Foto del docente

Massimo Garai

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-07/B Building Physics and Building Energy Systems


D’Orazio D.; De Cesaris S.; Barbaresi L.; Garai M., Misura di emissione vocale basata su analisi della funzione di crosscorrelazione interaurale, in: Atti 38° Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., ROMA, Associazione Italiana di Acustica, 2011, 1, pp. S7-A6 1 - S7-A6 8 (atti di: 38° Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., Rimini, 8-10 Giugno 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Fattori D.; Garai M., Piani d’azione delle strade provinciali: un esempio pratico di applicazione, in: Atti 38°Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., ROMA, Associazione Italiana di Acustica, 2011, 1, pp. S1-A5 1 - S1-A5 8 (atti di: 38°Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., Rimini, 8-10 Giugno 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Clairbois J-P.; de Roo F.; Garai M.; Conter M.; Defrance J.; Oltean-Dumbrava C.; Fusco I., QUIESST: mid-term progress report (invited paper), in: Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2011, INDIANAPOLIS, I-INCE, «NOISE-CON PROCEEDINGS», 2011, 4, pp. 2843 - 2850 (atti di: Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, 4-7 September 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Garai M.; Guidorzi P., Reflection index measurement on noise barriers with the Adrienne method: source directivity investigation and microphone grid implementation, in: Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2011, INDIANAPOLIS, I-INCE, «NOISE-CON PROCEEDINGS», 2011, 4, pp. 2851 - 2856 (atti di: Inter-Noise 2011, Osaka, 4-7 September 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Lumei C.V.; Arghir M.; Garai M., Sound absorption of multilayered samples composed by different porous materials and perforated facing, in: Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing, DAAAM, «ANNALS OF DAAAM FOR ... & PROCEEDINGS OF THE ... INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM ...», 2011, 22, pp. 1257 - 1258 (atti di: Annals of DAAAM for 2011 and 22nd International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Power of Knowledge and Creativity", Vienna, aut, 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Todica G.; Garai M.; Arghir M., Theoretical and experimental research for dense concrete as a sound absorbing material, in: Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing, DAAAM, «ANNALS OF DAAAM FOR ... & PROCEEDINGS OF THE ... INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM ...», 2011, 22, pp. 1255 - 1256 (atti di: Annals of DAAAM for 2011 and 22nd International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation: Power of Knowledge and Creativity", Vienna, aut, 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bellucci P.; Borchi F.; Bellomini R.; Garai M.; Luzzi M., Criteri tecnici e considerazioni per l’attuazione delle disposizioni comunitarie (relazione ad invito), in: Atti del Seminario "Riflessioni e proposte per l’evoluzione della legislazione sul rumore ambientale", SIRACUSA, s.n, 2010, pp. 43 - 73 (atti di: Seminario AIA-GAA "Riflessioni e proposte per l’evoluzione della legislazione sul rumore ambientale", Siracusa, 26 Maggio 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

D’Orazio D.; Barbaresi L.; Semprini G.; Garai M., Diffusione e controllo modale in geometrie ottagonali: il caso delle Torri dell’Acqua di Budrio, in: Atti 37° Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., ROMA, Associazione Italiana di Acustica, 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 37° Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., Siracusa, 26-28 Maggio 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Garai, Massimo; Guidorzi, Paolo, Effect of slit-shaped leaks on airborne sound insulation of noise barriers, in: InterNoise10, 2010, pp. 5323 - 5329 (atti di: Inter-Noise 2010 "Noise and Sustainability", Lisbon, 13-16 June 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Clairbois J.-P. ; Garai M., EN 14388: European standard for road traffic noise reducing devices: state of the art as from August 2010, in: Proc. MCA 01 - 1st Mediterranean Congress on Acoustics 2010, ., ., 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: MCA 01 - 1st Mediterranean Congress on Acoustics 2010, Salé, 28-30 October 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Elia G.; Garai M., La nuova norma UNI 11367 sulla classificazione acustica delle unità immobiliari (relazione ad invito), in: Atti 2a convention nazionale di acustica edilizia "L’evoluzione e l’armonizzazione delle norme italiane ed europee sulla protezione acustica degli edifici", ROMA, Associazione Italiana di Acustica, 2010, 1, pp. GAE_2010_1 - GAE_2010_8 (atti di: 2a convention nazionale di acustica edilizia "L’evoluzione e l’armonizzazione delle norme italiane ed europee sulla protezione acustica degli edifici", Firenze, 13 dicembre 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Clairbois J.-P.; de Roo F.; Garai M.; Conter M.; Défrance J.; Oltean-Dumbrava C.; Fusco I., QUIESST: toward a better knowledge and understanding of how efficient noise barriers could actually be, in: Proc. MCA 01 - 1st Mediterranean Congress on Acoustics 2010, SALÉ, s.n, 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: Proc. MCA 01 - 1st Mediterranean Congress on Acoustics 2010, Salé, 28-30 October 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Clairbois J.-P.; de Roo F.; Garai M.; Conter M.; Défrance J.; Oltean-Dumbrava C.; Fusco I., QUIESST: toward a better knowledge and understanding of how efficient noise barriers could actually be, in: Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics & Belgium Acoustical Society, LONDON, Institute of Acoustics, 2010, 32(3), pp. 36 - 43 (atti di: Joint IoA-ABAV meeting "Noise in the built environment", Ghent (Belgium), 29-30 april 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Clairbois J.; De Roo F.; Garai M.; Conter M.; Defrance J.; Oltean-Dumbrava C.; Fusco I., Quiesst: Toward a better knowledge and understanding of how efficient noise barriers could actually be, in: Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2010, Lisbon, Sociedade Portuguesa de Acustica (SPA), 2010, 5, pp. 3665 - 3672 (atti di: Inter-Noise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-16 June 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Garai M., Recent advances in noise barrier testing, qualifying and standardisation (invited plenary lecture), in: Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics & Belgium Acoustical Society, LONDON, Institute of Acoustics, 2010, 32(3), pp. 132 - 139 (atti di: Joint IoA–ABAV meeting "Noise in the Built Environment", Ghent (Belgium), 29-30 April 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]