Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna - Master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology (110/110 cum laude)
Thesis topic: “Health inequalities in the chronically ill, the world of work and liminality”, Prof. Ivo Quaranta
La Statale, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bachelor’s degree in modern literature (102/110)
Thesis topic: “The lexicon of the Grail in Chrétien de Troyes and its Continuations”. Prof. Roberto Tagliani
Employment History
2021 - present
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
Ph.D. Scholarship at Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
2021 - present
Centre of Study and Research on Intercultural and International Health of Bologna (CSI)
Coordinator of teaching and research activities
2019 - present
Leila, La Biblioteca degli Oggetti – Third-Sector Association
Secretary and member of the board of directors
Apr 2021 - July 2021
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
Scholarship for the Centre of Study and Research on Intercultural and International Health (CSI) of Bologna for the project: “Equity in the right to health: addressing inequalities in the city of Bologna”
Feb 2020 – July 2020
Cittadinanzattiva Emilia-Romagna
Article: “Community development and health promotion approaches in contemporary policy: results from an action-research project in Bologna (Italy)” in Community Development Journal – in press
Chapter: “Lezioni dalla sindemia: integrazione, prossimità e partecipazione per promuovere equità e salute” in Castrignanò, M., & Rimondi, T. (2023) Bologna dopo la pandemia
Conferences and seminars
AAA and CASCA –Toronto 15-18 November
Paper: “From outpatient clinic to health policy, an ethnography of data”
Panel: “Algorithmic governance in policy processes”
4S 2023Sea, Sky, and Land: Engaging in solidarity in endangered ecologies – Honolulu 8-11 November
Paper: “Unveiling the Human and Non-Human Network of Healthcare in Italy: An Anthropological research of Data in Medicine”
Panel: “STS and policy making (Health) II”
14th MAYS Meeting: Medical Anthropology and its Future(s): Between Waves and Currents – Geneva 20-22 July
Paper: “Digitalisation of primary healthcare and the role of medical anthropology in clinical governance: an ethnography within a general practitioner's outpatient clinic in Italy”
9th STS Italian Conference – Bologna 28-30 June
Paper: “From outpatient clinic to health policy, an ethnography of data”
Panel: “Boundary struggles: truth, interest and epistemic authority in a changing world”
16th SIEF Congress: Living Uncertainty – Brno 7-10 June
Chair at Roundtable: “Narrating the uncertainty of digitalised health and illness”
CSI Seminar “Salute globale: determinanti sociali e strategie di primary health care”, Faculty of Medicine – Bologna 12 Apr-30 May
Coordinator, moderator and speaker.
ASA2023: An Unwell World? Anthropology in a Speculative Mode – London 11-14 Apr
Paper: “Un-official care practices – ethnography of the (smart)phone life of General Practioners”
Panel: “Possibilities and imaginaries of/at work and the workplace”
IV Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Antropologia Medica: Fini del mondo, fine dei mondi. Re-immaginare le comunità – Naples 26-28 Jan
Paper: “La salute al centro delle politiche: lo sguardo antropologico sulle trasformazioni del welfare urbano, tra limiti e potenzialità”
Panel: “Antropologia medica e promozione della salute: ripensare i servizi sociosanitari e sperimentare le comunità di cura attraverso la pandemia”
“Laboratorio di organizzazione e programmazione dei servizi” in Master's Degree Course in Sociology and Social Service – Bologna 4 Nov-16 Dec
Paper: “Etnografia del dato, un approccio qualitativo al governo clinico”
CRISES UQÀM (Université du Québec à Montreal) – Montreal 7 Nov
Paper: “Equity and the right to health: a multi-method interdisciplinary action-research to map and tackle health inequalities in the city of Bologna (Italy)”
19th Biennal European Society for Health and Medical Sociology Conference (ESHMS) – Forlì 25-27 Aug
Paper: “Tackling inequalities in pandemic times: a multi-method interdisciplinary action-research in the city of Bologna”
EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons – Belfast 26-29 July
Paper: “Tackling health inequalities in (post)pandemic times: an anthropological overview on the welfare and healthcare crisis seen through the city of Bologna (Italy)”
Panel: “Grassroots Responses to Healthcare Crisis [MAYS Network]”
EURAC: Time to Care, Immaginare una società che si prende cura – Merano 10 June
Paper: “La crisi di un sistema imperfetto: le disuguaglianze in salute e la risposta del welfare durante la pandemia”
CSI Seminar “Global health: social determinants and primary health care strategies” – Bologna 6-16 June
Paper: “Social determinants and health inequalities”
IUHPE, 24th World conference on health promotion – Montreal (online) 15-19 May
Intervention Title: “Equity and the right to health: A multi-method interdisciplinary action-research to map and tackle health inequities in the city of Bologna (Italy)”
Panel: “Using creative strategies for citizen engagement”
VII Convegno SIAA: Fare (In) Tempo. Cosa dicono gli antropologi sulle società dell’incertezza – Parma (online) 2-6 Dec
Paper: “Vivere gli spazi, produrre salute: scenari urbani nelle periferie di Bologna”
Panel: “La città nella pandemia: assenze, presenze e visioni di cambiamento”