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Mattia Guidetti

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà

Curriculum vitae

Scarica Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 281KB )

Mattia Guidetti, PhD


Posizione ricoperta attualmente

Professore associato in Archeologia e storia dell’arte islamica, Dipartimento di Storia, Culture e Civiltà, Università di Bologna (1 ottobre 2022 – )

Abilitazione nazionale

Abilitato nel settore 10/N1 (L-Or/11), seconda fascia (4 Aprile 2017).

Attività di ricerca e insegnamento

2019-2022, Ricercatore tdB in Archeologia e storia dell’arte islamica, Dipartimento di Storia, Culture e Civiltà, Università di Bologna.

2014-2019, Ricercatore (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) presso la cattedra di storia dell'arte islamica, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Università di Vienna.

2014, Gerda Henkel Stiftung Research Scholarship.

2011-2013, Teaching fellowship in Islamic art and architecture, Department of art history, University of Edinburgh.

2010-2011, Max-Planck fellowship at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz.

2008-2009, J. Paul Getty Institute non-residential fellowship.

2007-2008, Aga Khan fellowship in Islamic Art and Architecture at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA).

Temi e gruppi di ricerca degli ultimi anni (vedi CV per i precedenti)

2022 – corrente. “Azerbaigian medievale”. Sviluppo di un progetto di ricerca dedicato alle interazioni tra arte cristiana e islamica nell’Azerbaigian medievale.

2020 – corrente. Organizzazione di un gruppo di ricerca per lo studio degli oggetti islamici nelle collezioni dell’area di Bologna (chiamato “Islamic Art and the Bologna Nexus”). Attività: invito come ISA visiting professorship presso UniBO di Anna Contadini (SOAS, Londra) (ottobre e novembre 2020). Tesi di laurea supervisionate su oggetti di arte islamica a Bologna editi ed inediti (2021 – corrente).

2018 – 2021. Riscoperta oggetti islamici nell’Europa illuminista. Con Isabelle Dolezalek (Università di Greifswald, Germania). Organizzazione convegno e curatela di una pubblicazione sulla (ri)scoperta degli oggetti dal mondo musulmano nell’Europa del XVIII secolo. Progetto finanziato dalla Fritz-Thyssen Foundation, Chair of Islamic Art History and the Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät dell’Università di Vienna.


Syrian Studies Association Book Prize for 2017:

“Mattia Guidetti’s In the Shadow of the Church: the Building of Mosques in Early Medieval Syria is an extremely important contribution to the history of medieval Syria and addresses a key, long-recognized lacuna in Islamic art history: the integration of the narrative of Islamic art with that of the art of Late Antiquity. It argues against a paradigm of “rupture” with the coming of Islam by successfully demonstrating that Early Syrian mosques were deeply influenced by Late Antique Church forms, and that the development of the mosque should thus be viewed as arising out of Church development in the period immediately prior to the rise of Islam. While a handful of historians have successfully integrated the history of early Islam into the world of Late Antiquity of which it was clearly a part, this is one of the first, and to date the most sustained, attempts to do so within the field of Art History. The committee was particularly impressed by Guidetti’s exploration of the premodern mechanisms of coexistence among religious communities in medieval Syria. Likewise, Guidetti’s contribution to the study of cultural transference of ideas and objects via his examination of spolia—architectural elements reused from earlier Roman and Christian-era monuments—was outstanding. Guidetti’s rich and deeply researched book opens a new chapter in the field of the Art History of Syria and promises to remain influential for years” (SSA Prize Committee).

Titoli di studio

2002-2006 PhD, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia , titolo della tesi: “Tardo antichità e cultura siro-umayyade: problemi e questioni di archeologia e storia dell´arte” (discussa e approvata in data 7 marzo 2006).

1996-2002, Facoltà di lingue e letterature orientali (laurea quadriennale), Università Ca´ Foscari di Venezia. 110 e lode (proclamazione avvenuta in data 6 marzo 2002).

Ultime pubblicazioni (vedi CV per le precedenti):


  1. Trofei turcheschi sulla frontiera adriatica. Oggetti ottomani nella Marca pontificia, 1684–1723, Storia e culture, Roma: Viella, 2023 (in corso di stampa).
  2. In the shadow of the church: the building of mosques in early medieval Syria, Arts and Archaeology of the Islamic World, 8, Leiden: Brill, 2017 (vincitore del premio miglior libro 2017 della Syrian Studies Association).

    Volumi editi

  3. Rediscovering objects from Islamic lands in Enlightenment Europe, Isabelle Dolezalek and Mattia Guidetti (eds.), London: Routledge, 2022.


  4. “’Creare immagini’ e discuterne nel primo periodo islamico”, in Maria Raffaella Menna e Simona Rinaldi (a cura di), De-figurare. Iconofobie e iconoclastie a Bisanzio e altrove, Viterbo: Round Robin, 2023, pp. 55–80.
  5. “Column transfers, new buildings, and textual strategies: Christian and Muslims in early medieval Lydda and Jerusalem”, Religiographies 1 (2022) (special issue edited by Dionigi Albera, Manoel Penicaud and Sara Kuehn), pp. 22–33.
  6. “The Conversion of urban landscape in early medieval Syria”, in Piero Gilento (ed.), Building between Eastern and Western Mediterranean lands. Construction processes and transmission of knowledge from late Antiquity to early Islam, Arts and Archaeology of the Islamic World 18, Leiden: Brill, 2022, pp. 159–170.
  7. (con Isabelle Dolezalek), “Introduction: Rediscovering objects from Islamic lands in Enlightenment Europe”, in Isabelle Dolezalek and Mattia Guidetti (eds.), Rediscovering objects from Islamic lands in Enlightenment Europe, London: Routledge, 2022, pp. 1–21.
  8. “Reading Ottoman banners in the State of the Church”, in Isabelle Dolezalek and Mattia Guidetti (eds.), Rediscovering objects from Islamic lands in Enlightenment Europe, London: Routledge, 2022, pp. 55–74.
  9. “Early Islam and Byzantine churches” in Hasan-Uddin Khan and Kathryn Blair Moore (eds.), The religious architecture of Islam Volume I: Asia and Australia, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, pp. 138–147.
  10. “The Great Mosque of Damascus through the medieval period”, in Hasan-Uddin Khan and Kathryn Blair Moore (eds.), The religious architecture of Islam Volume I: Asia and Australia, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, pp. 124–137.
  11. “Churches and mosques: aesthetics and transfer of marble in early Islam”, in Dario Gamboni, Gerhard Wolf and Jessica N. Richardson (eds.), The aesthetics of marble, from late Antiquity to the present, München: Hirmer Verlag, 2021, pp. 62–75.
  12. “Le relazioni artistiche tra Bisanzio e l’Islam mediterraneo, VII–XI secolo”, Rivista Storica Italiana 133.1 (2021), pp. 139–173.
  13. “An Ottoman flag in Urbino”, in Martina Müller-Wiener and Anne Mollenhauer (eds.), Beiträge zur islamischen Kunst und Archäologie herausgegeben von der Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft, Band 7, Wiesbaden, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2021, pp. 57–71.
  14. “La moschea: fede, arte e società nel mondo islamico”, in Patrizia Spallino (a cura di), L'Islam di fronte e attraverso, Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali, 2020, pp. 87–115.
  15. “The Muslim place of worship in Bethlehem during the early medieval period”, in Lorenz Korn e Çiğdem İvren (eds.), Encompassing the sacred in Islamic art, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2020, pp. 63–77.

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