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Michaela De Giglio

Adjunct professor

Department of History and Cultures

Curriculum vitae

Graduated in Environmental Engineering (October 2004) at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna with a thesis focused on remote sensing sciences entitled “Utilizzo del sensore satellitare Aster per l'analisi dell'uso del Suolo nell'area Emiliano-Romagnola” (Use of Satellite Aster for land cover monitoring in Emilia-Romagna area). From 2005 to 2008: Doctor of Philosophy (achieved on July 2008) in Geodesy and Topography at the School of Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna, specifically:

1) Remote Sensing, thesis title “Monitoraggio di colture agricole mediante dati satellitari Aster: problematiche e applicazioni” (Agricultural crops monitoring through satellite Aster data: problems and applications). Thermic Aster data analysis for temperature study;

2) Geographic Information System (Emilia-Romagna DB test and creation of a GIS for the growing data management);

3) GPS (GPS7 network densification analysis for Bologna areas).

From 2009 to 2010: Research grant for the “Reti di Stazioni Permanenti GNSS per il rilievo di precisione in tempo reale: verifiche di funzionamento e applicazione”, ARCES (Advanced Research Center on Electronic Systems for Information and Communication Technologies “Ercole De Castro”, University of Bologna). Contemporary support activities (teaching, examinations, practical exercises) for the “Numerical mapping and GIS” course (Environmental engineering, Bologna) and “Techniques for land monitoring" (Environmental engineering, Bologna) courses. In the 2011: collaboration with DICAM (University of Bologna) for the research project "Progetto formazione di DataBase Topografici per il monitoraggio del territorio tramite misure satellitari - Convenzione tra DiCAM e Regione Emilia-Romagna Rep. 252/2005", Prof. Maurizio Barbarella Project Manager. From 2012 to 2014: Research grant for the “Controllo dell'ambiente mediante analisi di dati satellitari termici”, CIRI ICT (Center for Industrial Research on Information and Communication Technologies, University of Bologna), Rep. N. 3 Prot. 12 of 02/02/2012. Continuation of support activities (teaching, examinations, practical exercises). From 2014 to 2015: Research grant for “Istituzione di una stazione permanente GNSS autosufficiente per la realizzazione di un Sistema di Riferimento Unico per rilievi in emergenza”, DICAM (Civil,Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering Department, University of Bologna). From 2016 to 2017: Research grant for “Integrazione di dati multispettrali da satellite e da drone per lo studio multiscala e multiemporale degli effetti della salinità sulla vegetazione” (Maurizio Barbarella, DICAM). 2017: collaboration with DICAM (University of Bologna) for the research project “Impiego di immagini telerilevate da satelliti e da UAV per il monitoraggio della vegetazione costiera di alcune dune ravennate” and collaboration with DICAM (University of Bologna) for the research project “Applicazione algoritmo di classificazione supervisionata Support Vector Machine su dati telerilevati multispettrali”. From 2019 to 2020: Research grant for “Strategie progettuali e soluzioni tecnologiche per la transizione verso un centro storico low-carbon e resiliente. Il caso Bologna”(Jacopo Gaspari, Department of Architecture, University of Bologna). Since November 2020: Technician in DiSCi (Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna), Cat. D technical - scientific sector and data processing.

For 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academic years: Adjunct Professor for the “Remote sensing” course, Geography and Territorial Processes, School of Arts, Humanities and cultural Heritage (University of Bologna). For 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 academic years: Tutor for the “Laboratory On Survey And Satellite Positioning”, Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Architecture (University of Bologna). For 2016/2017, 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 academic years: Tutor for the “Geomatica M”, Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Architecture (University of Bologna).

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