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Mattia Vitelli Casella

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: STAN-01/B Roman History


M. Vitelli Casella, Cephaloedion, in: Lexicon of the Greek and Roman Cities and Place Names in Antiquity, fascicule 19, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2024, pp. 2805 - 2806 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]Open Access

M. Vitelli Casella, Cerami, in: Lexicon of the Greek and Roman Cities and Place Names in Antiquity, fascicule 19, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2024, pp. 2811 - 2812 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]Open Access

M. Vitelli Casella, Cereatae Marianae, in: Lexicon of the Greek and Roman Cities and Place Names in Antiquity, fascicule 19, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2024, pp. 2823 - 2824 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]Open Access

M. Vitelli Casella, Cerfennia, in: Lexicon of the Greek and Roman Cities and Place Names in Antiquity, fascicule 19, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2024, pp. 2827 - 2828 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]Open Access

M. Vitelli Casella, Cerillae/i, in: Lexicon of the Greek and Roman Cities and Place Names in Antiquity, fascicule 19, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2024, pp. 2828 - 2830 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]Open Access

M. Vitelli Casella, Cersosimo, in: Lexicon of the Greek and Roman Cities and Place Names in Antiquity, fascicule 19, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2024, pp. 2844 - 2844 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]Open Access

M. Vitelli Casella, Cervara/Cervaeriae, in: Lexicon of the Greek and Roman Cities and Place Names in Antiquity, fascicule 19, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2024, pp. 2847 - 2847 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]Open Access

VITELLI CASELLA, Mattia (a cura di): Mattia Vitelli Casella, Laura Mecella, Giovanni Brizzi, Marco Rocco, Péter Kovács, Continuità in (una) crisi? Casi-studio sulle province danubiane durante il III° secolo, Pessac, Ausonius, 2024, pp. 92 (PRIMALUN@). [Editorship]Open Access

Vitelli Casella, Mattia, Continuità in (una) crisi? I motivi di una giornata di studio, in: Continuità in (una) crisi? Casi-studio sulle province danubiane durante il III secolo, Pessac, Ausonius, 2024, pp. 9 - 24 (PRIMALUN@) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Vitelli Casella, Mattia, Percorsi ecosostenibili alla scoperta dei siti Unesco, tra Friuli-Venezia Giulia e Istria, in: UNESCO. Turismo sostenibile fra patrimonio locale e cittadinanza globale, Bologna, Alma mater studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2024, pp. 148 - 156 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

A. Mariotti, M. Vitelli Casella, Ancient history for tourism development. Building content for meaningful travel itineraries, «LA RIVISTA DI ENGRAMMA», 2023, 204, pp. 125 - 139 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cristofori, A.; Proto, M.; Vitelli Casella, M. (a cura di): C. Zaccaria; F. Borri; R. Pupo; L. Jelen; Ž Miletić; S. Bekavac; G. Brizzi, Il confine orientale d’Italia: realtà antiche e contemporanee a confronto, Roma, Viella, 2023, pp. 147 . [Editorship]Open Access

Cristofori, Alessandro; Proto, Matteo; Vitelli Casella, Mattia, Il confine orientale d’Italia: realtà antiche e contemporanee a confronto. Un’introduzione, «STORICAMENTE», 2023, 19, Article number: 01 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

M. Vitelli Casella, Il viaggio e i mari degli Argonauti, Bologna, Patron, 2023, pp. 132 (ITINERARI DI STORIA ANTICA). [Research monograph]

Vitelli Casella Mattia, The imperial presence in Dalmatian epigraphy from Decius to Diocletian. A note on the epigraphic landscape, in: TRADE: Transformations of Adriatic Europe (2nd–9th Centuries AD). Proceedings of the Conference in Zadar, 11th–13th February 2016, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023, pp. 28 - 33 (atti di: TRADE 2nd - 9th c. International conference Transformations of Adriatic Europe 2nd - 9th century, Zara, 11-13 febbraio 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access