Education :
2003 : PhD in Astronomy, University of Bologna; Supervisor: Prof. G. Setti
1999 : Laurea in Astronomy magna cum laude, University of Bologna; Supervisor: Prof. G. Setti
Fellowships and Career History :
since 2019: Associate Professor, University of Bologna (DIFA); Research Associate, INAF-IRA
2013-2019 : Fixed-term Assistant Professor, University of Bologna (DIFA); Research Associate, INAF-IRA
2011-2013 : Post-doc, DIFA - University of Bologna
2010-2011 : Post-doc, INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Bologna & SAO Research Associate (USA)
2008-2010 : Visiting Scientist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (MA, USA)
2008-2009 : Post-doc, Dept. of Astronomy - University of Bologna
2006-2008 : Post-doc, INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Bologna
2005-2006 : Post-doc, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Ohio University (OH, USA)
2003-2005 : Post-doc, Institute of Astrophysics, University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Main Scientific Activity :
– More than 70 papers in international journals, of which 16 as first author in major peer reviewed journals, h-index=27 (ADS); a complete list is available here
– About 30 talks at international conferences and seminars/colloquia
Main Professional Activity :
Organizing Commitee Member of IAU Cross-Division D-J Commission Supermassive Black Holes, Feedback and Galaxy Evolution (since 2021); Co-author of “Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array” (2015) and “Italian SKA White Book” (2013); Member of ATHENA Science Working Groups (2015); Referee for the GMRT and e-MERLIN/VLBI TACs; Chair and Pundit panelist at the Chandra Peer Review (2023, 2020); Referee for Nature, ApJ, MNRAS and A&A.
Academic Teaching Experience and Student Supervision :
- "Astrophysics Laboratory (module 2: radio band)”, Laurea Magistrale in Astrophysics and Cosmology: AYs 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017 (38 hrs/AY);
- “Physics Experimentations 2 (module 2)”, Laurea in Astronomy: AYs 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2015/2016, 2014/2015 (36 hrs/AY);
- "Astronomy", Laurea in Natural Sciences: AYs 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018 (32 hrs/AY);
- “Clusters of Galaxies (module 2)”, Laurea Magistrale in Astrophysics and Cosmology: AYs 2016/2017, 2015/2016, 2014/2015 (24 hrs/AY)
Assistant Lecturer of the following courses at the University of Bologna:
- “Clusters of Galaxies”, Laurea Magistrale in Astrophysics and Cosmology: AYs 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020, 2018/2019, 2017/2018, 2013/2014, 2012/2013, 2010/2011;
- “Calculus for Astronomy”, Laurea in Astronomy: AY 2013/2014
Lecturer for Doctoral Degree Program in Physics (University of Cagliari, 2007)
Supervisor of 2 Ph.D. Thesis in Astrophysics at the University of Bologna; Supervisor of 15 Master Theses in Astrophysics and Cosmology at the University of Bologna; co-supervisor of 2 Master Theses and 1 Ph.D. Thesis in Astrophysics at the University of Bologna and University of Innsbruck
Approved Observing Proposals as Scientific PI :
“The complex feeding-feedback cycle of Abell 2495: where is the molecular gas?” [2023], 9.5 h ALMA
“A BCG with offset cooling: is the AGN feeding-feedback cycle broken in A2495?" [2020], time: 130 ks Chandra
- “Studying AGN feeding and feedback in the most quenched cool core cluster” [2019], Large Project (420 ks) Chandra
- “Searching for a supermassive black hole pair in the dumbbell BCG of A 3670” [2014], time: 3 h JVLA
- “The mystery of the ’Kite’ radio source in A 2626” [2014], time: 3.5 h JVLA
- “Is there a Binary Black Hole system in the BCG of RBS 797 ?” [2013], time: 18 h EVN
- “Is there a Supermassive Binary Black Hole System in the BCG of RBS 797 ?” [2013], time: 9 h VLBA
- “Investigating AGN feedback in cool cores detected in Hα” [2009-2010], time: 62 ks Chandra + 21 h JVLA
- “Solving the puzzle of the peculiar radio source in the cool core cluster A2626” [2008], time: 19 h VLA
- “Relativistic Plasma and ICM in CF Clusters analyzed through Radio Mini-Halos” [2006], time: 26 h VLA
- “AGN Feedback and Star Formation in the Cooling Flow Cluster RBS 797” [2006], time: 31 ks XMM
Funded Research Projects as Scientific PI :
- NASA: Chandra Cycle 11-12 observing proposals (2009-2010): US$ 63,014
- INAF: Post-doc Fellowship Program 2005: EUR 50,000
- CNR: Agenzia 2000 Young Project : LIRE 15,000,000
- MURST: Young Researcher Project (grant e.f. 1999): LIRE 5,000,000
Conferences :
"SKA Pathfinder Radio Continuum Survey (SPARCS) XII: Pushing Towards the Final Frontier", Bologna (Italy), 6-10 May 2024
"X-ray astronomy 2019", Bologna (Italy), 8-13 September 2019 [LOC member and Chair]
"Views on the Interstellar Medium in galaxies in the ALMA era", Bologna (Italy), 2-6 September 2019
"Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Clusters of Galaxies IV", Sesto (Italy), 8-13 July 2019 [poster]
“Multiphase AGN Feeding & Feedback”, Sesto (Italy), 9-13 July 2018 [invited talk]
"Preparing the science of galaxy clusters & WHIM with Athena", Sesto (Italy), 7-12 January 2018 [invited talk]
“The Broad Impact of Low Frequency Observing”, Bologna (Italy), 19-23 June 2017 [poster]
“CLUSTER1: A view from Italy on galaxy clusters in the 21st century”, Torino (Italy), 27 February – 1 March 2017 [talk]
“Galaxy clusters: physics laboratories and cosmological probes”, Cambridge (UK), 5-9 December 2016 [talk]
“Crossing the Rubicon: the fate of gas flows in galaxies”, Santarcangelo di Romagna (Italy), 5–9 September 2016 [poster]
“Chandra science for the next decade”, Cambridge, MA (USA), 16–19 August 2016 [talk]
“The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges”, Bologna (Italy), 20–23 October 2015 [talk]
“Active Galactic Nuclei 11: Where Black Holes and Galaxies meet”, Trieste (Italy), 23–26 September 2014 [invited review talk]
“Evolving Galaxies in Evolving Environments”, Bologna (Italy), 15–19 September 2014 [poster]
“Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array”, Giardini Naxos (Italy), 8–13 June 2014 [talk]
“Structure in Clusters and Groups of Galaxies in the Chandra Era”, Boston, MA (USA), 12–14 July 2011 [talk]
“IXO Science Meeting”, Paris (France), 27–29 April 2010 [poster]
“Clusters of Galaxies as Cosmic Laboratories”, Cambridge, MA (USA), 14–16 January 2010
“Chandra’s First Decade of Discovery”, Boston, MA (USA), 22–25 September 2009 [talk]
“X-Ray Astronomy 2009”, Bologna (Italy), 7–11 September 2009 [talk]
“The Monster’s Fiery Breath: Feedback in galaxies, groups, and clusters”, Madison, WI (USA), 1–5 June 2009 [talk]
“The Warm & Hot Universe”, New York, NY (USA), 7–9 May 2008 [poster]
“The Suzaku X–Ray Universe”, San Diego, CA (USA), 10–12 December 2007
“Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters: Six Years Later”, Sesto Pusteria (Italy), 25–29 June 2007 [poster]
“Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies”, Garching (Germany), 6–11 August 2006 [talk]
207th AAS Meeting, Washington D.C. (USA), 7–12 January 2006 [poster]
XXIst IAP Colloquium, “Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures”, Paris (France), 4–9 July 2005 [poster]
COSPAR Scientific Assembly, E1.2 “Clusters of Galaxies: New Insights from XMM-Newton, Chandra and INTEGRAL”, Paris (France), 19–20 July 2004 [talk]
“X–ray and Radio Connections”, Santa Fe, NM (USA), 3–6 February 2004 [poster]
IAU General Assembly, JD10 “Evolution in Galaxy Clusters: a multiwavelength approach”, Sydney (Australia), 17–18 July 2003 [talk]
“The Riddle of Cooling Flows in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies”, Charlottesville, VA (USA), 31 May– 4 June 2003 [poster]
“Matter and Energy in Clusters of Galaxies”, Chung-Li (Taiwan), 23–27 April 2002 [poster]
“New Visions of the X-ray Universe in the XMM–Newton and Chandra Era”, ESTEC, Noordwijk (The Netherlands), 26–30 November 2001 [poster]
“Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters”, Sesto Pusteria (Italy), 3–6 July 2001 [poster]
“XIIIe`mes Rencontres de Blois: Frontiers of the Universe”, Blois (France), 17–23 June 2001 [poster]