John H. Petropoulos;Kyriaki G. Papadokostaki;Matteo Minelli;Ferruccio Doghieri, On the role of diffusivity ratio and partition coefficient in diffusional molecular transport in binary composite materials, with special reference to the Maxwell equation, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2014, 456, pp. 162 - 166 [Scientific article]
Matteo Minelli;Ferruccio Doghieri, Predictive model for gas and vapor solubility and swelling in glassy polymers I: Application to different polymer/penetrant systems, «FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA», 2014, 381, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]
Minelli M.; Doghieri F., Relaxational behavior of glassy polymers: Experimental sorption and nonequilibrium thermodynamic model, in: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, AIChE, 2014, pp. 50 - 51 (atti di: AIChE Annual Meeting 2014, Atlanta, GA-USA, 16/11/2014-21/11/2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Minelli M.; Doghieri F., Solute induced relaxation in glassy polymers: Experimental measurements and nonequilibrium thermodynamic model, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, 2 HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE, STE 1NO1, MELVILLE, NY 11747-4501 USA, AMER INST PHYSICS, 2014, 1599, pp. 122 - 125 (atti di: 7th International Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites 2014, Ischia, I, 22/6/2014-26/6/2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Matteo Minelli;Ferruccio Doghieri, Thermodynamic basis for vapor solubility in ethyl cellulose, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2014, 469, pp. 336 - 343 [Scientific article]
Minelli M.; Doghieri F., Thermodynamic model for gas solubility in glassy polymers: Prediction of dual mode sorption parameters, in: Separations Division 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, AIChE, 2014, 2, pp. 540 - 541 (atti di: AIChE Annual Meeting 2014, Atlanta, GA-USA, 16/11/2014-21/11/2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Matteo Minelli; Ferruccio Doghieri; Kyriaki G. Papadokostaki; John H. Petropoulos, A fundamental study of the extent of meaningful application of Maxwell's and Wiener's equations to the permeability of binary composite materials. Part I: A numerical computation approach, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE», 2013, 104, pp. 630 - 637 [Scientific article]
Marco Giacinti Baschetti;Matteo Minelli;Jacopo Catalano;Giulio C. Sarti, Gas permeation in perflurosulfonated membranes: Influence of temperature and relative humidity, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY», 2013, 38, pp. 11973 - 11982 [Scientific article]
M. Minelli; K. Friess; O. Vopička; M. G. De Angelis, Modeling gas and vapor sorption in a Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1), «FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA», 2013, 347, pp. 35 - 44 [Scientific article]
Eric M. Davis;Matteo Minelli;Marco Giacinti Baschetti;Yossef A. Elabd, Non-Fickian Diffusion of Water in Polylactide, «INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH», 2013, 52, pp. 8664 - 8673 [Scientific article]
Matteo Minelli; Giulio C. Sarti, Permeability and diffusivity of CO2 in glassy polymers with and without plasticization, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2013, 435, pp. 176 - 185 [Scientific article]
Matteo Minelli; Giulio C. Sarti, Permeability and solubility of carbon dioxide in different glassy polymer systems with and without plasticization, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2013, 444, pp. 429 - 439 [Scientific article]
Matteo Minelli;Marco Giacinti Baschetti;Daniel T. Hallinan;Nitash P. Balsara, Study of gas permeabilities through polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymers, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2013, 432, pp. 83 - 89 [Scientific article]
Minelli M.; Doghieri F., Thermodynamic analysis of the solubility of gases and vapors in swelling glassy polymers: A predictive modeling approach, in: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future, AIChE, 2013, 2, pp. 1164 - 1164 (atti di: AIChE Annual Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA-USA, 3/11/2013-8/11/2013) [Abstract]