Argomenti di tesi proposti dal docente.
Topic 1 Food losses and waste: Consumers' behavior & food waste; Food policy with particular focus on food waste; Food losses and food waste quantification; Assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts of selected food chains / production systems with particular focus on food losses & waste; (for more examples please check the list of completed thesis projects)
Possible Thesis Duration: at least 6 months
Expertise/competences achieved during the research thesis: Food waste qualification and quantification, policy analysis and evaluation; development of comparative analysis; case study development; basics in policy design; basics in the use of LCA/LCC etc Competencies might vary depending on the subject.
Related projects: FP7 - FUSIONS Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies: ; H2020 REFRESH:
Past destinations: University of Rovira i Virgili (Spain); University of Missouri (USA); Oregon State University (USA); Tecnologico de Costarica (Costarica) others.
Topic 2 Sustainability in agricultural and food systems: Sustainability assessment methodologies for city regions food systems; Innovative business models for city regions food systems; Policies with particular focus on city region food systems; Urban / City food plans; Assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts of selected food chains / production systems; (for more examples please check the list of completed thesis projects)
Possible Thesis Duration: at least 6 months
Expertise/competences achieved during the research thesis: Policy analysis and evaluation; development of comparative analysis; case study development; basics in policy design; basics in the use of LCA/LCC etc Competencies might vary depending on the subject.
Related projects: H2020 FoodE: website tbc; PRIMA 4CE-MED: website tbc;
Past destinations: University of Missouri (USA); Oregon State University (USA); Tecnologico de Costarica (Costarica); Dominican Republic others.
Topic 3 Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Assessment of economic, social and environmental impacts of water reuse; Cost-benefit analysis of green infrastructures; (for more examples please check the list of completed thesis projects)
Possible Thesis Duration: at least 6 months
Expertise/competences achieved during the research thesis: Policy analysis and evaluation; development of comparative analysis; case study development; basics in policy design; basics in the use of LCA/LCC; cost-benefit analysis; etc Competencies might vary depending on the subject.
Related projects: H2020 FoodE: Food Systems in European Cities; PRIMA 4CE-MED: Camelina: a Cash Cover Crop Enhancing water and soil conservation in MEDiterranean dry-farming systems
Past destinations: Ecofilae (France).
Topic 4 Migration and change in agricultural and rural areas: Economic, environmental and social impacts of migration on agricultural and rural areas; Implications on food production and food security; Sustainable livelihoods and household behavior in agricultural and rural areas & adaptation to climate change; Analysis of climate-related migration and adaptation governance systems and policies
Possible Thesis Duration: at least 6 months
Expertise/competences achieved during the research thesis: Policy analysis and evaluation; development of comparative analysis; case study development; basics in policy design; basics in econometrics etc Competencies might vary depending on the subject.
Related projects: H2020 AGRUMIG: ; DEAR Climate of Change: End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change #ClimateOfChange – A Pan-European campaign to build a better future for climate induced migrants, the human face of climate change
Past destinations: National Institute of Economic Research (Moldova); Guatemala.