Foto del docente

Nico Lanconelli

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-06/A Physics for Life Sciences, Environment, and Cultural Heritage

Curriculum vitae

Nico Lanconelli graduated in Physics in 1997 cum laude, got a master in "Advanced information and communication techniques" in 1998 and PhD in Physics in 2003. Since 2004 he holds a position as assistant professor at the University of Bologna.
Since 1998 he is involved in projects concerning diagnostic imaging in medicine and the development of systems for the automatic detection of suspect areas in digital images. He participated at several collaborations for the investigation of multi-modal apparatus for the early diagnosis of breast cancer, for the development of computerized techniques for the detection of lesions in mammography and he has been working in cooperation with an industry for the setting up of a digital mammography equipment. He contributed to the realization of the first commercial Italian unit for digital mammography and the development of a commercial computer aided detection system for digital mammograms.
He is currently local responsible of the Bologna unit participating at a project for the development of a CT system dedicated to breast imaging. He participates in a collaboration with a manufacturer of radiological systems for developing a new X-ray tomosynthesis apparatus for breast imaging. He is also involved in a European project financed named CHIRON (Cyclic and person-centric Health management: Integrated appRoach for hOme, mobile and clinical eNvironments), within the ARTEMIS initiative. Within this project his concern is about the development of image processing techniques in cardiac applications, and he is also task leader of a task which aims to realize image processing software for 3D Ultrasounds an MR images.
In the past, he was in charge of the following projects:
- Local Responsible for the Bologna unit within the project financed by the Italian Minister of University and Research (MIUR) PRIN 2007 named: "High resolution PET system for small animals based on high granularity SiPM", 2008-2009.
- Local Responsible for the Bologna unit within the project financed by the Italian Minister of University and Research (MIUR) PRIN 2004 named: "New Techniques for Breast Cancer Imaging", 2005-2006.
- Local Responsible for the Bologna unit within the project financed by the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) named DoPET (Dosimetry in PET), 2006-2008.
He is author of more than 60 scientific papers on international peer reviewed journals, of numerous papers published on international conference proceedings, of some chapters on international books, of one book on applied physics. He is inventor of two industrial patents.

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