Michele Costa, A gender inequality assessment by means of the Gini index decomposition, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2018, Pearson, 2018, pp. 1257 - 1262 (atti di: 49th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Palermo, 20-22 June 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. COSTA, Financial variables analysis by inequality decomposition, in: STUDIES IN THEORETICAL AND APPLIED STATISTICS, BERLIN, SPRINGER, 2018, pp. 301 - 308 [Chapter or essay]
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «STATISTICA»
Michele Costa, The evaluation of the inequality between population subgroups, in: SIS 2017. Statistics and data science: new challenges, new generations., Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2017, pp. 313 - 318 (atti di: SIS 2017. Statistics and data science: new challenges, new generations., Firenze, 28-30 giugno 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Costa, M., Inequality decomposition for financial variables evaluation, in: Proceedings of the 48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, 2016, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Societiy, Salerno, 8-10 giugno 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Costa, Michele, Overlapping component and inequality decomposition: A simulation study for the Gini index, «METRON», 2016, 74, pp. 193 - 205 [Scientific article]
Costa, Michele; DE ANGELIS, Luca, A dynamic latent model for poverty measurement, «COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. THEORY AND METHODS», 2015, 44, pp. 5037 - 5048 [Scientific article]
Costa, Michele, Overlapping component and inequality decomposition: a simulation study for the Gini index, in: Statistics and Demography: the Legacy of Corrado Gini, CLEUP, 2015, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: Statistics and Demography: the Legacy of Corrado Gini, Treviso, 9-11 september 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Giuseppe Cavaliere; Michele Costa; Luca De Angelis, Investigating stock market behavior using a multivariate Markov-switching approach, in: Advances in Latent Variables, Berlin, Springer, 2014, pp. 185 - 196 (STUDIES IN THEORETICAL AND APPLIED STATISTICS) [Chapter or essay]
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «STATISTICA»
Giuseppe Cavaliere; Michele Costa; Luca De Angelis, Investigating stock market behavior using a multivariate Markov-switching approach, in: Advances in Latent Variables, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2013, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: SIS 2013 Statistical Conference Advances in Latent Variables - Methods, Models and Applications, Brescia, 19-21/06/2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «STATISTICA»
M. Costa; L. De Angelis, A permutation based procedure for classification assessment, «COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. THEORY AND METHODS», 2012, 41, pp. 3126 - 3137 [Scientific article]
M. Costa; L. De Angelis; L.J. Paas, Interdependence and contagion in international stock markets: A latent Markov model approach, in: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2012, pp. 131 - 138 [Chapter or essay]
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «STATISTICA»