Foto del docente

Matteo Mura

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: IEGE-01/A Business and Management Engineering


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Papers under 'revise and resubmit'

  • Longo, M. and Mura M. “Partner selection in virtual organization using an intellectual capital framework”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
  • Longo, M. and Mura, M. “The effect of intellectual capital on employees' performance. An exploratory study”, Information & Management.

Working papers

  • Longo, M., Mariani, M. and Mura, M. (2008) “A theoretical model of how intellectual capital attributes affect organizational performance. The case of Italian opera houses”.
  • Bourne, M., Franco-Santos, M. and Mura, M. (2008) “The impact of the Investors in People standard on organizational performance. The mediating role of HR practices and organizational social climate”.
  • Bourne, M. and Mura, M. (2008) “The moderating effect of performance management practices on the commitment-based HR practices – organizational performance relationship”.
  • Micheli, P., Agliati M. and Mura, M. “Performance measurement within a highly diversified group of companies”.

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