Moreno Toselli was born in Ferrara on July 8, 1963.
Current position: Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bologna. Teaching and research responsibility.
20 February 1990: Degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Bologna.
19 October 1995: PhD in Fruit tree mineral nutrition at the Department of Horticulture, University of Bologna.
April 1th, 2000: Permanent position (Researcher) at the Department of Horticulture (currently Agricultural Sciences).
1993 - 1998 visiting at the Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, hosted by Prof. J. A. Flore and Prof. R. L. Perry.
June-July 2001: chairman of the committee for graduation at the college school ‘Scarabelli’, Imola.
April-September 2016: chairman of the committee for the evaluation of high school teacher for Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions.
2016 member of the Committee of the evaluation of research quality of the Department of Agricultural Sciences
2016 responsible for the incoming student orientation
Over 175 papers on Italian and peer review Journals, over 85 meeting attendances, including 9 inviting speaker. Over 100 cited papers; H Index of 20 (Scopus) over 1200 citations
Member editorial board AIMS Agriculture and Food (
Area of expertise: tree mineral nutrition, stress physiology, lime-induced iron chlorosis, N in soil, root growth and morphology, agronomic control of disease (pear fire blight and brown spot), sustainable fruit tree management and organic farming, soil Cu contamination, use of agro-industry wastes in fruit tree fertilization
Research responsible:
2010: ‘Use of municipal solid waste in peach fertilization management (Fertil-DPI)’.
2010: ‘Use of agro-industry sludge and poultry manure in a poplar short rotation coppice.
2011-12: 'Produzioni di nicchia: il melograno' nell'ambito del progetto TE-PASS, CIRI Tecnopolo 2011-12: ‘Sustainable management of fruit tree and grapevine in temperate environment’ Association of Italian University for Argentina (CUIA).
2010-13: 'Innovapero: Management and crop innovations for high-quality pear production'.
2013-14: Use of municipal solid waste and charcoal in a pomegranate orchard in the Po river delta.
Agroalimentare di Cesena (Regione Emilia-Romagna).
2013-2014: Use of compost and Biochar in horticulture. Emilia-Romagna Region, GAL project.
2018-2020: Use of recycled matrixes as fertilizer for vegetable organic crops. An approach to the improvement of circular economy of the territory (PSR, Veneto Region).
2018-2019: Development and enhancement of biodynamic agricultural production of Emilia-Romagna Region (PSR Emilia-Romagna Region).
2018-2019: Innovation of walnut industry in Emilia Romagna (PSR Emilia-Romagna Region)
2018-2019: Toward digitalization of fruit production DIGIFRUIT (PSR Emilia-Romagna Region)
2018-2021: Water and nutrient management as a strategy to improve carbon fixation and dry matter partitioning into Gold 3 kiwifruit. Zespri Innovation (Zespri International Limited, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga 3116, New Zealand)
2019-2021: AGRO.BIG.DATA.SCIENCE POR-FESR 14-20 pillar 1, research and innovation - action 1.2.2. CIRI Agro-food, Cesena
Teaching responsibilities:
Arboriculture (6 Credits), Horticulture (4 Credits).
Reviewer of peer review Journals including: Geoderma, Tree Physiology, Scientia Horticulturae, European Journal of Agronomy, Journal Plant Nutrition & Soil Science, Water Air & Soil Pollution, Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, etc.
Extension Activity for Growers associations of Po valley on topics such as: orchard soil, mineral and water management.
Selected Publications
- 1 PONI S., TAGLIAVINI M., NERI D., SCUDELLARI D., TOSELLI M., 1992. Influence of root pruning and water stress on growth and physiological factors of potted apple, grape, peach and pear trees, Scientia Horticulturae, 52: 223-236.
- 2 TAGLIAVINI M., SCUDELLARI D., MARANGONI B., TOSELLI M., 1996. Nitrogen fertilization management in orchards to reconcile productivity and environmental aspects, Fertilizer Research, 43: 93-102.
- 3 TOSELLI M., FLORE J. A., MARANGONI B., MASIA A., 1999. Effect of root-zone temperature on nitrogen accumulation by non-bearing apple trees. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 74(1): 118-124.
- 4 TOSELLI M., FLORE J. A, ZAVALLONI C., MARANGONI B. 2000. Nitrogen partitioning in apple trees as affected by application time. Hort Technology 10(1):6-11.
- 5 TOSELLI M., MARANGONI B., TAGLIAVINI M., 2000. Iron content in vegetative and reproductive organs of nectarine trees in calcareous soils during the development of chlorosis. European Journal of Agronomy, 13(4): 279-286.
- 6 TOSELLI M., THALHEIMER M., TAGLIAVINI M., 2004. Leaf uptake and subsequent partitioning of urea-N as affected by the concentration and volume of spray solution and by the shoot leaf position in apple (Malus domestica) trees. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 79(1):97-100.
- 7 TAGLIAVINI M., TOSELLI M., 2005. Foliar applications of nutrients. In Encyclopaedia of Soils in the Environment (D. Hillel Ed.). Elsevier Ltd., Oxford, U.K. pp. 53-60.
- 8 Marino G. , Marcolini G., Toselli M., 2006. Evaluation of the activity of aqueous extracts of some organic waste materials on in vitro-cultured shoots of ‘M9’ apple rootstock. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81(6):1015-1020.
- 9 TOSELLI M., BALDI E., MARCOLINI G., MALAGUTI D., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G. MARANGONI B., 2008. Response of potted pear trees to increasing copper concentration in sandy and clay-loam soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 31:2089-2104.
- 10 TOSELLI M., BALDI E., MARCOLINI G., MALAGUTI D., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G. MARANGONI B., 2009. Response of potted grapevines to increasing soil copper concentration. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research,15:85-92.
- 11 TOSELLI M., SCHIATTI P., BERTACCHINI A., ARA D., QUARTIERI M., 2009. The accumulation of copper in soils of the Italian region Emilia-Romagna. Plant Soil and Environment, 55(2): 74-79.
- 12 TOSELLI M., BALDI E., SORRENTI G., QUARTIERI M., MARANGONI B., 2010. Evaluation of the effectiveness of soil-applied plant derivatives of Meliaceae species on nitrogen availability to peach trees. Scientia Horticulturae, 124:183-188.
- 13 BALDI E., TOSELLI M., MARCOLINI G., M. QUARTIERI, E. CIRILLO, A. INNOCENTI, MARANGONI B. 2010. Compost can successfully replace mineral fertilizers in the nutrient management of commercial peach orchard. Soil Use and Management, 26(3): 346-353.
- 14 BALDI E., TOSELLI M., MARANGONI B., EISSENSTAT D., 2010. Organic fertilization leads to increased peach root production and lifespan: the role of soil nitrate. Tree Physiology, 30(11):1373-1382.
- 15 BALDI E., TOSELLI M., MARANGONI B., 2010. Nutrient partitioning in potted peach (Prunus persica L. ) trees supplied with mineral and organic fertilizers. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 33:2050-2061.
- 16 TOSELLI M., PERRY R. L., FLORE J. A., 2011. Evaluation of nitrate-N leaching from lysimeter-grown bearing apple trees. Soil Science, 176: 280-287.
- 17 SORRENTI G. TOSELLI M., MARANGONI B., 2011 Effectiveness of Amaranthus retroflexus Aqueous Extract in Preventing Iron Chlorosis of Pear Trees (Pyrus communis). Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 57:813-822.
- 18 SORRENTI G. TOSELLI M. MARANGONI M., 2012. Use of compost to manage Fe nutrition of pear trees grown in calcareous soil. Scientia Horticulturae, 136:87-94.
- 19 BRAVO K., TOSELLI M., BALDI E., MARCOLINI G., SORRENTI G., QUARTIERI M., MARANGONI M., 2012. Effect of organic fertilization on carbon assimilation and partitioning in bearing nectarine trees. Scientia Horticulturae, 137: 100-106.
- 20 TOSELLI M., SORRENTI G., QUARTIERI M., BALDI E., MARCOLINI G., SOLIERI D., MARANGONI B., COLLINA M., 2012. Use of soil- and foliar-applied calcium chloride to reduce pear susceptibility to brown spot (Stemphylium vesicarium). Journal of Plant Nutrition, 12:1819-1829. Taylor & Francis Online at: .
- 21 BALDI E., TOSELLI M., 2013. Root growth and survivorship in cow manure and compost amended soils. Plant Soil and Environment, 59:174-179.
- 22 GÓMEZ-CARAVACA, A. M., VERARDO V., TOSELLI M., SEGURA-CARRETERO A., FERNANDEZ-GUTIERREZ A., CABONI M., 2013. Determination of the major phenolic compounds in pomegranate juices by HPLC-DAD-ESI- MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61: 5328-5337.
- 23 DI NUNZIO M., TOSELLI M., VERARDO V., CABONI M., BORDONI A., 2013 Counteraction of oxidative damage by pomegranate juice: influence of the cultivar. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93: 3565-3573 doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6234.
- 24 BALDI E., TOSELLI M., 2014. Mineralization dynamics of different commercial organic fertilizers from agro-industry organic waste recycling:an incubation experiment. Plant Soil Environ., 60(3): 93–99.
- 25 TOSELLI M., LOMBARDINI L., FLORE J. A., MARCOLINI G., 2014. Leaf assimilation, carbon translocation and root respiration in ‘Budagovski 9’ apple cuttings grown in low soil moisture condition. European Journal of Horticultural Science. 79(5): 241-247.
- 26 BALDI E., MARCOLINI G., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., TOSELLI M., 2014. Effect of organic fertilization on nutrient concentration and accumulation in nectarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) trees: the effect of rate of application. Scientia Horticulturae, 179: 174-179. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2014.09.029.
- 27 BRAVO K., BALDI E., MARCOLINI G., SORRENTI G., CELLINI A., QUARTIERI M., TOSELLI M., 2015. Response of hybrid peach x almond GF677 rootstock to increasing rate of soil-applied mineral and organic nitrogen. Compost Science & Utilization, 23(1): 18-29. (DOI:10.1080/1065657X.2014.941516 Published online: 07 Nov 2014).
- 28 BALDI E., LAZZERI L., MALAGUTI L., TOSELLI M. 2015. Evaluation of the biocidal effects of Brassica seed meal on Armillaria mellea. Annals of Applied Biology, 167(3): 364-372. DOI: 10.1111/aab.12233.
- 29 BRUNETTO G., WELLINGTON BASTOS De MELO G., TOSELLI M., QUARTIERI M., TAGLIAVINI M., 2015. The role of mineral nutrition on yields and fruit quality in grapevine, pear and apple – (Nutrição mineral, produtividade e composição de frutos de frutíferas de clima temperado: videira, pereira e macieira). Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 37 (4) 1089 – 1104. WOS:000373930500031
- 30 BALDI E., AMADEI P., PELLICONI F. TOSELLI M. 2016. Use of Trichoderma spp. and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to increase soil beneficial population of bacteria in a nectarine commercial orchard: effect on root growth, nutrient acquisition and replanting disease. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39, (8): 1147–1155 (DOI: 10.1080/ 01904167.2015.1109111).
- 31 QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., BALDI E., MARCOLINI G., TOSELLI M., 2016. Effect of agro-industry by-product on soil fertility, tree performances and fruit quality in pear (Pyrus communis L.). AIMS Agriculture and Food, 1(1): [] 20-32. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2016.1.20 [] .
- 32 MARCOLINI G., TOSELLI M., QUARTIERI M., GIOACCHINI P., BALDI E., SORRENTI G., MARIANI S., 2016. Nitrogen and carbon mineralisation of different Meliaceae derivatives. Plant Soil Environ., 62(3): 122-127. doi 10.17221/637/2015-PSE. WOS:000372584500004
- 33 OLIVEIRA B.S., AMBROSINI V.G., TRAPP T., DOS SANTOS M.A., SETE P.B., LOVATO P.E., LOSS A., COMIN J.J., LOURENZI C.R., DA ROSA COUTO R., TOSELLI M., BRUNETTO G., 2016. Nutrition, productivity and soil chemical properties in an apple orchard under weed management. Nutrient Cycling in the Agroecosystem, 104:247-258. DOI 10.1007/s10705-016-9769-y. WOS:000371641900009
- 34 SORRENTI G., MASIELLO C., TOSELLI M., 2016. Biochar interferes with Fe nutrition in kiwifruit in calcareous soil. Geoderma, 272: 10-19. WOS:000374077500002
- 35 BALDI E., MARCOLINI G., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., TOSELLI M., 2016. Organic fertilization in nectarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) orchard combines nutrient management and pollution impact. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 105: 39:50. DOI 10.1007/s10705-016-9772-3. WOS:000374251500003.
- 36 SORRENTI G., VENTURA M., TOSELLI. M. 2016. Effect of biochar on nutrient retention and nectarine tree performance: A three-year field trial. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 179(2): 1–11. DOI 10.1002/jpln.201500497
- 37 SORRENTI G., TOSELLI. M. 2016. Soil leaching as affected by the amendment with biochar and compost. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 226: 56-64.
- 38 SORRENTI G., MASIELLO C., DUGAN B., TOSELLI M., 2016. Biochar physico-chemical properties as affected by environmental exposure. Science of the Total Environment 563–564 (2016) 237–246.
- 39 SORRENTI G., SALVI S., QUARTIERI M., TOSELLI M., 2016. Nutrient removal by apple, pear and cherry nursery trees. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 11DOI:
- 40 BRAVO K., MARCOLINI G., SORRENTI G., BALDI E., QUARTIERI M., TOSELLI M., 2017. Effect of time of application on nitrogen uptake, partitioning, and remobilization in walnut trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 40 (5): 719–725 (on line):
- 41 SORRENTI G., BURIANI G., GAGGIA F., BAFFONI L., SPINELLI F., DI GIOIA D., TOSELLI M., 2017. Soil CO2 emission partitioning, bacterial community profile and gene expression of Nitrosomonas spp. and Nitrobacter spp. of a sandy soil amended with biochar and compost. Applied Soil Ecology, 112: 79-89.
- 42 TOSELLI M., MARCOLINI G., BALDI E., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., MUZZI E., INNOCENTI A, DAL RE L., 2017. Agro-industry sludge as a potential organic fertilizer for a prompt nitrogen release. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(9):999-1007. .
- 43 BALDI E., COLUCCI E., GIOACCHINI P., VALENTINI G., ALLEGRO G., PASTORE C., FILIPPETTI I., TOSELLI M., 2017 Effect of post-bloom foliar nitrogen application on vines under two level of soil fertilization in increasing bud fertility of Trebbiano Romagnolo (Vitis vinifera) vine. Scientia Horticulturae, 218:117-124.
- 44 MIOTTO A., CERETTA C. A., GIROTTO E., TRENTIN G., KAMINSKI J., DE CONTI L., TOSELLI M., BALDI E., BRUNETTO G., 2017. Copper accumulation and availability in sandy, acid, vineyard soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(10):1167-1183.
- 45 BRUNETTO G., FERREIRA A., ADEMAR P., WELLINGTON BASTOS de MELO G., CERETTA C. A., TOSELLI M., 2017. Heavy metals in vineyards and orchard soils. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 39(2): 2- 10.1590/0100-29452017263 WOS:000404762500001
- 46 BALDI E., MIOTTO A., CERETTA C. A., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., BRUNETTO G. TOSELLI M., 2018. Soil-applied phosphorous is an effective tool to mitigate the toxicity of copper excess on grapevine grown in rhizobox. Scientia Horticulturae, 227:102-111.
- 47 BALDI E., MARINO G., TOSELLI M., MARZADORI C., CIAVATTA C., TAVONI M., Di GIOSIA M., CALVARESI M., FALINI G., ZERBETTO F., 2018. Delivery systems for agriculture: Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3 hybrid crystals as adjuvants for prevention of iron chlorosis. Chemical Communications 54(13): 1635-1638.
- 48 BALDI E., CAVANI L., MARGON A., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., MARZADORI C., TOSELLI M., 2018 Effect of compost application on the dynamics of carbon in a nectarine orchard ecosystem, Science of the Total Environment, 637–638: 918–925.
- 49 AMBROSINI V.G, ROSA D.J., BASTOS DE MELO G.W., ZALAMENA J., CELLA C., SIMAO D.G., SOUZA DA SILVA L., PESSOA DOS SANTOS H., TOSELLI M., TIECHER T.L., BRUNETTO G., 2018. High copper content in vineyard soils promotes modifications in photosynthetic parameters and morphological changes in the root system of 'Red Niagara' plantlets,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 128: 89-98.
- 50 BALDI E., MIOTTO A., CERETTA C. A., BRUNETTO G., MUZZI, E., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., TOSELLI M., 2018. Soil application of P can mitigate the copper toxicity in grapevine: Physiological implications, Scientia Horticulturae, 238: 400–407.
- 51 BALDI E., MARINO G., MUZZI E., MARZADORI C., CIAVATTA C., TAVONI M., Di GIOSIA M., CALVARESI M., FALINI G., ZERBETTO F., TOSELLI M., 2019 Effectiveness of synthetic calcite doped with Fe-EDDHSA as a slow-release Fe source: In-vitro experiment on kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa) plants. AIMS Agriculture and Food, Volume:4Issue:1Pages:127-135. DOI: 10.3934/agrfood.2019.1.127
- 52 TRENTIN E, BASSO FACCO D, HAMMERSCHMITT RK, FERREIRA PAA, MORSCH L, BELLES SW, RICACHENEVSKY FK, NICOLOSO FT, CERETTA CA, TIECHER TL, PELIGRINOTTI TAROUCO C, PASQUETTI BERGHETTI AL, TOSELLI M, BRUNETTO G, 2019. Potential of vermicompost and limestone in reducing copper toxicity in young grapevines grown in Cu-contaminated vineyard soil. Chemosphere 226: 421-430. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.03.141
- 53 TOSELLI M, BALDI E, CAVANI L, MAZZON M, QUARTIERI M, SORRENTI G, MARZADORI C, 2019. Soil-plant nitrogen pools in nectarine orchard in response to long-term compost application. Science of the Total Environment, 671: 10–18.
- 54 CIAVATTA C, CENTEMERO M, TOSELLI M, ZACCONE C, SENESI N. 2019. Compost Production, Analysis and Applications in Agriculture. In: Yang Y, Keiluweit M, Senesi N, Xing B, ‘Multi-Scale Biogeochemical Processes in Soil Ecosystems - Critical Reactions and Resilience to Climate Changes’ John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, ISBN 1119480345, 9781119480341. 512 pagine
- 55 QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., CIRIANI A., BALDI E., COLLINA M., TOSELLI M., 2019. Combining quince (Cydonia oblonga) rootstock with soil-applied calcium chloride solution as a strategy to control brown spot (Stemphylium vesicarium) incidence in Abbe Fetel pear fruits. AIMS Agriculture and Food, Food, 4(2): 414–428. DOI: 10.3934/agrfood.2019.2.414
- 56 SETE P. COMIN, WELLINGTON, TOSELLI, BRUNETTO ECC., 2019. Effect of peach orchard cover crop management on soil chemical composition, tree nutritional status, and fruit yield in subtropical climate, Ciência Rural, in press
- 57 MARZOCCHI S., BALDI E., CRUCITTI M.C., TOSELLI M., CABONI M.F., 2019. Effect of Harvesting Time on Volatile Compounds Composition of Bergamot (Citrus × Bergamia) Essential Oil. Flavour Fragr J. 2019;00:1–10. DOI: 10.1002/ffj.3520
- 58 SORRENTI G., MUZZI E., TOSELLI M. 2019.Root growth dynamic and plant performance of nectarine trees amended with biochar and compost. Scientia Horticulture, 257: in stampa DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2019.108710
- 59 SETE P.B., COMIN J.J., CIOTTA M.N., SALUME J.A., THEWES F., BRACKMANN A., TOSELLI M., NAVA G., ROZANE D.E.,LOSS A., LOURENZI C.R , COUTO R.R., BRUNETTO G., 2019. Nitrogen fertilization affects yield and fruit quality in pear. Scientia Horticulturae, 258: in stampa
- 60 TOSELLI M, BALDI E, CAVANI L, SORRENTI G, 2019. Nutrient management in fruit crops: An organic way. In ‘Fruit crops. Diagnosis and management of nutrient constraints’. Srivastava A.K. and Cheng xiao Hu (Eds.)pp. 379-392. Elsevier Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 61 BICALHO Da SILVA I.C., RAMOS MARQUES A.C., FERREIRA QUADROS F., SANS G.A., MARQUES SOARES V., De CONTI L., CERETTA C.A., AVELAR FERREIRA P.A., TOSELLI M., BRUNETTO G., 2020. Spatial variation of herbaceous cover species community in Cu-contaminated vineyards in Pampa biome. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
1BALDI E, QUARTIERI M, MUZZI E, NOFERINI M, TOSELLI M, 2020. Use of in situ soil solution electric conductivity to evaluate mineral N in commercial orchards: Preliminary results. Horticulturae 2020, 6, 39; doi:10.3390/Horticulturae6030039
- ROZANE D. E., VAHL de PAULA B., BASTOS de MELO G. W., HAITZMANN dos SANTOS E. M., TRENTIN E., MARCHEZAN C., OLIVEIRA STEFANELLO da SILVA L., TASSINARI A., DOTTO L., NUNES de OLIVEIRA F., NATALE W., BALDI E., TOSELLI M., BRUNETTO G., 2020. Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis (CND) applied to grapevines grown in subtropical climate region. Horticulturae 2020, 6, 56; doi:10.3390/horticulturae6030056
- SORRENNTI G., TOSELLI M, 2020. Post-harvest foliar-applied Fe(II)-sulfate promotes Fe nutrition of pear trees grown in calcareous soil. Journal Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2020.1798998.
- BALDI E., CAVANI L, MAZZON M, MARZADORI C, QUARTIERI M, TOSELLI M, 2020. Fourteen years of compost application in a commercial nectarine orchard: effect on microelements and potential harmful elements in soil and plants, Science of the Total Environment,
- PERAZZOLI B.E., PAULETTI V., QUARTIERI M., TOSELLI M, GOTZ L.F., 2020. Changes in leaf nutrient content and quality of pear fruits by biofertilizer application in northeastern Italy. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 42, 1 DOI: /10.1590/0100-29452020530.
- MEDICI M, CANAVARI M, TOSELLI M, 2020. Interpreting environmental impacts resulting from fruit cultivation in a business innovation perspective. Sustainability - ISSN:2071-1050 vol. 12 (23) DOI:10.3390/su12239793. pp.1-14.
- VAHL De PAULA B., BATICINI VITTO B., SETE P.B., TRAPP T., ZALAMENA J., BASTOS De MELO G.W., BALDI E., TOSELLI M. ROZANE D.E., BRUNETTO B., 2021 Annual and residual urea nitrogen contribution to the nutrition of peach trees (Prunus persica L.) grown under subtropical climate. Scientia Horticulturae, 284, 110099
- BALDI E., GIOACCHINI P., MONTECCHIO D., MOCALI S., ANTONIELLI L., MASOERO G., TOSELLI M., 2021. Effect of biofertilizers application on soil biodiversity and litter degradation in a commercial apricot orchard. Agronomy, 11, 1116.
- BALDI E., BRAVO K., FLORE J.A. TOSELLI M., 2021. Organic fertilization affects carbon assimilation and partitioning of nonbearing potted strawberry plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2021.1936022:
- TASSINARI A., OLIVEIRA STEFANELLO da SILVA L., DRESCHER G.L., ASSIS de OLIVEIRA R., BALDI E., BASTOS de MELO G.W., ZALAMENA J., MAYER N.A., GIACOMINI S.J., de ABREU FERNANDES CARRANCA C.L., AVELAR FERREIRA P. A., VAHL de PAULA B., LOSS A., TOSELLI M., BRUNETTO G., 2021. Contribution of cover crop residue decomposition to peach tree nitrogen nutrition. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,
- FOGLIARINI PARCIANELLO C., PASQUETTI BERGHETTI A.L., MACHADO ARAUJO M., SANS G.A., MARQUES SOARES V., VIERA TRINDADE de OLIVEIRA V., WILLE ALVES V., OLIVEIRA STEFANELLO L., SEVERO de SOUZA KULMANN M., TOSELLI M., BALDI E., BRUNETTO G. 2021. Root system morphology of ipê-roxo tree grown in soil subjected to phosphorus application in subtropical climate region. Agronomy, 11(8), 1563;
- SCIUBBA L., MAZZON M, CAVANI L, BALDI E., TOSELLI M, CIAVATTA C., MARZADORI C, 2021. Soil response to agricultural land abandonment: A case study of a vineyard in northern Italy. Agronomy: 11, 1841.
- FARIAS BARRETO C., CORREA ANTUNES L.E., TOSELLI M., BALDI E., SORRENTI G., QUARTIERI M., 2021. Organic fertilization and crop load in yield and quality of organic nectarines in Italy. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 43, n. 5. DOI: /10.1590/0100-29452021016
- MARCOLINI G., GIOACCHINI P., QUARTIERI M., BALDI E., SORRENTI G., TOSELLI M. 2021. Evaluation of plant derivatives of Meliaceae family as a source of nitrogen for trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition
- BALDI E., TOSELLI M., 2021. Organic Fertilization of Fruit Trees as an Alternative to Mineral Fertilizers: Effect on Plant Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality. In ‘D. K. Gupta, J. M. Palma (eds.), Plant Growth and Stress Physiology, Plant in Challenging Environments 3, . Pag.:129-150.
- MARCOLINI G., TOSELLI M., GIOACCHINI P., CIAVATTA C., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., MONTECCHIO D., BALDI E., 2021. Evolution of CO2-C induced by plant-derived carbon soil input: evaluation of the priming effect promoted by Meliaceae by-products. Applied Soil Ecology,
- BALDI E., QUARTIERI M., SORRENTI G., TOSELLI M., 2021. Evaluation of nutrients removed and recycled in a commercial peach orchard over a 14-years-production cycle. Italus Hortus, 28: 1-12 doi: 10.26353/j.itahort/2021.3.0112.
- PIVOTTO PAVANELLO E., BRACKMANN A., GUIMARAES SIMAO D., SANTOS de OLIVEIRA J. M., BOTH V., MALLMANN WENDT L., SORRENTI G., VAHL de PAULA B., TOSELLI M., BRUNETTO G., 2022. Effect of foliar-applied silicon sources on brown rot (Monilinia fructicola). Crop Protection, 156, 105928
- CIAVATTA C, CENTEMERO M, TOSELLI M, ZACCONE C, SENESI N. 2022. Compost Production, Analysis and Applications in Agriculture. In: Yang Y, Keiluweit M, Senesi N, Xing B, ‘Multi-Scale Biogeochemical Processes in Soil Ecosystems - Critical Reactions and Resilience to Climate Changes’ John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, ISBN 1119480345, 9781119480341. 512 pagine.
- GERMANI M.A., ELSYSY M.A., TOSELLI M., ROTHWELL N., GHORAB M.A., BEAUDRY R., EINHORN T.C, 2022. Ethylene emission and abscission of immature ‘Montmorency’ sour cherry fruitlets vary with ethephon concentration, phenology stage and ambient temperatures following application. Plant Growth Regulation.
- BALDI E., POLIDORI G. [], GERMANI M. [] A., LAROCCA G. N. [], MAZZON M. [], ALLEGRO G. [], PASTORE C. [], QUARTIERI M. [], MARZADORI C. [], FILIPPETTI I. [], CIAVATTA C. [], TOSELLI M. [], 2022. Fertilizer Potential of Organic-Based Soil Amendments on cv. Sangiovese (V. vinifera L.) Vines: Preliminary Results. Agronomy, 12(7),1604.
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