Fabbri, Marco*; Frisoni, Matteo; Martoni, Monica; Tonetti, Lorenzo; Natale, Vincenzo, Influence of time-of-day on joint Navon effect, «COGNITIVE PROCESSING», 2018, 19, pp. 27 - 40 [Scientific article]
Correa, Angel; Ruiz-Herrera, Noelia; Ruz, Maria; Tonetti, Lorenzo; Martoni, Monica; Fabbri, Marco; Natale, Vincenzo, Economic decision-making in morning/evening-type people as a function of time of day, «CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL», 2017, 34, pp. 139 - 147 [Scientific article]
Carissimi, Alicia; Adan, Ana; Tonetti, Lorenzo; Fabbri, Marco; Hidalgo, Maria Paz; Levandovski, Rosa; Natale, Vincenzo; Martoni, Monica, Physical self-efficacy is associated to body mass index in schoolchildren, «JORNAL DE PEDIATRIA», 2017, 93, pp. 64 - 69 [Scientific article]Open Access
Tonetti, Lorenzo; Martoni, Monica; Fabbri, Marco; Rafanelli, Chiara; Roncuzzi, Renzo; Dondi, Paola; Natale, Vincenzo, Serial vs. parallel approach to screen sleep disorders: an exploratory study, «BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH», 2017, 48, pp. 815 - 830 [Scientific article]
Fabbri, Marco; Frisoni, Matteo; Martoni, Monica; Tonetti, Lorenzo; Natale, Vincenzo, Synchrony effect on joint attention, «EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2017, 235, pp. 2449 - 2462 [Scientific article]
Mattarozzi, Katia; Sfrisi, Fiamma; Caniglia, Filippo; Palma, Alessandra De; Martoni, Monica, What patients' complaints and praise tell the health practitioner: Implications for health care quality. A qualitative research study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE», 2017, 29, Article number: mzw138 , pp. 83 - 89 [Scientific article]
Russo, P. M.; Mattarozzi, K.; Mazzetti, M.; Martoni, M., Sleep related problems and academic performance in medical students., in: Journal of Sleep Research, 2016, pp. 374 - 374 (atti di: 23rd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Bologna, ITALY, 13–16 September 2016) [Abstract]
Tonetti L.; Fabbri M.; Erbacci A.; Filardi M.; Martoni M.; Natale V., Effects of dawn simulation on attentional performance in adolescents, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY», 2015, 115, pp. 579 - 587 [Scientific article]
Fabbri M.; Tonetti L.; Martoni M.; Natale V., Remember to Do: Insomnia Versus Control Groups in a Prospective Memory Task, «BEHAVIORAL SLEEP MEDICINE», 2015, 13, pp. 231 - 240 [Scientific article]
Natale V.; Léger D.; Bayon V.; Erbacci A.; Tonetti L.; Fabbri M.; Martoni M., The Consensus Sleep Diary:Quantitative Criteria
for Primary Insomnia Diagnosis, «PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE», 2015, 77, pp. 413 - 418 [Scientific article]
Tonetti L.; Fabbri M.; Erbacci A.; Martoni M.; Natale V., Association between seasonal affective disorder and subjective quality of the sleep/wake cycle in adolescents, «PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH», 2014, 215, pp. 624 - 627 [Scientific article]
Cellini, Nicola; Fabbri, Marco; Martoni, Monica; Tonetti, Lorenzo; Natale, Vincenzo, Discontinuity in the Perception of Sub-second Intervals, in: International Conference on Timing and Time Perception, 31 March – 3 April 2014, Corfu, Greece, «PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES», 2014, 126, pp. 222 - 223 (atti di: International Conference on Timing and Time Perception, Corfù, Grecia, 31 Marzo – 3 Aprile 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Natale V.; Fabbri M.; Tonetti L.; Martoni M., Psychometric goodness of the Mini Sleep Questionnaire, «PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES», 2014, 68, pp. 568 - 573 [Scientific article]
Tonetti L.; Fabbri M.; Martoni M.; Anderlucci L.; Filardi M.; Natale V., Relationship between sleep time preference of adolescents and their
parents, «BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH», 2014, 45, pp. 875 - 884 [Scientific article]
Fabbri M.; Tonetti L.; Martoni M.; Natale V., Sleep and prospective memory, «BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH», 2014, 45, pp. 115 - 120 [Scientific article]