Foto del docente

Michele Protti

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: CHEM-07/A Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Current position: Senior Assistant Professor at the Research Group of Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis (PTA Lab) of the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.

Since October 2022: Senior Assistant Professor, SSD CHIM/08 (Medicinal Chemistry) with a project entitled “Design, development and validation of innovative microsampling and miniaturized pretreatment methods applied to complex biological matrices for pharmaco-toxicological analysis and therapeutic drug monitoring” at the research group of Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis (PTA Lab) Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.

March 2020 - October 2022: Junior Assistant Professor, SSD CHIM/08 (Medicinal Chemistry) with a project entitled "Miniaturised sampling and pretreatment coupled with LC-MS/MS for the analysis of drugs, metabolites and biomarkers related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases" funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research within the funding Research Projects of Relevant National Interest (PRIN) - 2017  on the project "Linking tryptophan catabolism to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : from pathogenesis to drug treatment"(20173EAZ2Z). Scientific Coordinator of the Operative Unit: Prof. Laura Mercolini

August 2017 - February 2020: Research fellowship holder within a project titled "Miniaturized strategies for sampling, pretreatment and bioanalysis of psychoactive compounds, metabolites and use/abuse markers" funded by the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), University of Bologna and the Italian Ministry of Health, Project RF 2011-2012 "Alcohol abuse and workplace: development of an integrated protocol based on screening questionnaires and new methods of biosampling and analysis. Application to healthcare professionals according to Italian legislation" (U.O.2 Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Laura Mercolini).

May 2015 - May 2017: Research fellowship holder, project "Innovative sampling and analysis strategies for an effective doping control". Funding: Italian Ministry of Health - Committee for the supervision and control of doping and for health protection in sport activities within the “Program for research and training / information on substances and medical practices used for doping and for health protection in sports activities”. (Project Principal Investigator: Dr. Laura Mercolini).

January 2013 – April 2016: Ph.D. Student in Chemistry (XXVIII cycle, Pharmaceutical/Analytical chemistry curriculum) at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Sport Science, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, under the supervision of Dr. Laura Mercolini.

June 2015 - October 2015: Visiting Ph.D. student at Prof. PharmDr. Lucie Nováková's research group, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University in Prague.

February 2012 – December 2014: Research Fellowship holder within a Research Project titled “Chemical-toxicological studies for the characterization of industrial materials”, funded by POR-FESR funds and Uni.Rimini Spa, at the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research - Advanced Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Technology (CIRI-MAM) of Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.

2005-2011: Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Thesis title: “Fast LC-MS/MS for the monitoring in hair of chronic cannabinoids consumption”.



34 peer-reviewed publications, 3 book chapters, more than 120 scientific contributions to national and international conferences.



  • American Chemical Society (ACS), Division of Medicinal Chemistry
  • American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS)
  • European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC)
  • Gruppo Tossicologi Forensi Italiani (GTFI);
  • Italian Chemical Society (SCI), Medicinal Chemistry Division (also member of its Pharmaceutical Analysis Intradivisional Group)
  • Italian Society of Toxicology (SITox)



2019: Winner of a Travel Grant for the participation to the International Partnership for Clean Competition - PCC 2019, 16-18 April 2019, King's College, London (UK).

2018: The artwork for the scientific article Enantioseparation and determination of asenapine in biological fluid micromatrices by HPLC with diode array detection [M. Protti, A. Vignali, T. Sanchez Blanco, J. Rudge, F. Bugamelli, A. Ferranti, R. Mandrioli, L. Mercolini, J Sep Sci 2018, 41, 1257–1265] is selected as the Front Cover of Issue 6 , Volume 41, of the Journal of Separation Science.

2018: Winner of the prize for best poster presentation, Caparica Conference on Sample Treatment, 3-6 December 2018, Caparica (Portugal).

2018: Winner of the prize for best poster presentation, International Congress Chimia2018 - New trends in applied chemistry, 24-26 May 2018, Constanta (Romania).

2018: Winner of the prize for best poster presentation, European Bioanalysis Forum - Young Chemists Symposium (EBF-4th YSS) International Congress, 15-16 March 2018, Ghent (Belgium).

2013: Winner of the Profutura research prize for the best study in the field of pathologies of the elderly, entitled "Between food and drugs: nutraceuticals for the prevention of diseases of old age and for a better quality of life".



Guest Editor for the scientific journal “Separations”, Special Issue Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of Bioactive Compounds (2020).

Guest Editor for the scientific journal “Molecules”, Special Issue Bioanalysis and Biological Matrix Sampling (gennaio 2020).

Collaboration as peer reviewer for scientific journals with impact factor: “Analytica Chimica Acta”, "Analytical Chemistry", “Arabian Journal of Chemistry”, “Archives of Medical Science”, “Chemistry Papers”, “Chromatographia”, “Current Pharmaceutical Analysis”, “Journal of Chromatography B”, “Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine”, “Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis”, “Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology”, “Molecules”, “Separations”.