Mantellini, Simone; Picotti, Vincenzo; Al‐Hussainy, Abbas; Marchetti, Nicolò; Zaina, Federico, Development of water management strategies in southern Mesopotamia during the fourth and third millennium B.C.E, «GEOARCHAEOLOGY», 2024, 39, pp. 1 - 32 [articolo]Open Access
Marchetti, N.; Bortolini, E.; Menghi Sartorio, J. C.; Orrù, V.; Zaina, F., Long-Term Urban and Population Trends in the Southern Mesopotamian Floodplains, «JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2024, Early view, pp. 1 - 42 [articolo]Open Access
Casini L.; Marchetti N.; Montanucci A.; Orru V.; Roccetti M., A human–AI collaboration workflow for archaeological sites detection, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2023, 13, Article number: 8699, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access
Nicolò Marchetti, Da Sumer a Ninive: scavi, restauri e prospezioni della Missione Archeologica
Iracheno-Italiana, in: Tesori dell'Iraq. Le Missioni Archeologiche Italiane nella Terra tra i due Fiumi, Roma, Treccani, 2023, pp. 110 - 117 [capitolo di libro]
Marchetti, Nicolò; Baldassarri, Pietro; Bertossa, Silvano; Orrù, Valentina; Valeri, Marco; Zaina, Federico, FloodPlains. Developing a Public Archaeological WebGIS for the Southern Mesopotamian Alluvium, in: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1, 2023, pp. 921 - 939 (atti di: 12th ICAANE: International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Bologna, 06-09 Aprile 2021) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Nicolò Marchetti, Çiğdem Maner, Federico Zaina, Licia Proserpio, Burcu Sarsılmaz Coşan, Hayder Kareem Al-Hamdani, Mohammed Abdulsada Al-Hashimi, Laith Majeed Hussein, Adelheid Otto, How Can International Partnerships Support the Study of Archaeology in Iraq? The Case Study of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building KA 2 Project “WALADU”, in: ICAANE 12. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Vol. 1: Environmental Archaeology. Hammering the Material World. Cognitive Archaeology. Modeling the Past. Networked Archaeology. Endangered Cultural Heritage, 2023, pp. 989 - 1002 (atti di: ICAANE, Bologna, April 2021) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Nicolò Marchetti, Francesca Cavaliere, Enrico Cirelli, Claudia D’Orazio, Gabriele Giacosa, Mattia Guidetti,
Eleonora Mariani, ICAANE 12. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Islamic Archaeology; Field reports. Vol. 2, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2023, pp. 953 . [curatela]
Nicolò Marchetti, Idols for the household: two bronze figurines from Late Bronze I Taşlı Geçit Höyük, in: I.L. Finkel, J.A. Fraser and St J. Simpson, ‘To Aleppo gone …’: Essays in honour of Jonathan N. Tubb, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023, pp. 133 - 137 (ARCHAEOPRESS ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY) [capitolo di libro]
Nicolò Marchetti, Michael Campeggi, Francesca Cavaliere, Claudia D'Orazio, Gabriele Giacosa, Eleonora Mariani, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 06-09 April 2021, Bologna. Vol. 1: Environmental Archaeology. Hammering the Material World. Cognitive Archaeology. Modeling the Past. Networked Archaeology. Endangered Cultural Heritage, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2023, pp. 1044 . [curatela]
N. MARCHETTI, R. M. MOHAMMED, C. PUTZOLU, J. E. READE, M. VALERI, The Ottoman Bridge of Mosul: survey and history of an endangered heritage, Bologna, Ante Quem S.r.l. and Department of History and Cultures - University of Bologna, 2023, pp. 88 . [libro]Open Access
Nicolò Marchetti, Karkamış, in: PREHİSTORİK DÖNEMLERDEN GEÇ ANTİK DÖNEME GAZİANTEP ARKEOLOJİSİ, Istanbul, R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, 2022, pp. 95 - 112 [capitolo di libro]
Nicolò Marchetti, Karkamış’ın Geç Tunç II ve Demir Çağlarındaki
Kentsel Yapısı Bağlamında Kamusal ve Özel
Alan / La struttura urbana di Karkemish nelle età del
Bronzo Tardo II e del Ferro tra aree pubbliche
e spazi privati, in: Lo spazio pubblico, lo spazio privato: XI Convegno Contributo italiano a scavi, ricerche e studi nelle missioni archeologiche in Turchia / Kamusal alan, özel alan: XI Türkiye’deki arkeolojik çalışmalara eğitim, araştırma ve kazı’da İtalya katkısı sempozyumu, Istanbul, Istitituto Italiano di Cultura di Istanbul, 2022, pp. 95 - 105 [capitolo di libro]
Nicolò Marchetti, Karkemish, in: Archaeology of Gaziantep from Prehistoric Times to the Late Antiquity, Istanbul, R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, 2022, pp. 95 - 112 [capitolo di libro]
Nicolò Marchetti; Gianni Marchesi, Ninive: La ripresa delle esplorazioni archeologiche nel centro dell'impero / Nineveh: The Resumption of Archaeological Exploration in the Centre of the Empire, in: Dal centro dell'impero. Nuove scoperte archeologiche dell’Università di Udine nell’antica Assiria / From the Core of the Empire. New Archaeological Discoveries of the University of Udine in Ancient Assyria, Udine, Comune di Udine, 2022, pp. 170 - 189 [capitolo di libro]
Nicolò Marchetti, Tilmen Höyük, in: Prehistorik Dönemlerden Geç Antik Döneme Gaziantep Arkeolojisi, Istanbul, R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, 2022, pp. 183 - 195 [capitolo di libro]
Nicolò Marchetti, Tilmen Höyük, in: Archaeology of Gaziantep from Prehistoric Times to the Late Antiquity, Istanbul, R.T. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and R.T. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, 2022, pp. 183 - 195 [capitolo di libro]