Foto del docente

Michele Costa

Full Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: STAT-01/A Statistics

Short Bio

Michele Costa has been a full professor of statistics at the University of Bologna since 2004, where he teaches Statistical Methods for Financial Markets and Statistics.

His research activities are primarily focused on measuring inequality (with particular reference to the Gini index and its decomposition), studying cooperative enterprises, statistical analysis of tourism, and analyzing latent variables in financial markets (with a particular emphasis on risk measurement). He has (co)-authored over 100 research papers in a wide range of areas in statistics and applied statistics. He received a master’s degree in statistics and economics with honors from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1988.

From 2023 to 2026, he is a member of the University of Bologna's Quality Assurance Board (Presidio della Qualità di Ateneo);

From 2021 to 2023, he serves as the President of the School of Economics and Management at the University of Bologna;

From 2018 to 2023, he holds the position of Vice President of the Bologna branch of the School of Economics and Management at the University of Bologna.

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+39 051 20 9 2683

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Piazza Scaravilli 2, Bologna - Go to map

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In presence (Room 213, 2nd floor, Piazza Scaravilli 2, BO) or online using teams, Monday 9-11 and Thursday 14-16, by appointment. 
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