Foto del docente

Matteo Vittuari

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-01/A Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal

Curriculum vitae


Full Professor, Academic discipline: AGR/01 Rural economy and evaluation, since September 2022

Associate Professor, Academic discipline: AGR/01 Rural economy and evaluation, since July 2017

Fixed-term Researcher (Senior), University of Bologna, from October 2013 to June 2017

PhD in International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Policies, University of Bologna, 2008

BA in Business Administration, University of Bologna, 2002



2021 - 2023 (October) Delegate for Cooperation and Development


From 2016 Member of the PhD Board in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology and responsible for the area in International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Policies.

2018 - 2021 Delegate for International Relations of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

2018 - 2022 Member of the Monitoring and Evaluation Boardo of the Project "Diparitimenti Eccellenti"

2014-2018 Member of the Research Commission

2015-2018 Member of the Department Board (Giunta di Dipartimento)

2015-2018 Member of the Join Commission (Commissione Paritetica)

2015-2018 Member of the School Board (Consiglio della Scuola)



Since August 1st, 2023 in Double Appointment with the Ada University (Azerbaijan)

Since August 1st, 2023, Dead of the School of Agricultural and Food Sciences at Ada University (Azerbaijan)



PNRR Missione 4: ONFOODS - Research and innovation network on food and nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security – Working ON Foods; Donor: MUR; Period 2022-2025; Role: Coordinator Spoke 7 "Policy, behavior and education".

FIRB- Metodologie multidisciplinari e innovative per la gestione sostenibile dei sistemi agrari, Futuro in ricerca - FIRB, Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Universita' e della Ricerca - MIUR, Period 2013-2015; Role: Member of the working group at UNIBO.

Enabling education and comparative research on agricultural, food and rural policy (COMPARE); Donor: University of Bologna “Promozione di iniziative innovative dei Dipartimenti nell’ambito degli accordi quadro di Ateneo e degli accordi di settore".

BIOMALBA - Analysis and feasibility study of a biomass chain in Albania; Donor: Ministero degli Affari Esteri - MAE, Progetti di grande rilevanza & Iniziativa Centro Europa (CEI); Period: 2008-2009; Role: Coordinator of local unit.



HE EUAqua.Org - Integrative breeding strategies for the transition of EUropean AQUAculture towards sustainable ORGanic production; Horizon Europe; Period: 2024-2027; Role: coordinator of the WP Consumer responses to food labelling and awareness interventions and responsible of the local unit at UNIBO.

INTERREG FOODCIRCUS - Circular solutions for keeping food waste out of Central Europe's schools; INTERREG; Period: 2024-2026; Role: coordinator of the WP Solutions that alleviate negative impacts of marketing standards to FW, while balancing trade offs and responsible of the local unit at UNIBO.

HE BREADCRUMB - BRinging Evidence-bAseD food Chain solutions to prevent and RedUce food waste related to Marketing standards, and deliver climate and circularity co-Benefits; Horizon Europe; Period: 2024-2027; Role: coordinator of the WP Solutions that alleviate negative impacts of marketing standards to FW, while balancing trade offs and responsible of the local unit at UNIBO.

HE RURACTIVE Empowering Rural Communities to Act for Change; Donor: European Commission, Horizon Europe, GAP-TBD; Period: 2023-2026; Role: Responsibile of the local unit at DISTAL.

HE CONSERWA: Evidence-based support for transition to agroecological weed management in diverse farming systems and European regions; Donor: European Commission, Horizon Europe; Period: 2023-2026; Role: member of the local project unit.

HE FOLOU Bringing knowledge and consensus to prevent and reduce FOod LOss at the primary production stage. Understanding, measuring, training and adopting. Donor: European Commission, Horizon Europe; Period: 2023-2026; Role: co-lead of WP Investigation of direct and indirect drivers and root causes of food losses

HE CHORIZO: Changing practices and Habits through Open, Responsible, and social Innovation towards ZerΟ fοod waste; Donor: European Commission, Horizon Europe, GAP-101060014; Period: 2022-2025; Role: Leader WP Predictive analytics & modelling backbone for changing social norms towards 0FLW and responsible of the local unit at UNIBO.

HE FOODCOST: FOOD Costing and Internalisation of Externalities for System Transition; Donor: European Commission, Horizon Europe, GAP-101060481; Period: 2022-2026; Role: Leader WP Impact Assessment and responsible of the local unit at UNIBO.

HE FISHEUTRUST European integration of new technologies and socio-economic solutions for increasing consumer trust and engagement in seafood products; Donor: European Commission, Horizon Europe, GAP-101060712; Period: 2022-2026; Role: Leader WP Design and validate an initial tailored set of intervention strategies tools to stimulate behavioural change, increase consumer trust and promote FishEUTrust products and solutions and responsible of the local unit at UNIBO.

HE ENFASYS: ENcouraging Farmers towards sustainable farming Systems through policy and business Strategies; Donor: European Commission, Horizon Europe, GAP-101059589; Period: 2022-2026; Role: Leader WP Testing the potential of systemic and behavioural interventions through experimental research and system dynamic modelling and responsible of the local unit at UNIBO.

HE CARINA: Carinata and Camelina Boosting the Sustainable Diversification in Agricultural Production Systems; Donor: European Commission, Horizon Europe, GAP-TBD; Period: 2022-2026; Role:Leader of WP Co-creation of policy interventions for feedstock provision and certification in CARINA bio- based value chain.

H2020 COMFOCUS: Communities on Food Consumer Science; Donor: European Commission, Horizon 2020; Period: 2020 - 2024; Role: Responsibile of the local unit at DISTAL

PRIMA 4CEMED: Camelina: a Cash Cover Crop Enhancing water and soil conservation in MEDiterranean dry-farming systems; Donor: European Commission, PRIMA; Period: 2020 - 2023; Role: WP Leader (Sustainability assessment)

H2020 FOODE: Food Systems in European Cities; Donor: European Commission, Horizon 2020; Period: 2020 - 2024; Role: WP Leader (Sustainability assessment)

PRIMA FIT4REUSE: Safe and sustainable solutions for the integrated use of non-conventional water resources in the Mediterranean agricultural sector; Donor: European Commission, PRIMA; Period: 2019 - 2022; Role: Member of the local unit

H2020 AGRUMIG: Migration governance and agricultural & rural change in ‘home’ communities: comparative experience from Europe, Asia and Africa; Donor: European Commission, Horizon 2020; Period: 2019 - 2021; Role: Responsible of the local research unit

H2020 REFRESH: Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain; Donor: European Commission, Horizon 2020; Period: 2015 - 2019; Role: WP leader (WP4 Behavioural Economics) and responsible of the local research unit

RPLC - Rural Policy Learning Commons; Donor: Governament of Canada; Period: 2014-2021; Role: Team Lead (Pubblication Team) and responsible of the local research unit

FP7 FUSIONS - Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies; Donor: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme; Period: 2012 - 2016; Role: WP Leader (WP3 Policy) and responsible of the local research unit

ENERGY-AGRO-FOOD: Energy-Agro-food Synergies in Africa: New Educational Models for Universities; Donor: European Commission, Edulink; Period: 2014 - 2016; Role: member of the working group

INTERREG NAP - Network of Adriatic Parks; Donor: European Commission, Interreg IIIA; Period: 2007-2008; Role: local unit coordinator

INTERREG BIOMADRIA - Usage of biomass as primary energy source in the Adriatic Countries; Donor: European Commission, Interreg IIIA; Period: 2007-2009; Role: member of the working group



April - June 2011, Visiting Researcher, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland

September 2010 - February 2011, Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia

October 2008 - August 2009, Post-doctoral research fellow, Sustainability Science Programme, Center for International Cooperation, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, USA

January - April 2008, Visiting fellow, Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI), University of Missouri - Columbia, USA

January - September 2007, Visiting fellow, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina

October - December 2006, Visiting fellow, Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI), University of Missouri - Columbia, USA

June - August 2004, Visiting fellow, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Economics, Katholike Universitet Leuven, Belgium

Other missions and short visits (main): Albania, Canada, Costarica, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Kenya, Kyrgistan, Macedonia, Messico, Moldova, Mozambico, Tagikistan, Tanzania, Turkey.



Please see the dedicated page:



June - September 2022 - EIT Summer School on "Farm to Fork: sustainable production & consumption in public canteens"

November - December 2021 - EIT Food Winter School on "Circular Busness Models - Digit4Circularity"

February 2021 - FoodE Winter School "Sustainability Assessment of City-Region Food Systems"

16-30 June 2013, Agri-food Systems and Rural Development: Tradition, Innovation and Green Governance Summer Institute, International Comparative Rural Policy Studies Consortium, Scientific Coordinator

From 2008 to 2010, Summer School International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Policies, University of Bologna, Scientific Coordinator

From 2004 to 2007, Summer School International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Policies, University of Bologna, Tutor

June - July 2008, Specialization Course in Rural and Agricultural Development Policies in the Western Balkans, University of Bologna, Scientific Coordinator

A.A. 2005-2006 and A.A. 2009-2010, Second level Master in Sustainable Development of Agricultural and Rural Areas of the Adriatic-Ionian Basin, University of Bologna, Coordinator

September - October 2002, 2003, 2004, Graduate Summer School International Cooperation and Sustainable Development of Agricultural, Environmental and Rural Systems, University of Bologna - Network UniAdrion, Tutor



October 2021 - July 2023 member of the EU Consumer Food Waste Forum

From July 2021 Coordinator of the international section of WASTE WATCHER - International Observatory on Food and Sustainability

From September 2018 member of the EIP-Agri focus group "Reducing food loss on the farm"

November - December 2013, FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Evaluation of the project "Support for Strengthening of the National Food Security Information System in Tajikistan"; Role: Team lead

October 2012 - June 2013, FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Development of a “Background paper on the economics of food losses and waste; Role: team member

June - December 2012, FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Evaluation of FAO's regional and subregional Offices in for Europe and Central Asia" (Missions in Albania, Hungary,Moldova, Turkey, Kyrgystan; Role: team member (agricultural policy expert)

From December 2008 to September 2014, Osservatorio Balcani, correspondent for international cooperation in the agricultural and environmental sector

August - September 2007, Arete' srl; Evaluation "Set aside measures 2000 to 2006" (EC Tender); Role: external consultation (responsible for Slovenia)

July 2006, Arete' srl; Evaluation “Structured inventory of existing food quality assurance schemes within EU 25” (EC Tender); Role: external consultation (responsible for Latvia)

March - April 2006, Arete' srl; "Study in implementing the energy crops CAP measures and bioenergy market" (EC Tender); Role: external consultation (responsible for Italy and United Kingdom)

July 2005, Arete' srl, "Food supply chains dynamics and quality certification" (EC Tender); Role: external consultation (responsible for Czech Republic)

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