKA) (1991 – 1994).

  • National Coordiantor of the rearch project TELCO (Telecommunication networks for cooperative driving), CNR, in the framework of the Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti II, 1995-1998.

  • Member of the Steering Committee of DACAR (DRIVE, EEC, 1995).



  • Network of Excellence NEWCOM.

Different Acivities at national/international level

He is or was:


  • Invited speaker at the 1983 International Tirrenia Workshop on Digital Communications.

  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Vehicular Technology/Communications Society joint Italy Chapter.

  • Reviewer of the main magazines in the Telecommunication area, such as:

1. IEEE Transactions on Communications,

2. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies,

3. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,

4. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,

5. European Transactions on Telecommunications,

6. IEE Proceedings

7. IEE Electronics Letters

  • Member of I.E.E.E. (Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

  • Member of the IEEE Communication Society (Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

  • Member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.

  • Member of the IEEE Radiocommunication Commettee.

  • Member of the Scientific Committe of the Telecommunication and Information Theory Group (C.N.R., 1986- 1989).

  • Official evaluator in the framework of the IV European Program Telematics for Transport (February- march 1995) of the european research project submitted to European Community Commission.

  • He has been a consultant of:

- Fondazione U.Bordoni (Rome);

- Telecom Italia Mobile, Italy;

- Regione Emilia Romagna, for the design of the Emergency Wireless Network 118 (1996);

- Italtel and Siemens Communications;

- Telecom Italia;

- Marconi and Alenia Communications.



See also:

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