Education and training
1999 - High School Diploma, Classical studies, Liceo-Ginnasio
Tito Livio, Padua
2005 - Master degree in Humanities, Università Ca' Foscari,
2009 - Ph. D. History of Europe, Dipartimento di Discipline
Storiche, Università di Bologna
Research Activities
Since September 2018 - Senior Lecturer at the University of Bologna
2019 (April-May) - Visiting scholar at the Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh (UK)
2015-2018 - Junior Lecturer at the University of Bologna as the recipient of a three-years grant awarded by the Ministry of Education within the project Scientific Independence of young Researchers (SIR)
2018 (April) - Visiting scholar at the Department of Geography, ELTE University of Budapest (Hungary)
2014-2015 - Research fellow at the University of Trento
2012-2013 - Post-doc fellowship of the Deutscher Akademischer
Austauschdienst, Germany
2012 (february-march) - Historical, geographical and archeological
survey concerning the project for detention basins in the Veneto
Region (Decreto N. 989 del 5/07/2022 della Regione Veneto)
2011-2012 - Research fellow at the Dipartimento di Discipline storiche, antropologiche e geografiche, Università di Bologna
2011 (september-october) - Research grant (Internationals
Stipendiatenprogramm) at the Leibniz Institut für Länderkunde di
Leipzig, Germany
2009-2011 - Post-doc Research Fellow at the Dipartimento di Discipline
storiche, antropologiche e geografiche, Università di Bologna
2007-2008 (october-january) - Programma Marco Polo, Università di
Bologna: Visiting scholar at the Institut für
Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung, Berlin, Germany
Educational activities
Academic year 2014/2015
Course of Historical Geography (30 Hours) per il Corso di Laurea in Beni Culturali, Università degli studi di Trento
Course of geography for teachers (4 Hours),Teacher qualification courses (Percorsi abilitanti speciali - PAS), University of Trento.
Course of Geography of Tourism for teachers (9 Hours) Corso di Didattica della Geografia del Turismo (9 ore), Teacher qualification courses (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo TFA), University of Bologna
Laboratorio di Cartografia storica, Corso di Laurea magistrale in Geografia e processi territoriali, Università di Bologna
Academic year 2013/2014
Supervisor of four final theses, Teacher qualification courses (Percorsi abilitanti speciali - PAS), University of Verona
Course of geography for teachers (18 hours) Teacher qualification courses (Percorsi abilitanti speciali - PAS), University of Verona
Laboratory of historical cartography, 16 hours, Master course in Geography, University of Bologna
Academic year 2011/2012
Lectures in Political Geography (30 hours), course of Political and Economic Geography (prof. Marchi and Bonora)
Degree dissertation assistant supervisor in Geography
From academic year 2006/2007 to academic year 2008/2009 - Tutor of
the master course in Geography (University of Bologna)
From academic year 2006/2007 to academic year 2013/2014 - Board of examiners' member for Geography,
Urban Geography, Political and Ecnomic Geography (prof. Carla
Participation to conferences (since 2013)
Royal Geographical Society – Institute of British Geographers, Annual International Conference, London, 30 August-2 September. Title of the papers:1) (with Tommaso Barbieri) River frames in northern Italy: the case of Po delta. 2) Anti-imperialist thinking in Italian geography: Carlo Maranelli and the Adriatic question (1915-1920)
10th Workshop “Dalla mappa al GIS” - Rome, 7-8 April. Title of the paper (with Davide Allegri): Naturalità del fiume? Interventi sei-settecenteschi di regimentazione fluviale sull’Adige per la risoluzione delle problematiche idrauliche
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, 17-22 April. Title of the papers: 1) (with Scorpio V., Mastronunzio M., Zen S., Bertoldi W., Dai Prà E., Comiti F., Surian N., Zolezzi G.) Evolution of channel morphology in a large river subject to rectification. 2) (with Serlet A., Scorpio V., Mastronunzio M., Zen S., Zolezzi G., Bertoldi W., Comiti F., Dai Prà E., Surian N., Gurnell A.) History of river regulation of the Noce River (NE Italy) and related bio-morphodynamic responses. 3) (with Zen S., Scorpio V., Mastronunzio M., Zolezzi G., Bertoldi W., Comiti F., Surian N., Dai Prà E.) Investigating historical changes in morphodynamic processes associated with channelization of a large Alpine river: the Etsch/Adige River, NE Italy
Workshop: La geografia al tempo di Guerra, Bologna, 10 March. Conference organisation. Title of the paper: La carta, il territorio, il confine: L’immagine della nazione nell’atlante di Cesare Battisti
Conference: La geografia italiana e la Prima Guerra Mondiale: prima, durante e dopo. Trieste 18-19 febbraio 2016. Titolo dell’intervento: La regione integrale di Olinto Marinelli: il confine terrestre dell’Italia secondo la geografia
XIX ASITA Conference, Lecco, 29 September-1 October 2015. Title of the paper (with Elena Dai Prà): Da palude a “Granaio del Tirolo”: la bonifica della Val Venosta nel XIX secolo attraverso la cartografia
V EUGEO Congress, Budapest, 20 August-2 September 2015. Title of the papers: 1) Discovering Otherness, fortifying the Nation: the convergent dualism of Italian geographical societies (1867-1922). 2) (with Alessandro Ricci) Etschregulierung: reclamation, river embankment and the construction of modernity in Austrian South Tirol
9th Workshop “Dalla mappa al GIS” - Rome, 9-10 Aprile 2015. Title of the paper (with Alessandro Ricci): Cartografia e “pax idraulica”: esondazioni, progettazione e gestione del territorio nella valle dell’Adige
Conference: “E la palude che si placida s’allunga”: Ambiente uomo e bonifiche, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, 24-25 March 2015. Title of the paper (with Elena Dai Prà): Interventi di riassetto idraulico della conca di Trento tra progettualità e attuazione (XVIII e XIX secolo)
8th Workshop “Dalla mappa al GIS” - Rome, 21-22 Mai 2014. Titolo dell'intervento: Lo spartiacque alpino e il confine della Nazione: le basi geografiche e cartografiche della Grande Guerra
Budapest Summer Workshop: Geography and Nation Building in
Central and East Central Europe, 11-13 July 2013, Eötvös Loránd
University (ELTE), Eötvös Collegium, Budapest, Hungary. Title of
the paper: Italy as "geographical expression": Nation
building and regional geography (1900–1920)
IV EUGEO Congress, Rome, 5-7 September 2013. Title of the papers: 1) Territorio, regione integrale, confine geografico:
Geography and sovereign territorial state in Italy
(1890-1940). 2) (with Diana Dushkova) Contested landscape in
human-environmental interaction: case study in Italian and Russian
coastal regions