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Maurizio Millesimo

Assegnista di ricerca

Centro di Ricerca sui Sistemi Elettronici per l'Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni "Ercole De Castro" - ARCES (Advanced Research Center on Electronic System)

Tutor didattico

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"


Millesimo M.; Fiegna C.; Bakeroot B.; Borga M.; Posthuma N.; Decoutere S.; Sangiorgi E.; Tallarico A.N., Analysis of RTN Induced by Forward Gate Stress in GaN HEMTs with a Schottky p-GaN Gate, in: IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., «IEEE INTERNATIONAL RELIABILITY PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS», 2024, 5, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2024 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, IRPS 2024, usa, 2024) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Ercolano F.; Tallarico A.N.; Millesimo M.; Gnani E.; Reggiani S.; Fiegna C.; Borga M.; Posthuma N.; Bakeroot B., GaN HEMT with p-Type Schottky Gate: A Case Study of TCAD Modeling of the Gate Leakage Current, in: Proceedings of SIE 2023 54th Annual Meeting of the Italian Electronics Society, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, «LECTURE NOTES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING», 2024, 1113, pp. 288 - 297 (atti di: 54th Annual Meeting of the Italian Electronics Society, SIE 2023, Noto (SR), Italy, 6/8 September 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Tallarico A.N.; Millesimo M.; Borga M.; Bakeroot B.; Posthuma N.; Cosnier T.; Decoutere S.; Sangiorgi E.; Fiegna C., P-GaN Gate HEMTs: A Solution to Improve the High-Temperature Gate Lifetime, «IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS», 2024, 45, Article number: 10587301, pp. 1630 - 1633 [articolo]Open Access

Millesimo M.; Borga M.; Valentini L.; Bakeroot B.; Posthuma N.; Vohra A.; Decoutere S.; Fiegna C.; Tallarico A.N., Role of the GaN-on-Si Epi-Stack on Δ RONCaused by Back-Gating Stress, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 2023, 70, Article number: 10225455, pp. 5203 - 5209 [articolo]Open Access

Millesimo M.; Bakeroot B.; Borga M.; Posthuma N.; Decoutere S.; Sangiorgi E.; Fiegna C.; Tallarico A.N., Gate Reliability of p-GaN Power HEMTs Under Pulsed Stress Condition, in: IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., «IEEE INTERNATIONAL RELIABILITY PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS», 2022, 2022-, pp. 10B.2-1 - 10B.2-6 (atti di: 2022 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, IRPS 2022, Dallas, TX, USA, March 2022) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Tallarico A.N.; Millesimo M.; Bakeroot B.; Borga M.; Posthuma N.; Decoutere S.; Sangiorgi E.; Fiegna C., TCAD Modeling of the Dynamic VTH Hysteresis Under Fast Sweeping Characterization in p-GaN Gate HEMTs, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 2022, 69, pp. 507 - 513 [articolo]Open Access

Millesimo M.; Borga M.; Bakeroot B.; Posthuma N.; Decoutere S.; Sangiorgi E.; Fiegna C.; Tallarico A.N., The Role of Frequency and Duty Cycle on the Gate Reliability of p-GaN HEMTs, «IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS», 2022, 43, pp. 1846 - 1849 [articolo]Open Access

Millesimo M.; Fiegna C.; Posthuma N.; Borga M.; Bakeroot B.; Decoutere S.; Tallarico A.N., High-Temperature Time-Dependent Gate Breakdown of p-GaN HEMTs, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 2021, 68, Article number: 9540042, pp. 5701 - 5706 [articolo]Open Access

Millesimo M.; Posthuma N.; Bakeroot B.; Borga M.; Decoutere S.; Tallarico A.N., Impact of structural and process variations on the time-dependent off-state breakdown of p-gan power hemts, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY», 2021, 21, Article number: 9311207, pp. 57 - 63 [articolo]Open Access

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