Matteo Berti is Fellow Researcher
n Engineering Geology at the Earth Sciences Department of the
University of Bologna since 2004.
He obtained the Laurea degree in
Earth Sciences in 1992 from the University of Bologna and the PhD
in Engineering Geology in 1998 from the University of Ferrara, with
a dissertation on mobilised shear strength in
overconsolidated-fissured clays.
From 1997 to 1999, fellowship
holder of a grant funded by ECC in the framework of the project
“Debris flow management and risk assessment in the Alpine region”
(ENV4-CT96-0253), related to the application of real-time
monitoring systems for the analysis of debris flows dynamics in the
Dolomite region.
From 1999 to 2003, holder of a
research grant funded by the University of Bologna on the
geomechanical characterisation of complex clay rocks involved in
large-seated landslides
In 2001, holder of a “short-term
mobility” grant funded by the National Research Council as visiting
researcher at the Hokkaido Development Engineering Center (Sapporo,
From 2003 to 2004, holder of a
post-PhD fellowship funded by the University of Bologna on the
triggering mechanisms of debris flows in highly conductive
His current research interests
include: hydrogeological and geotechnical monitoring of large
landslides in fine soils, evaluation of the hydrological response
to rainfall of clay slopes, numerical modelling of flow mechanisms
at the slope scale and analysis of time-dependent slope
He is author or co-author of 36
papers in national and international journals, and referee of 10
papers on scientific international journals. He has been speaker in
many international conferences and workshops and he actively
participated to 14 research projects of national and international
Member of AIGA and
Professor of “Slope Stability” at the University of Bologna since
Grant Professor
of “Engineering Geology” at the University of Bologna in 2000, 2003
and 2004
Grant Professor
of “Engineering Geological Survey” at the University of Bologna in
100 and 2001
Member of the
evaluation committee for doctoral degree in Earth Sciences in
Member of the
teaching board for doctoral degree in Physical Modelling for
Environment Protection since 2004
Supervisor of
30 Laurea degree dissertation in Engineering Geoogy since
Invited speaker
at 7 courses for continuous and professional formation.
From June to
July 2001, visiting researcher at the Hokkaido Development
Engineering Center (Sapporo, Japan) to establish scientific
collaboration on the use of advanced techniques for landslide
From June to
October 2000, visiting researcher at the United States Geological
Survey-Cascade Volcanoes Observatory (Vancouver WA, USA). Research
activities were focused on the measurement of debris flow
parameters at large scale and on the analysis of experimental data
collected in the last 10 years. Scientific reference: R.LaHusen and
Re-activation of complex landslides and hydrological response to
rainfall of unstable clay slopes. National Research Project, PRIN.
Scientific Responsible: Carlo Elmi.
Integrated analysis of representative debris flow catchments in the
Italian Alps. National Research Project, PRIN. Scientific
Responsible: Monica Ghirotti.
Geotechnical modelling and dynamic scenarios of landslides.
National Research Project, C.N.R. – G.N.D.C.I. Scientific
Responsible: Carlo Elmi.
Landslide control in densely urbanised areas through remote sensing
and round-based techniques. National Research Project, PRIN.
Scientific Responsible: Monica Ghirotti.
Analysis of stress and strain field for the evaluation of
triggering mechanisms of landslides and their evolution. National
Research Project, PRIN. Scientific Responsible: Carlo
2000-2002. MIDA
– Hydrogeological monitoring and modelling for the evaluation of
landslide hazard. University of Bologna Research Project.
Scientific Responsible: Franco Ricci Lucchi.
MOGEM – Geotechnical modelling of hazardous landslides in the
Italian Apennines. National Research Project, C.N.R. – G.N.D.C.I.
Scientific Responsible: Carlo Elmi.
THARMIT - Torrent Hazard Controls in the European Alps. Practical
tools and methodologies for hazard assessment and risk mitigation.
ECC Research Project. Coordinator: Prof. R.Genevois.
Relationship between rainfalls and landslides in the Bologna
Apennines. National Research Project, PRIN. Scientific Responsible:
Carlo Elmi.
CEE-DFR. Debris Flow Management and Risk Assessment in the Alpine
Region. ECC Research Project.. Coordinator: Prof.
1996-1997. An
integrated approach for analysing earthquake-induced surface
effects: Montese Area. CERG (European Centre of Geomorphological
Hazard, Strasbourg) Research Project. Coordinator: Doriano
Analysis of Earthquake-induced surface effects : Serchio River
Valley. CERG (European Centre of Geomorphological Hazard,
Strasbourg) Research Project. Coordinator: Doriano
Earthquake-induced landslides in the Italian Apennines. National
Research Project, C.N.R. – G.N.D.C.I. Scientific Responsible:
Rinaldo Genevois
Berti M.
, Cuzzani M.G., Landuzzi A., Taviani M., Aharon P., Vai G.B.
Hydrocarbon-derived imprints in olistostromes of the Early
Serravalian Marnoso-arenacea Formation, Romagna Apennines (northern
Geo-Marine Letters, Berlin, Germany, 14: 192-200.
Berti M.
& Guerra F. (1993). Valutazione sperimentale della
rugosita' dei giunti e correlazione con la dimensione frattale.
3° Convegno Nazionale dei giovani ricercatori di Geologia
Applicata, Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia, Bari, XXVIII:
Berti M.
, Genevois R., Ghirotti M. & Tecca P.R. (1994).
Analysis of large landslides in a complex formation
. Proceedings 7th Congress of the International Association of
Engineering Geology, Lisboa, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam:
Berti M.
, Genevois R., Ghirotti M. & Tecca P.R. (1994).
The use of drainage systems in the stabilization of a complex
. Proceedings 7th Congress of the International Association of
Engineering Geology, Lisboa, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam:
Berti M.
, Tecca P.R., (1994). Analisi statica e dinamica di
uno scorrimento traslazionale “multistrato” nella Formazione
Marnoso-arenacea dell'Appennino Forlivese. 4° Convegno
Nazionale dei giovani ricercatori di Geologia Applicata, Riccione,
Quaderni di Geologia Applicata, Pitagora, Bologna:
Berti M.
, Genevois R., Ghirotti M. & Tecca P.R. (1996).
Mechanical characteristics and behaviour of a complex formation by
landslide investigations and analyses
. Seventh International Symposium on Landslides, Trondheim, Norway,
A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam: 1155-1162
Castaldini D., Genevois R., Panizza M., Puccinelli A., Berti
M., Cuzzani M.G., Pieroni A., Serani A. & Simoni A.
Analysis of earthquake-induced surface effects in a sample area: a
methodological approach in the Serchio River Valley between Sillano
and Piazza al Serchio.
Centre Europeen sur les Risques Geomorphologiques, Council of
Europe, Strasbourg: 45 pp.
Berti M.
, Genevois R. & Tecca P.R. (1997).
The 1985 flow slide and debris flow at Stava (Italy).
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Debris-Flow
Hazard Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, Chen-lung
Chen (ed.), San Francisco, 7-9 August 1997:
G. Bernagozzi, M. Bertacchini, M. Berti, G. Bettelli, G.
Bollettinari, D. Castaldini, M.G. Cuzzani, R. Genevois, M.
Gibertini, C. Meletti, F. Panini, M. Panizza, M. Pellegrini, A.
Simoni, G. Tosatti & M. Zucchi (1998).
An integrated approach for analysing earthquake-induced surface
effects: a case study in the Montese area
Centre Europeen sur les Risques Geomorphologiques, Council of
Europe, Strasbourg: 68 pp.
Castaldini D., Genevois R., Panizza M., Puccinelli A., Berti
M. & Simoni A. (1998).
An integrated approach for analysing earthquake-induced surface
effects: a case study from the Northern Apennines,
Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier, Oxford, 26, 2-4:
Berti M.
, Genevois R., Simoni A. & Tecca P.R. (1999).
Field observations of a debris flow event in the
. Geomorphology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 29:265-274.
Genevois R., Berti M., Ghirotti M., Simoni A. & Tecca
P.R. (1999).
Debris flow monitoring and analysis in the dolomitic region (Upper
Boite valley, Italian Alps).
CEE-DFR Final Report, Bologna, Vol.2: 58 pp.
Lamberti A., Genevois R., Berti M., Orlandini S., Papa M.,
Simoni A. & Tecca P.R. (1999).
Tentative risk map of the area of Cortina d'Ampezzo (Eastern Alps,
CEE-DFR Final Report, Bologna, Vol.2: 14 pp.
Arattano M.,
Marchi L., Genevois R., Berti M., Simoni A., Tecca P.R.,
Bonte M. (2000)- Field monitoring and real time
management of debris flows. Technical
report, CEE-DFR Final Report, Bologna, Vol. 1: 30
Genevois R., Berti M., Ghirotti M., Romeo R.
& Simoni A. (2000). Rapporti tra frane e sismi:
risultati preliminari della ricerca nell'area appenninica
centro-settentrionale. Rapporto 1986-1995 del
Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dalle Catastrofi Idrogeologiche
(C.N.R.) – Linea 2 Previsione e Prevenzione Fenomeni Franosi a
Grande Rischio, Pubblicazione CNR-GNDCI n.2142, Perugia:
Berti M.
& Cuzzani M.G. (2000). Caratterizzazione geomeccanica
ed analisi dei fenomeni deformativi nell'area di Corniglio
(Appennino Parmense). In: “Le frane della Regione
Emilia-Romagna, oggetto di interventi di protezione civile nel
periodo 1994-199”, Bertolini G., Pellegrini M. & Tosatti G.
(eds.), Pubblicazione CNR-GNDCI n.2131, Quaderni di Geologia
Applicata 8,1, Pitagora, Bologna: 115-132.
Genevois R., Tecca P.R., Berti M. & Simoni A.
Pore pressure distribution in the initiation area of a granular
debris flow
. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on
Landslides, Cardiff,
June 2000,Bromhead E., Dixon N. & Ibsen M.L.
(eds.), Thomas Telford, London, Vol.2: 615-620.
Genevois R., Tecca P.R., Berti M. & Simoni A.
Debris flows in Dolomites: experimental data from a monitoring
. 2nd International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazard Mitigation,
Taipei, August 2000, Wieczoreck G.F. (ed.), A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam:
Berti M.
, Genevois R., LaHusen R., Simoni A. & Tecca P.R.
Debris flow monitoring in the Acquabona watershed on the Dolomites
(Italian Alps).
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans &
Atmosphere, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 25 (9): 707-715.
Berti M.
, Larini G. & Malaguti C. (2000). Condizionamenti
geologico-tecnici nel centro storico di Corniglio (Appennino
Parmense): effetti delle recenti riattivazioni della "grande
frana". Atti del Convegno "Condizionamenti Geologici e
Geotecnici nella Conservazione del Patrimonio Storico Culturale",
Torino, Giugno 2000, Pubblicazione CNR-GNDCI n.2133:
D'Alessandro L., Genevois R., Berti M., Urbani A. &
Tecca P.R. (2002).
Geomorphology, stability analyses and stabilization works on the
Montepiano travertinous cliff (Central Italy)
. In: Applied Geomorphology, International Association of
Geomorphologist, 1 series, John Wiley & Sons, 416
Sapigni M., Berti M., Bethaz E., Busillo A..
& Cardone G (2002). TBM performance estimation using rock
mass classifications. International Journal of Rock Mechanics
and Mining Sciences, 39, 771-788.
Berti M.
, Simoni A., Generali M., Elmi C. and Ghirotti M. (2003).
Monitoraggio della pressione dei pori in un versante
argilloso. Atti 1° Congresso Nazionale AIGA, Rendina editori,
Roma, 83-90.
Berti M.
, Simoni A. (2003).
Debris flow initiation in an highly conductive soil
. Prooceding International Conference on Fast Movement Prediction
and Prevention for Risk Mitigation, Napoli, Maggio 2003, Patron
Editore, 29-36 (Iaccarino Award Nomination).
Berti M.
, Ghirotti M., & Simoni A. (2003). Analisi statistica dei
rapporti precipitazioni-frane in un'area dell'appennino
bolognese. In: “Risposta dei processi geomorfologici alle
variazioni ambientali”. Atti del Convegno Conclusivo (A.Biancotti e
M.Motta eds.), Bologna, 10-11 febbraio 2000, Brigati Glauco,
Genova: 99-109.
Sapigni M., Berti M., Cardone G, Gaspari D.
(2003). Relazione tra scavo con frese (TBM) e classificazioni
geomeccaniche. Geologia Tecnica e Ambientale, 3:
Berti M.
, Pedron R., Simoni A., Sottani A. (2003).
Groundwater constraints in quarries exploitation: a coupled
approach by means of geotechnical and hydrogeological modelling to
deep existing gravel pits
. RMZ-Materials and Geoenvironment, vol. 50, n. 1,
Berti M.
, Elmi C., Muzzi E., Simoni A. (2003). Interventi sulla
morfologia. In: “Il recupero e la riqualificazione ambientale
delle cave in Emilia-Romagna. Manuale Teorico-Pratico”. Monografia
pubblicata da Regione Emilia-Romagna, Muzzi E. & Rossi G.
(eds.): 107-134.
Berti M.
, Elmi C., Muzzi E., Rossi G., Simoni A. (2003). Indicazioni
operative generali per il ripristino dei principali tipi di cava
presenti nella regione Emilia Romagna. In: “Il recupero e la
riqualificazione ambientale delle cave in Emilia-Romagna. Manuale
Teorico-Pratico”. Monografia pubblicata da Regione Emilia-Romagna,
Muzzi E. & Rossi G. (eds.): 399-410.
Bertolini G., Pizziolo M., Bernardi A.R., Berti M., Ghirotti
M., Simoni A., Baldi P., Mora P. (2003).
Some examples of landslides in the Appenines of
. Post Congress Field Trip Guidebook, 4° Congr.
Europeo sulla Cartografia Geoscientifica Regionale ed i Sistemi
Informativi, Bertolini G & Pizziolo M. (Eds.), Regione
Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, pp. 1-28.
Simoni A., Berti M., Generali M., Elmi C., Ghirotti M.
Preliminary results from pore pressure monitoring on an unstable
clay slope
. Engineering Geology, vol. 73, 117-128.
Berti M.
, Simoni A. (2005).
Experimental evidences and numerical modelling of debris flow
initiated by channel runoff
. Landslides, 2, 3, 171-182.
Simoni A., Berti M. (2005).
Hydrologic prediction and geologic reality in debris flow
. Proceeding of the International Symposium on Landslide Hazards in
Orogenic Zones, Kathmandu. 25-26 October, 2005, Nepal Landslide
Society, 185-196.
Simoni A., Berti M. (2006). Transient
hydrological response of weathered clay shales and its implication
for slope instability. Proc. First North American Landslide
Conference, Vail, Colorado June 3-8, 2007, in
Casadio M., Elmi C., Berti M. (2006).
Stabilità dei pendii e frane. In: Il Manuale del Geologo,
Casadio M., Elmi C. (Eds.), Pitagora Editrice, Bologna,
Simoni A., Berti M. (2007).
Transient hydrological response of weathered clay shales and its
implication for slope instability
. Proc. 1st North American Landslide Conference, Vail, Colorado,
AEG Special Publication No. 23, 886-898.
Berti M., Simoni A., (2007).
Prediction of debris flow inundation areas using empirical mobility
. Geomorpholgy, 90 (1): 144-161.