Foto del docente

Monica Palmirani

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Law, Science and Technology


Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.

Second cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Application of Text Mining Techniques for the Analysis of Hate Speech in Public Online Consultations A Natural Language Processing Analysis for the Creation of Supporing Tools for Citizenship and Policymakers in Understanding and Counteracting Hate Speech on E-participatory Platforms
  • Hate Speech Dashboard for Local Communities
  • Legal Drafting assistito da tecniche di text mining. Il caso di LEOS presso la Commissione Europea.

Single cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • "The Over-indebtedness Italian Legislation Through the “Layout” of Legal Design: a Case Study From Sicily"
  • Analisi degli AI ACT: Una comparazione tra UE, UK E USA
  • metaverso e cybersecurity. concetti, tecnologie, sfide.
  • Metaverso, privacy e AI: La necessità di un equilibrio normativo alle frontiere del nuovo mondo virtuale