Foto del docente

Massimo Marcaccio

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Curriculum vitae

Massimo Marcaccio got his Master degree in Chemistry with full grade at the University of Bologna. During the period 1993-1995 he attended the PhD course in Bologna earning the degree in 1996. After a post-doc period at the Department of Chemistry - University of Bristol (UK; 1996-1997) he went back to Italy and carried out research activity at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Bologna, where he was appointed as Assistant Professor in 1999. In 2014 he became Associate Professor of physical chemistry and promoted Professor in 2019.
He spent research periods as visiting scientist and professor in several European and American universities: University of Edinburgh (UK; Jan.-Jun. 1995); LETI-CEA, Saclay, Paris (F; Nov. 1997); School of Chemistry, University of Bristol (UK; 3 months – 2000); University of Texas at Austin, Texas (USA; Feb.- Mar. 2005); University of Warwick, Coventry (UK; May-Sept. 2006); University of Sheffield (UK; Jul.-Aug. 2011) and University of Montrèal (CA; May 2017). He is active member of the Società Chimica Italiana, International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) and Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali (INSTM).
His scientific activity, carried out in collaboration with several national and international research groups, concerns the investigation of physical chemical properties of molecular, supramolecular and biological (proteins and enzymes) systems, in solution and/or immobilized onto electrode surface. Such studies utilize a range of electrochemical (also in non-conventional solvents) and spectroelectrochemical techniques, electrochemiluminescence and scanning probe microscopy (AFM, SECM, STM).
The molecular and supramolecular systems investigated are, in prevalence, those where vectorial photoinduced charge and/or energy transfer processes occur (e.g. fullerenes, planar and bowl-shaped polyaromatic systems, metal transition coordination complexes, carbon nanotubes and nanoclusters). Such species are interesting both for the understanding of the electron and energy transfer and because potentially useful for a variety of applications, like materials for optoelectronic, solar energy conversion, electrocatalysis, sensors and information processing at molecular level.
He has taken part in several national and international scientific meetings
In the last 5 years has been actively involved in the organization of 3 international scientific meetings and he was co-chairman of "Giornate dell'Elettrochimica Italiana 2015" (GEI 2015), the annual meeting of the Electrochemical division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI).
He is author of more than 160 papers on referred international journals, with a H-index of 50 (Scopus).

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