POSITION: University Resercher
DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: Montegiorgio (Italy) Oct. 7th 1974
ADDRESS: Via Tolara di Sopra 50 - 40064 Ozzano Emilia (BO)
2008 : Alternative resident in Veterinary Anesthesia
2006-2008: Clinical instructor at anaesthesiology for
large animal- Anaesthesia Service- (50% clinic; 20% lecture and 30%
research)- University Researcher
2006: University of Bologna – Faculty of Veterinary
University Researcher
2003-2006: Assistant at anaesthesiology (80% clinical
activity and 20 % research) for large and small animal
1999-2001: Theory lecture about clinical small animal
pathology; Specialization in clinical and small animal
2001-2002: Internship in clinical small animal pathology
– Faculty of veterinary medicine; Specialization in clinical
and small animal pathology.
1998-1999: DVM thesis.
oct.1993- mar.1999 : University of Bologna –
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Graduation for DVM
july 1988: State Scientific Liceum “Enrico Medi”
Montegiorgio AP- Italy; Scientific Diploma.
Licence to practice obtained in Italy with the State Examination
at the Univeristy of Bologna in may 1999.
Member of the local professional chamber (Ordine dei Medici
Veterinari di Ravenna - Italy) since 1999.
October 1st 2006: University of Bologna – Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine- University Researcher
September 7th 2020 University of Bologna- Dipartment of veterinary Medical Sciences- Associate Professor
2011-2012: Course of anaesthesia for exotic animal.
2008-2011: Atovelp Course of small animal
10-12/05/04, 25-27/11/04, 18-19/03/05: Course in
“Urologic laparoscopic surgery” - University of Bologna; Topic:
“Laparoscopic anatomy of the pig”.
22-24/11/04: Course in “Paediatric laparoscopic surgery” -
University of Bologna; Topic: ”Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic
anatomy of the pig”
2007: Member of the Research Doctorate Committee “Clinica
e terapia d'urgenza” (Emergency care in Veterinary
Members of:
S.I.V.E. (Società Italiana Veterinaria degli equini)
S.I.S.Vet. (Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie)
(Italian Society of Veterinary Sciences
S.I.D.I. (Società Italiana di Ippologia) (Italian
Society of Equine Practioners)
S.I.C.V. (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Veterinaria)
(Italian Society of Veterinary Surgery)
AIVPA (Associazione Italiana veterinari Piccoli animali)(
Ialian veterinaty Association of Small Animals)
2016-2019: "Clinical and anesthetic effects of lidocaine constant rate infusion in ill neonatal foals during general anesthesia"
2012-2016: "The role and distribution of PAR receptor in equine intestine"
2011: "Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of S-ketamine
in comparison to racemic ketamine following single IV bolus
administration to dogs anaesthetised with sevoflurane”.
“Pharmacokinetics of S-ketamine in comparison to racemic
ketamine following single IV bolus administration to dogs sedated
with medetomidine”.
2008-2010: platelet rich plasma clinical application
in small animals and Large Animals.
2005-2008: Member for the execution of the Project "
Isolamento e caratterizzazione di cellule mesenchimali di cavallo
da midollo osseo e tessuto adiposo: possibile utilizzo di un
modello di lesioni tendinee" (Isolation and characterization of
horse stem cell from bone marrow and fat tissue: a new experimental
model of tendon lesion) Financed from Ministry of University
40.000 €
2005-2006: Attend the research project “Valutazione degli
effetti condrotrofici, antinfiammatori ed antidegenerativi dello
stanozololo nella terapia di artropatie degenerative
sperimentalmente indotte nella specie ovina” (Evaluation of
chondrotrophic, anti-inflammatory and anti-degenerative effects of
stanozolol on experimental induced DJD in the sheep).
2004: Manager of the research project “Toracoscopia e
laparoscopia nel cavallo” (Thoracoscopy and laparoscopy in
2000-2004: Staff member of the research project
about Studies on laparoscopic learning curve (with Surgical and
Anaesthesiological Dept. of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of
the Bologna University) €47.000,00.
2002: Attend to of the research project:
Valutazione dell'andamento cinetico della ketamina e del diazepam e
relativi metaboliti nel plasma e nelle urine dopo somministrazione
endovenosa nel cane, alle dosi e con le modalità normalmente
utilizzate in anestesia” (Kinetics of ketamine and diazepam and
their metabolites on blood and urine after e.v. administration in
the dog).
2001-2003: Attend to the research project “La
videochirurgia del cane e del cavallo” (Videosurgery in dogs and
2001: Staff member of the research project: “Prove di
protocolli sperimentali di anestesia generale nel cavallo”
(Experimental anaesthetic protocols in horses).
2001: Staff member of the research project: “Studi su
aspetti morfologici microscopici e biochimici dell'osteoartrite del
cavallo” (Studies on microscopic and biochemical findings of
osteoarthritis in horses).
1998-2000: Staff member of the research project “La
videochirurgia nel cavallo” (Videosurgery in horses);
Committee Nr. 07 (veterinary sciences), Bologna University €
Anaesthesia in horses with particular attention to
neonatal anaesthesia and analgesia; anaesthesia in small animal
during thoracoscopy procedure; pharmacokinetic of alfa2 agonist in the small and large animal.