Foto del docente

Michele Caputo

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PAED-01/A General and Social Pedagogy

Curriculum vitae

Born in Augusta (Syracuse) on 6th January 1961, Michele Caputo graduated in Philosophy from the University of Catania (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) on 10th November 1986. On 28th June 1994 he was then awarded a doctoral degree (PhD) in Pedagogy (VI cycle) from University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) - with a dissertation on the integration of Maghreb population into the French school system.

Between 1987 and 2005, he taught humanistic subjects in primary and secondary schools.

On 1st September 1992 he was officially authorisedfor the A057 class, following the successful completion of the relevant open competitive exam for state level employment (ord. D.M. 23.3.1990). From 1992 to 2000, he taught Italian, History, Geography and Civil Education in several secondary and high schools.

Upon successful completion of the relevant restricted competitive exam (OM 153/99 CM 111/99), he was authorised to teach A037 classes, and then nominated Philosophy and History teacher at the “V. Bachelet†Scientific Gymnasium (Oggiono, Italy) in 2000/2001.

Since 1st March 2005 he has been working as a Researcher (confirmed in 2008) within the Faculty of Sciences of Formation at the University of Bologna - disciplinary sector M Ped01, General and Social Pedagogy. He is currently (academic year 2012/13) assigned to the University of Bologna's department of visual, performing, and media Arts.

From 2005/06 through 2011/12 he delivered lectures on a number of General and Social Pedagogy subjects (Family Pedagogy, Epistemology of sciences of education, Social Education) for several degree courses within the Faculty of Sciences of Formation. From 2005/06 to 2008/09 he also taught Laboratory of Science Education Didactics (class A036) in the Bologna-based “Scuola regionale interateneo di Specializzazione per l'Insegnamento secondario†(SSIS).

Additionally, in 2009/10 and 2010/11 he taught General Didactics within the University of Bologna's faculty of Humanities and Philosophy.

He is affiliated with the SIRD (Società Italiana di Ricerca Didattica) and CIRPED (Centro Italiano Ricerca Pedagogica), board member of the SIPED (Società Italiana di Pedagogia) and from 2010 to 2013 also editor of the scientific journal "Education Today".


Michele Caputo's research activity started from a pedagogical/theoretical background - developed within the school of Gino Corallo, on whose perspective he later returned at different times (Il “sapere pedagogico†in Gino Corallo: fondamenti epistemologici e problemi teoretici, 2005; Gino Corallo e "Orientamenti Pedagogici, 2012). He has then moved along a path of educational research characterized by social and anthropological openings and interests - which mainly focused on interculturalism and its consequences on education and didactics, particularly in the Francophone cultural environment (La pedagogia interculturale in Francia: paradigmi interpretativi e modelli di ricerca, 1996; Immigrati nella scuola: problemi pedagogici e linee di intervento, 1996; and above all the volume Scuola laica e identità minoritarie. La via francese all'interculturalità, 1998). From 1995 to 1997 he worked within an intercollegiate research team headed by Professor Elio Damiano and focused on intercultural teaching material in Europe. The outcome of such a research effort was a study on the intercultural curricula used in the European Francophone area (Pedagogia nazionale e universalismo laico: le pratiche interculturali nella scuola francese, 1999) and an overview of the research carried out on interculturalism in Italy (Un approccio anticipato: la pedagogia italiana e la riflessione interculturale, 1999).

He then further developed the research streak on interculturalism both by shedding light on the relationship between the culture of origin and the development of personal identity - with primary reference to the family, deemed the privileged environment where educational processes take place (M. CAPUTO, M.T. MOSCATO, Le radici familiari del processo educativo, 2006) and through more recent historic-epistemological studies (L'approccio interculturale nelle scienze umane, 2007;Interculturalità, 2012).   

A second research streak deals with the role of teachers and their formation - topic which has strategic value and implies both a renewed approach to the complex nature of the pedagogical-didactic research and a critical foundation of a renewed theory of the school (La ricerca nella scuola dell'autonomia, 2002; La questione professionale dell'insegnante, 2004). The topic of teachers' formation has been the object of explorative studies examining the specific competences related to the teacher profession (M. CAPUTO, R. GATTI, M.T. MOSCATO, Qualità della comunicazione ed efficacia didattica del docente: problemi metodologici in uno studio esplorativo, 2006), their university formation (Formare competenze nella SSIS: il lavoro di gruppo con il metodo di caso, 2010) and aspects of didactics, both in secondary schools (M. T. MOSCATO, R. GATTI, M. CAPUTO, Pratiche di educazione stradale nella scuola. Esiti e problemi metodologici di una ricerca sul campo in provincia di Bologna, 2009) and in universities (M.CAPUTO, M. T. MOSCATO, G. PINELLI, Problemi di valutazione della qualità di un corso universitario. Uno studio esplorativo, 2012).

Next to the commitment to exploring the social aspects of the educational process (from the educational processes in the family environment, to civil life, to teachers' formation), he has developed an interest in contemporary pedagogical research (pedagogical epistemology; theory of teaching) through observations and explorative empirical studies, as well as critical analysis of the Italian and French scientific literature (La pedagogia e il paradigma delle scienze dell'educazione: questioni storico-epistemologiche, 2007; Ricerca scientifica e responsabilità sociale: riflessioni deontologiche ed epistemologiche sulla professione intellettuale, 2008: G. PINELLI, M. T. MOSCATO, M. CAPUTO, Gli insegnamenti dell'area pedagogica tra professionalizzazione e riflessione epistemologica, 2011).

During the academic year 2008/09 he developed a research program on the issue of citizenship (within a PRIN 2007), via an explorative study on didactic experiences in different high schools across three regions -  using questionnaires and focus groups for students (Moscato. Gatti, Caputo, Pinelli, Esperienze didattiche e rappresentazioni della cittadinanza nella secondaria superiore, in M. CORSI (edited by), Educazione alla democrazia e alla cittadinanza, Lecce, 2011). A summary paper on such a PRIN 2007 research is published (n. 01/2013) in the Spanish scientific journal "Campo Abierto", University of Extremadura (ES). Within, Michele Caputo is responsible for a specific contribution (La paideia incompiuta: formare l'uomo e il cittadino nella scuola della Repubblica, 2011) to the volume which summarizes the researches onthe topic of education in the school of the Bologna group (M. T. Moscato, Progetti di cittadinanza. Esperienze di educazione stradale e convivenza civile nella scuola secondaria, Milano, 2011).

Furthermore, since 2009 Michele Caputo has been member and promoter of the “Centro Studi RES†(Centro Studi Religione, Educazione e Società), within the Department of Educational Sciences "G. M. Bertin", University of Bologna. He has been delivering a substantial contribution thanks to the scientific interest developed through the investigation of the relationship between education and religious sensibility and its particular set-up in today's multicultural society (Educazione e senso religioso: il modello iniziatico, 2008; Iniziazione, 2011).

The research efforts of the RES from 2010 through 2012 are partially exposed in M. T. MOSCATO, R. GATTI, M. CAPUTO, (edited by), Crescere tra vecchi e nuovi dei. L'esperienza religiosa in prospettiva multidisciplinare, Roma, Armando, 2012. Within, the authors bring forward a specific empirical exploration of the process of religious identity formation, through the analysis of university students' handwriting (L'esperienza religiosa nella narrazione di sé. Scritture di studenti universitari, 2012).

The topic of education and religious identity formation among new generations is also explored from a historic-epistemological point of view.