Foto del docente

Mauro Gaspari

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: INFO-01/A Informatics


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Representative Papers: international journals and top conferences including highly cited papers (also including recent papers):

  1. G. Attardi, C. Bonini, M.R. Boscotrecase, T. Flagella, M. Gaspari. Metalevel Programming in CLOS. In Proceedings of ECOOP 89 European Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Nottingham, 10-14 July 1989, Cambridge University Press 1989.
  2.  G. Attardi, M. Gaspari, F. Saracco. Interoperability of IA languages. In Proceedings of ECAI 90 - European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, 6-8 August 1990, Pitman Publishing 1990.
  3.  M. Gaspari, E. Motta. Symbol-Level Requirements for Agent-Level Programming. In Proceedings of ECAI 94 - European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, The Netherlands, August 8-12, 1994. John Wiley and Sons, 1994. 
  4. M. Gaspari, E. Motta, A. Stutt. An Open Framework for Cooperative Problem Solving. IEEE Expert 22:48-55, 1995.
  5. G. Attardi and M. Gaspari. Multilanguage interoperability. Computer and AI, 15(6):531-554, 1996.
  6. P. Ciancarini, M. Gaspari. Rule Based Coordination of Logic Programs. Computer Languages.October 1996.
  7.  M. Gaspari. Concurrency and Knowledge Level Communication in Agent Languages. Artificial Intelligence 105(1-2):1-45, 1998.
  8. E. Motta, D. Fensel, M. Gaspari, R. Benjamins. Specifications of Knowledge Components for Reuse. Eleventh International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE ’99), Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1999.
  9. M. Gaspari, G. Zavattaro. A Process Algebraic Specification of the New Asynchronous CORBA Messaging Service.  In Proceedings of ECOOP 99 European Conference on Object Oriented Programming. Lisbon, Portugal, 14-18 June 1999.
  10. P. Ciancarini, D. Fogli, M. Gaspari. A Declarative Coordination Language. Computer Languages 26(2-4):125-163, 2000.
  11. M. Gaspari, G. Roveda, C. Scandellari, S. Stecchi. An Expert System for the Evaluation of EDSS in Multiple Sclerosis.  Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 25(2):187-210, 2002
  12. M. Gaspari. An ACL for a Dynamic System of Agents.  Computational Intelligence 18(2):102-119 May 2002.
  13. D. Fensel, E. Motta, F. van Harmelen, V. R. Benjamins, S. Decker, M. Gaspari, R. Groenboom, W. Grosso, M.Musen, E. Plaza, G. Schreiber, R. Studer and B. Wielinga. The Unified Problem-solving Method Development Language UPML.  Knowledge and Information Systems 5(1) 2003.
  14. E. Motta, J. Domingue, L. Cabral, and M. Gaspari. IRS-II: A Framework and Infrastructure for Semantic Web Services. International Semantic Web Conference, Sundial Resort, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (LNCS 2870), Springer-Verlag, October 2003.
  15.  N. Dragoni, M. Gaspari.  An Object Based Algebra for Specifying a Fault Tolerant Software Architecture.  Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 63:271-297, 2005
  16. N. Dragoni, M. Gaspari, D. Guidi. An Infrastructure to Support Cooperation of Knowledge-Level Agents on the Semantic Grid International Journal of Applied Intelligence. (Special Issue on Agent-based Grid Computing) 25(2): 159-180, 2006.
  17. N. Dragoni, M. Gaspari. Crash Failure Detection in Asynchronous Agent Communication Languages.   Journal of AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS 13(3):355-390, 2006
  18. N. Dragoni, M. Gaspari, D. Guidi An ACL for Specifying Fault-Tolerant Protocols. Applied Artificial Intelligence 21: 1-21, 2007.
  19. M. Gaspari, D. Saletti, C. Scandellari, S. Stecchi Refining an Automatic EDSS Scoring Expert System for Routine Clinical Use in Multiple Sclerosis.  in IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine.
  20. L. Barzanti M. Gaspari D. saletti Modelling decision making in fund raising management by a fuzzy knowledge system. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. vol.36 pp.9466 - 9478 2009.

Other papers:

Books including selected papers revised:

  1. P. Ciancarini, M. Gaspari. A Knowledge Based System and a Development Interface for theMiddle Game in Chess. In Advances in Computer Chess 5, 1989. Elsevier Science Publishing (North Holland). Selezione di articoli presentati alla conferenza Advances in Computer Chess 5. 1987.
  2. A. Brogi, M. Gaspari, and F. Turini. Inheritance Hierarchies in Blackboard Architecture. M. Lenzerini, D. Nardi, and M. Simi, editors, Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and Programming Languages. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 1993. Selezione di articoli presentati al workshop omonimo che si ` tenuto a Viareggio nel 1989.
  3. P. Ciancarini, D. Fogli, and M. Gaspari. Gammal¨g: a Coordination Language Based on GAMMA and Goedel. In Jean-Marc Andreoli and Chris Hankin, editors, large Coordination Programming: Mechanisms, Models and Semantics. IC Press, 1996. Selezione di articoli presentati ai workshop del progetto ESPRIT Coordination.
  4. M. Gaspari and G. Zavattaro. An Actor Algebra for Specifying Distributed Systems: the Hurried Philosophers Case Study. In G. Agha and F. Decindio, editors, Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.  Selezione di articoli presentati ai workshop su Object-Oriented Programming and Models of Concurrency nell’ambito della conferenze “Application and Theory of Petri Nets” pages 428-444 2001.
  5. N. Dragoni, M. Gaspari, D. Guidi A Fault Tolerant Agent Communication Language for Supporting Web Agent Interaction To appear in Agent Communication: International Workshop on Agent Communication (AC2005), Revised Selected and Invited Papers, volume 3859, 2006, LNAI, Springer Verlag.
  6. M. Gaspari, D. Guidi Facilitating agent development in open distributed systems (Revised Version) To appear in LADS’07 Postproceedings (selected papers), Springer Verlag.

Internation conferences and workshops with revision:

  1. A. Brogi, R. Filippi, M. Gaspari, and F. Turini. An Expert System for Data Fusion Based on a Blackboard Archtecture. In Int. Conf. on Expert Systems and Their Applications, Avignon, May 1988.
  2. G. Attardi, M. Gaspari. Multilanguage Interoperability. In PLILP 91 - Third International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 528, 1991.
  3. G. Attardi, M. Gaspari, P. Iglio. Efficient Compilation of Full First Order Predicates. in Trends inArtificial Intelligence, E. Ardizzone, S. Gaglio, F. Sorbello (Eds.), Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol 549, pages 440-444 1991.
  4. M. Gaspari and L. Semini. Fairness in Logic Languages based on Shared Dataspace. In F. DeBoesschere, J. Jacquet, and P. Tarau, editors, Proc. Workshop on Blackboard-based Logic Programming, pages 1–6, Budapest, Hungary, June 1993.
  5. M. Gaspari. Guard Compilation in Logic Shared Dataspace Languages. In F. DeBoesschere J. Jacquet, and P. Tarau, editors, Proc. Workshop on Blackboard-based Logic Programming, Budapest, Hungary, June 1993.
  6. M. Gaspari, E. Motta, and A. Stutt. Inferring in Legoland: an architecture for the integration of heterogeneous inference modules. In P. Torasso, editor, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Berlin, Vol 728, pages 142-153. 1993.
  7. M. Gaspari. Extending Prolog with Data Driven Rules. In Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots, pages 277–282, Bratislava, 1994. World Scientific.
  8. A. Dalmonte and M. Gaspari. Modelling a static concurrent object oriented programming systems  In Proc. Int. Workshop. on Object-Oriented Programming and Models of Concurrency, Torino, Italy, June 1995.
  9. M. Gaspari. Modelling Interaction in Agent Systems. In M. Gori and G. Soda, editors, Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol 992, pages 426–438, 1995.
  10. P. Ciancarini, D. Fogli, and M. Gaspari. A Logic Language Based on GAMMA-like Multiset Rewriting. In Roy Dyckhoff, Heinrich Herre, and Peter Schroeder-Heister, editors, Extensions of Logic Programming. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol 1050, pages  83–102. 1996.
  11. M. Gaspari. Efficient Support for Reactive Rules in Prolog. In M. Lenzerini editor, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol 1321, pages 357–368, 1997.
  12. M. Gaspari, L. Marchello, C. Scandellari and S. Stecchi Multiple Sclerosis: A Domain for the Application of Advanced AI Techniques. In proceedings of AISB'99 Symposium on AI and Scientific Creativity Edinburgh 8th, 9th April 1999.
  13. M. Gaspari, E Motta, D Fensel. Automatic Selection of Problem Solving Libraries based on Competence Matching. In proceedings of First ECOOP Workshop on Object Interoperability (WOI99), Lisbon 14 June 1999.
  14. M. Gaspari and G. Zavattaro. An algebra of actors. In Proc. 3nd IFIP Conf. on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems (FMOODS), pages 3–18. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Feb 1999.
  15. D. Fensel, V. R. Benjamins, S. Decker, M. Gaspari, R. Groenboom, W. Grosso, M. Musen, E. Motta, E. Plaza, G. Schreiber, R. Studer and B. Wielinga. The Component Model of UPML in a Nutshell. In WWW Proceedings of the 1st Working IFIP Conference on Software Architectures (WICSA1) San Antonio, Texas, USA, February 1999.
  16. M Gaspari. Open Issues in Knowledge-level ACL. In proceedings of the AAMAS 2002 Workshop on Agent Communication Languages and Conversation Policies, Bologna, Italy, July 15th, 2002.

Recent technical Reports:

  1. L. Barzanti, M. Gaspari, D. Saletti. Modelling decision making in fund raising management by a fuzzy knowledge system. Technical Report N. UBLCS-2008-01, Computer Science Department, University of Bologna, 2008.

Books in italian:

  1. M. Gaspari. Assembler del processore Motorola MC68000. Didattica Breve - Informatica. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 1996.
  2. M. Gaspari, G. Roveda. Un’introduzione all’informatica aldil` della patente europea. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna 2006.