State and society
Authority,Political Power and Social Power
Capitalism and History
Critical Theory
Social and Historical Concepts
Global State
ordo- and liberalism
Maurizio Ricciardi's research is directed towards the construction of a political theory of social concepts, investigating the historical-conceptual links between the social sciences and modern and contemporary political thought. He has devoted particular attention to the birth and transformations of the concept of society and to the emergence of specific forms of social power that continuously redefine the possibilities of action of political power. Focusing on this social dimension of the modern political, he investigated the transformations of some fundamental political concepts such as people, class, revolution, capitalism, constitutionalism, democracy, ideology, human rights, individualism, and liberalism. Thanks to the deepening of the fundamental contents of the ordo- and neoliberal project and of the theoretical and practical relevance of contemporary migrations, he is currently investigating the transformation of the modern state into a global state, that is the constitution of a form of statehood adequate to the configuration of the contemporary world-society.
He has devoted specific studies to classic authors of social and political thought such as Ferdinand Tönnies, Niccolò Machiavelli, Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons, Niklas Luhmann, Pierre Bourdieu, Max Weber, Karl Marx.