Foto del docente

Matteo Cescon

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-06/A General Surgery

Head of Scuola di Specializzazione Chirurgia Generale (DI 68/2015)


Cucchetti A;Piscaglia F;Cescon M;Colecchia A;Ercolani G;Bolondi L;Pinna AD, Cost-effectiveness of hepatic resection versus percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for early hepatocellular carcinoma., «JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY», 2013, 59, pp. 300 - 307 [Scientific article]

Cescon M.; Cucchetti A.; Ravaioli M.; Pinna A.D., Hepatocellular carcinoma locoregional therapies for patients in the waiting list. Impact on transplantability and recurrence rate., «JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY», 2013, 58, pp. 609 - 618 [Scientific article]

Cucchetti A.; Cescon M.; Bigonzi E.; Piscaglia F.; Golfieri R.; Ercolani G.; Morelli M.C.; Ravaioli M.; Pinna A.D., Priority of candidates with hepatocellular carcinoma awaiting liver transplantation can be reduced after successful bridge therapy., «LIVER TRANSPLANTATION», 2011, 17, pp. 1344 - 1354 [Scientific article]

M. Ravaioli; A. Cucchetti; M. Cescon; F. Piscaglia; G. Ercolani; F. Trevisani; A.D. Pinna, Systematic review of outcome of downstaging hepatocellular carcinoma bifore liver transplantation in patients outside the Milan criteria, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY», 2011, 98(11), pp. 1201 - 1208 [Scientific article]

Morelli M.C.; Sambri V.; Grazi G.L.; Gaibani P.; Pierro A.; Cescon M.; Ercolani G.; Cavrini F.; Rossini G.; Capobianchi M.R.; Di Caro A.; Menzo S.; Pagliaro P.P.; Ghinelli F.; Lazzarotto T.; Landini M.P.; Pinna A.D., Absence of neuroinvasive disease in a liver transplant recipient who acquired West Nile virus (WNV) infection from the organ donor and who received WNV antibodies prophylactically., «CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES», 2010, 51(4), pp. e34 - e37 [Scientific article]

Ercolani G; Zanello M; Grazi GL; Cescon M; Ravaioli M; Del Gaudio M; Vetrone G; Cucchetti A; Brandi G; Ramacciato G; Pinna AD, Changes in the surgical approach to hilar cholangiocarcinoma during an 18-year period in a Western single center, «JOURNAL OF HEPATO-BILIARY-PANCREATIC SCIENCES», 2010, 17, pp. 329 - 337 [Scientific article]

Caraceni P; Viola A; Piscitelli F; Giannone F; Berzigotti A; Cescon M; Domenicali M; Petrosino S; Giampalma M; Riili A; Grazi G; Golfieri R; Zoli M; Bernardi M; Di Marzo V., Circulating and hepatic endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid-related molecules in patients with cirrhosis, «LIVER INTERNATIONAL», 2010, 30, pp. 816 - 825 [Scientific article]

Zanfi C.; Lauro A.; Cescon M.; Dazzi A.; Ercolani G.; Grazi G.L.; Zanello M.; Vivarelli M.; Del Gaudio M.; Ravaioli M.; Cucchetti A.; Vetrone G.; Tuci F.; Di Gioia P.; Lazzarotto T.; D'Errico A.; Bagni A.; Faenza S.; Siniscalchi A.; Pironi L.; Pinna A.D., Comprehensive surgical intestinal rescue and transplantation program in adult patients: Bologna experience., «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2010, 42(1), pp. 39 - 41 [Scientific article]

Piscaglia F.; Gianstefani A.; Ravaioli M.; Golfieri R.; Cappelli A.; Giampalma E.; Sagrini E.; Imbriaco G.; Pinna A.D.; Bolondi L.; Andreone P.; Bianchi G.; Biselli M.; Cescon M.; Colecchia A.; Cucchetti A.; Del Gaudio M.; Ercolani G.; Grazi G.L.; Lenzi M.; Leoni S.; Mazzella G.; Morelli M.C.; Tamè M.; Verucchi G.; Vivarelli M., Criteria for diagnosing benign portal vein thrombosis in the assessment of patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma for liver transplantation., «LIVER TRANSPLANTATION», 2010, 16(5), pp. 658 - 667 [Scientific article]

Zanfi C.; Lauro A.; Cescon M.; Dazzi A.; Ercolani G.; Grazi G.L.; Zanello M.; Vivarelli M.; Del Gaudio M.; Ravaioli M.; Cucchetti A.; Vetrone G.; Tuci F.; Di Gioia P.; Lazzarotto T.; D'Errico A.; Bagni A.; Faenza S; Siniscalchi A; Pironi L; Pinna A.D., Daclizumab and alemtuzumab as induction agents in adult intestinal and multivisceral transplantation: rejection and infection rates in 40 recipients during the early postoperative period., «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2010, 42(1), pp. 35 - 38 [Scientific article]

Petrisli E.; Chiereghin A.; Gabrielli L.; Zanfi C.; Lauro A.; Piccirilli G.; Baccolini F.; Altimari A.; Bagni A.; Cescon M.; Pinna A.D.; Landini M.P.; Lazzarotto T., Early and late virological monitoring of cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and human herpes virus 6 infections in small bowel/multivisceral transplant recipients., «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2010, 42(1), pp. 74 - 78 [Scientific article]

Vivarelli M; Dazzi A; Zanello M; Cucchetti A; Cescon M; Ravaioli M; Del Gaudio M; Lauro A; Grazi GL; Pinna AD., Effect of different immunosuppressive schedules on recurrence-free survival after liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma., «TRANSPLANTATION», 2010, 89, pp. 227 - 231 [Scientific article]

Cucchetti A.; Vitale A.; Del Gaudio M.; Ravaioli M.; Ercolani G.; Cescon M.; Zanello M.; Morelli M.C.; Cillo U.; Grazi G.L.; Pinna A.D., Harm and benefits of primary liver resection and salvage transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma., «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION», 2010, 10(3), pp. 619 - 627 [Scientific article]

Ercolani G; Vetrone G; Grazi GL; Aramaki O; Cescon M; Ravaioli M; Serra C; Brandi G; Pinna AD, Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: primary liver resection and aggressive multimodal treatment of recurrence significantly prolong survival., «ANNALS OF SURGERY», 2010, 252, pp. 107 - 114 [Scientific article]

Chiereghin A.; Gabrielli L.; Zanfi C.; Petrisli E.; Lauro A.; Piccirilli G.; Baccolini F.; Dazzi A.; Cescon M.; Morelli M.C.; Pinna A.D.; Landini M.P.; Lazzarotto T., Monitoring cytomegalovirus T-cell immunity in small bowel/multivisceral transplant recipients., «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2010, 42(1), pp. 69 - 73 [Scientific article]