Foto del docente

Nadia Lotti

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CHEM-06/A Chemical Foundations of Technologies

Curriculum vitae


Nadia Lotti is Full Professor of Chemical Principles of Technologies (Macro Area 03/B2, SSD CHIM/07) at the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering of the University of Bologna. She is also a member of the Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research Advanced Materials for the design and photonic applications (CIRI-MAM) and of Interdepartmental Centre of Industrial Agrifood Research (CIRI – Agrifood) of the University of Bologna.
The research interests concern the synthesis and molecular, solid and molten characterization of polycondensates and the chemical modification of commercial polymers. Her research is currently focused on plastics from renewable sources for applications in eco-friendly packaging and biopolymers for biomedical use.
Specifically, her skills concern: (i) melt synthesis and chemical modification of polycondensates; (ii) study of the structure-property correlations of synthetic and natural polymers, copolymers and polymeric alloys to design new materials with physical properties aimed at specific applications; (iii) molecular, structural, morphological, thermo-mechanical characterization of macromolecular systems; (iv) development of nano/microcapsules for controlled drug delivery; (v) study of crystallization kinetics from glass and melt state and correlation with structural parameters.

She graduated in Chemistry (University of Bologna) in 1989 with a grade of 110/110 cum laude with a thesis entitled "Polymeric binary blends" (Prof. Maria Pizooli). Qualification to practice as a chemist in 1989. From 1989 to 1992: PhD in Industrial Chemistry, at the University of Bologna Title of the research program: "Bacterial Polyesters". She obtained the Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry in 1993. During the PhD, she spent a period of training abroad at the University of Massachusetts (UMASS) (USA) (March - July 1991).

In 1993, she got a fellowship at the Department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician "of the University of Bologna.
From 1994 to June 30, 1995, she was a Chemical Collaborator by the Local Health Unit No. 38 of Forlì.
From 1995 to 2011, she was Researcher of Chemical Principles of Technologies at the Department of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering 2 of the University of Bologna, from April 2011 is Associate Professor and from December (20th) 2021 Full Professor at the same University.

As far as teaching activities are concerned, Nadia Lotti has held and currently holds courses in the subject of the CHIM/07 disciplinary sector at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna. From this year, she also holds a free choice course for the CdS in Electronic Engineering.
She is Tutor and Co-tutor of numerous Thesis, Master Theses and PhD Theses.

- PRIN: Molecular nanotechnologies for controlled drug release - NANOMED (duration 3 years 2012-2015) - Unit Leader
- European project FP7: New Biotechnological approaches for biodegrading and promoting the environmental biotransformation of synthetic polymeric materials - BIOCLEAN (duration 3 years 2012-2015) - Co-coordinator.
- COST Action“European network of FURan based chemicals and materials FOR a Sustainable development” (FUR4Sustain) CA18220- Leader WG4

- HORIZON-JU-CBE: Versatile furan-based polymers for strIct and high value applications in packaging, automotive and underwater environments” FURIOUS (durata 4 anni 2023-2027)- UNIBO leader

- PR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2021-2027: "Biomolecole dalla valorizzazione di sottoprodotti agroalimentari per un packaging primario sostenibile, sicuro e attivo" (BIO4SUSPACK) (durata 2 anni 01 Febbraio 2024-31 Gennaio 2026)-Coordinator

- PR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2021-2027: "Coating per Packaging alimentari Sostenibili e circolari" (Co.Pack.So) (durata 2 anni 01 Febbraio 2024-31 Gennaio 2026)-participant CIRI AGRO


- PON: Nanomaterials for NAMASTE Sustainable Building "(duration 30 months starting from 2013).


Progetto EUSMI - European Soft Matter Infrastructure: call 2021 “Molecular dynamics of green polymers explored by dielectric relaxations (E210400523)” (Partecipant)

- Progetto EUSMI - European Soft Matter Infrastructure: call 2021 “Multiparametric properties of green polymeric thin films by atomic force microscopy (E210400527)” (Partecipant)

- “Molecular dynamics study of furan-based polymer blends by broadband dielectric spectroscopy (E190300254)” EUSMI - European Soft Matter Infrastructure: call 2018 (Partecipant)
- “Nanomechanical studies of biobased polymer thin films” EUSMI - European Soft Matter Infrastructure: call 2018. (Partecipant)
- “BDS study on furan-based polymers: low frequencies (E171100043)” EUSMI - European Soft Matter Infrastructure: call 2017 (participant)
- “BDS study on furan-based polymers: high frequency (E171100040)” EUSMI - European Soft Matter Infrastructure: call 2017 (Partecipant)
- Research Contract with IMA and Alce Nero: "Food Packaging: reconnaissance of traditional and innovative polymeric materials, with particular attention to their environmental impact" (duration 1 year, starting 1 November 2016).
- Research contract with ACMI: "Research, study and development of a new bioplastic for secondary and tertiary beverage packaging" (duration 1 year from 2015).
- Research contract with Fresenius Hemocare Italia srl: Identification of the characterization methods for poly (butylene terephthalate) and its blends to be used for hemofiltration devices obtained through the melt-blown technology (duration 1 year, starting from 2014).
- Strategic project of the University of Bologna: Nanostructured electrospinning polymeric scaffolds for biomedical applications "(duration 2 years 2007-2009).

- PRIN Project: Synthesis and development of innovative hyperramified polymers and copolymers based on PES and PEES as tenacizing agents for thermosetting matrices for RTM "(duration 3 years 2003-2005).


She has been a visiting Professor at:

- Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Universidad del Pais Vasco as part of the EUSMI Project;

- I Laboratoire GPM - EIRCAP team of the Université de Rouen

- Referee of International journals in the field of polymeric materials and biomaterials.

- Member of Editorial board of Applied Science MDPI.

- Member of Advisory board of Polymers MDPI.

- Member of Editorial board of Coatings MDPI.

- Guest Editor of Sustainability MDPI.

- Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Waste Management and Environmental Issues [].

Guest Editor:

  • Applied Science-SI Eco-friendly Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications
  • Sustainability-SI Sustainable materials for food packaging
  • Polymers-SI Polymer Structure and Property
  • Polymers-SI Biobased and biodegradable Plastics: from Passive Barrier to Active Packaging Behavior
  • Polymers-SI Polymer Structure and Property II
  • Polymers-SI Polymer Structure and Property III
  • Polymers-SI Polymers from Renewable Resources for Packaging and Biomedical Applications
  • Polymers-SI Women in Polymer Science and Technology: Sustainable Polymers.
  • International Journal of Molecular Science: Novel Polymeric Materials for Biomedical and Food Packaging Application


She is Author/co-Author of 195 peer-review scientific papers, 4 proceedings, 4 review (4915 citations, Hindex = 39), 1 book chapter e 150 national and international Conferences (SCOPUS).


A. Esposito (University of Rouen), A. Alegria (University of the Basque Country), T. Ezquerra (CSIC), D. Mantovani (Laval University), L. Moroni (Maastricht University), M. Sampaolesi (KU Leuven), D. Bikiaris (Thessaloniki Univerisity), A. Silvestre (Aveiro University), GZ George Z. Papageorgiou (Iannina University), R. Androsch (Martin-Luther-University), A. Muller (Ikerbasque Foundation for Science) A. Szymczyk (Department of Mechanical Engineering West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin) Thiyagarajan, Shanmugam (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research). Prof. Alfonso Jimenez (University of Alicante).


- She is a member of the Board of Professors of the PhD in Health and Technologies.

- She is a member of the Credits Recognition and Transfer Committee for the CdS in Electronic engineering for energy and information.

- She is member DICAM Research Commission.

- She was a member of the Board of Professors of the Ph.D. in Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Material Engineering from the XXVI up to the XXXIII cycle.

- She was a member of the Board of Professors of the Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry up to the 25th cycle.

- She was a member of the Credits Recognition and Transfer Committee for the CdS in Biomedical Engineering (till to 2018).

Oral partecipation to National Conferences:

As Invited (5):

  1. International Polymer Characterization Forum, Poly-Char 2020: G. Guidotti, S. Quattrosoldi, M. Soccio, V. Siracusa, D.E. Marinez-Tong, E. Rebollar, M.C. García-Gutiérrez, T. Ezquerra, A. Munari, N. Lotti, Fully biobased poly(alkylene 2,5-furanoate): effect of glycol subunit type on the functional properties. Venezia (Online event), 12-14 April 2021.
  2. Milan Polymer Days-MIPOL 2018: Design of innovative polymeric materials for sustainable food packaging. Milano (Italy), 14-16 February 2018.
  3. International Conference on Food Innovation, Food Innova 2017: Design of innovative polymeric materials for sustainable food packaging. Cesena (Italy) 31st January -3rd February 2017.
  4. 1st International Workshop on Biostimulants, Biofertilizers, Biopolymers and Biogas from olive wastes Perugia (Italy) 13 July 2023.

Oral presentations (5):

  • XLII National Conference on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Applied Thermodynamics, AICAT 2020: Thermal analysis applied to polymers: a powerful tool in combination with other techniques to extrapolate chemical structure-property correlations. Udine (Online event), 27-28 Gennaio 2021.
  • Sensing Future days: Nuovi materiali polimerici da fonte rinnovabile per un packaging alimentare sostenibile: il caso dei poliesteri a base di furano come possibile sostituto del PET. IMA, Bologna (Italy), 10-12 Giugno 2020.
  • BIOECONOMIA Evento congiunto e seminari di formazione Sherpack-UrBioFuture: Prodotti chimici e materiali a base di furano per uno sviluppo sostenibile. CNR-ISOF, Bologna (Italy), 3rd Giugno 2020.
  • N. Lotti, A. Munari, M. Gigli, M. Gazzano, V. Tsanaktsis, D. N. Bikiaris, G. Z. Papageorgiou: Thermal and structural response of in situ prepared biobased poly(ethylene 2,5-furan dicarboxylate) nanocomposites; X Convegno Nazionale AICIng; Udine (Italy), 11-14 Settembre 2016.
  • M. Gigli, N. Lotti, A. Munari, A. Negroni, G. Zanaroli, F. Fava: Novel Eco-Friendly Multiblock Copolymers Poly(Butylene/Triethylene Succinate): Effect Of Block Length On Mechanical Properties And Biodegradability; VIII Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Chimica per l'Ingegneria, Catania (Italy), 16-19 Settembre 2012.
  • N. Lotti, M. Gazzano, M. Soccio, L. Finelli, A. Munari: Effetto delle reazioni di transesterificazione sulla miscibilità di poli(propilene succinato) e poli(propilene adipato); XIX Convegno Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia delle Macromolecole, Milano (Italy), 13-17 Settembre 2009.
  • M. Soccio, L. Finelli, N. Lotti, A. Munari: Copolimeri a blocchi poli(butilene/dietilene succinato): effetto della lunghezza dei blocchi sulla miscibilità, sul comportamento di fase e sulla capacità a cristallizzare; XVIII Convegno Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia delle Macromolecole, Catania (Italy), 16-20 Settembre 2007.
  • N. Lotti, V. Siracusa, M. Gazzano, L. Finelli, A. Munari: Co-cristallizzazione nei copolimeri statistici poli(dietilene/tiodietilene tereftalato); XVII Convegno Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia delle Macromolecole, Napoli (Italy), 11-15 Settembre 2005.

  • Oral partecipation to International Conferences

As Invited (6):

1. Summer school 3: Advanced materials in food science.Training in development and characterisation of nanomaterials including packaging using advanced techniques INNOVATIVE MATERIALS FOR FOOD PACKAGING. 26-28 March 2024, Thessaloniki (Greece).

2. Workshop 1st International Workshop on Biostimulants, Biofertilizers, Biopolymers and Biogas from olive wastes BIOLIVE2023 Enrico Bianchi, Giulia Guidotti, Michelina Soccio, Nadia Lotti Valentina Siracusa Massimo Gazzano Shanmugam Thiyagarajan Furan based chemicals and polymeric materials from wastes for sustainable food packaging Perugia, 13th July 2023

 3. International Circular Packaging Conference Furan-based polymers: an interesting sustainable solution and a valid alternative to non-recyclable multilayer packaging 19-20 October 2023, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

4. International Polymer Characterization Forum, Poly-Char 2020: G. Guidotti, S. Quattrosoldi, M. Soccio, V. Siracusa, D.E. Marinez-Tong, E. Rebollar, M.C. García-Gutiérrez, T. Ezquerra, A. Munari, N. Lotti, Fully biobased poly(alkylene 2,5-furanoate): effect of glycol subunit type on the functional properties. Venezia (Online event), 12-14 April 2021.

5. Milan Polymer Days-MIPOL 2018: Design of innovative polymeric materials for sustainable food packaging. Milano (Italy), 14-16 February 2018.

6. International Conference on Food Innovation, Food Innova 2017: Design of innovative polymeric materials for sustainable food packaging. Cesena (Italy) 31st January -3rd February 2017.

Invited Seminar (3):

  1. Seminario dal titolo "New bio-based polyesters: structure-property relationship". 9 marzo 2018, Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Universidad del Pais Basco, España.
  2. Seminario dal titolo "Design Of New Bio-Based Polyesters: From Synthesis to suitability for food packaging applications" 29 febbraio 2018, I Laboratoire GPM - EIRCAP team of the Université de Rouen, Normandie France.
  3. Ciclo di seminari (5 ore) su Polymer Science and Technology per studenti di Master in Science-Université de Rouen, Normandie, France, dal 26 febbraio al 2 marzo 2018.

Oral presentations (6):

  1. G. Guidotti, M. Soccio, M. Gazzano, V. Siracusa, N. Lotti, A. Munari:Novel 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid-based multi-block copolymer containing PEG-like sequences for sustainable flexible packaging applications; European Polymer Congress (EPF 2019), Heraklion Crete (Greece), 9-14 June 2019.
  2. S. Quattrosoldi, M. Soccio, V. Siracusa, A. Munari, N. Lotti; Poly(diethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate): a new compostable biobased polyester with outstanding barrier properties; 7th International Conference on Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers (BIOPOL 2019), Stockholm (Sweden), 17-19 June 2019.
  3. G. Guidotti, M. Soccio, M. Gigli, N. Lotti, V. Siracusa, A. Munari: Aromatic biobased polyesters with different glycol sub-unit length as smart bioplastics for food packaging: oxygen vs. sulphur atom; 6th International Conference on Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers BIOPOL 2017, Mons (Belgium), 11-13 September 2017.
  4. G. Guidotti, M. Gigli, N. Lotti, M. Gazzano, V. Siracusa, A. Munari: Novel biobased aromatic-aliphatic furan-like copolyesters containing sulphur atoms; European Polymer Federation Congress EPF, Lyon (France), 2-7 July 2017.
  5. M. Fabbri, M. Soccio, M. Gigli, G. Guidotti, R. Gamberini, M. Gazzano, V. Siracusa, B. Rimini, N. Lotti, A. Munari: Design of thermoplastic elastomers from fully aliphatic triblock copolyesters; 5th International Conference on Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers (BIOPOL-2015), Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain), 6-9 October 2015.
  6. N. Lotti, V. Siracusa, L. Finelli, A. Munari, P. Manaresi “Synthesis and thermal behavior of poly(2-hydroxyethoxybenzoate) and its copolyesters with e-caprolactone”, 5th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 11-14 September 2001.