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Massimo De Giuseppe

Assistant Professor employed by a different University

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Curriculum vitae

Born in Milan on August 14, 1967, I received a classical education at the high school Cesare Beccaria of Milan and graduated with Professor Giorgio Vecchio at the Faculty of Political Science University of the Sacred Heart of Milan with a specializacion in Political-History and a thesis about the Atomic matter and nuclear conflict in politics and in the collective imagination of the Italians: 1953-1963. Since the academic year 1998-1999, at the same faculty at the Catholic University of Milan, I was appointed visiting lecturer in Contemporary history and, subsequently, also in History of the constitutional system and public opinion in contemporary age and in Economics development: a historical-institutional perspective. After winning the competition in the academic year 2000-2001, I played a Ph.D. in Contemporary and Modern History (Peoples, cultures and religions in modern and contemporary History), at the Catholic University of Milan, fifteenth cycle, which ended October 31, 2003, wirh the final examination: the April 5, 2004. Title of my PhD thesis is: Relationships between culture, religion and politics in Mexico's first century. 1900-1930. The study focuses on the relationship between state, church and nation in Mexico and the special circumstances of indigenous social presence and indigenous forms of Christianity, from the Porfiriato to the post-revolutionary season. After years of research, was published in the summer of 2007 the volume Mexico 1900-1930. State, Church and Indigenous Peoples (Morcelliana, Brescia) who in 2009 won the Desiderio Pirovano Prize of the Luigi Sturzo Institute of Rome, for historical research published in 2007-2008.

Since the 2003-2004 academic year I got a scholarship to the University Iulm research and educational training, lasting two years, in Contemporary history, as part of the undergraduate degree in Communication sciences and technologies. Since the 2005-2006 academic year I won the competition for the research grant at Iulm University of Milan, with a project entitled The Third World in Italy. The grant was renewed for 2007-2009. During this period I conducted research in various archives in Italy and worldwide. At the same university Iulm, I had taught modules in International Contemporary History in the First Level Master's Degree in Conference Interpreting and in Media and in Media and Contemporary History in the degree in TV, film and multimedia production. For the academic years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012, by the IULM University, I instead got a postdoctoral research fellowship for a project entitled Italy and the relations between North and South (1960-1980): politics, society, information and I have been teacher of the course of Internationl history since 1890 in the International Master in Communication for International Relations (Micri).

With regard to my teaching experiences, in the academic year 2004-2005 I was also assigned the post of lecturer at the University of Bologna, Ravenna, in the course of Contemporary History (and international organizations), by the next year changed in History of international organizations in the specialization of International cooperation, Regulation and Protection of Rights, then changed in master's degree in Human Rights Protection and International Cooperation in Eurasia and the Mediterranean, at the Faculty of Cultural Heritage. At the University of Parma I taught Contemporary History at the Faculty of Humanities and the University of Parma and History of Globalization, at the Faculty of Political Science, Master of Science in International Relations and European. From 2006 to 2008 I also held classes in Contemporary History (Italy and the World)  in the Lab of Communication of Gemona, organized by Udine University and Catholic University of Milan, with the support of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Udine province.
Continuing with the theme of teaching, from autumn 2007 to summer 2011 I was invited regularly (once or twice a year) from the direction of the Ph.D. in history and Ethno-history of the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH) of Mexico City as a “visiting professor” (profesor Invitado) to hold a series of seminars and courses including: The indigenous matter, Estate and Church in the building of contemporary Mexico; War and Peace. For an International history during the Twntieth Century...

I've been included in various national and international research projects, including some inter-university (Prin), promoted by the Ministry for University and Research. Of these I remember the one coordinated by Giorgio Vecchio (University of Parma) and Alfredo Canavero (University of Milan), Thoughts and actions of peace. International perspectives, actions and debates in Italy, between the late nineteenth century and the Second World War. In this project I was part of the IULM- research-unity that investigated the transformations of Italian pacifism after World War II. Another Prin, coordinated by Luciano Pazzaglia and Fulvio De Giorgi of the Catholic University of Milan, was instead on the social history of publishing in Italy in 900; I followed the events of publications related to the issues of peace, development and italian relationships with countries outside Europe during the Thirdworld age. Also on the research front, in 2008 the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM) invited me to join the permanent seminar Policy, Culture and Religión in contemporary Latin America y Mexico, while the El Colegio de Mexico   invited me as part of the permanent seminar of Social History. In March 2010 I got from Secreteria Relaciones Exteriores de Mexico (the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs), under the special program Indipendiencia y Estudios sobre la la Revolución Mexicana, a grant to organize and coordinate (with the support of ENAH/INAH) a research-study entitled Relaciones entre poderes politicos, religiosos y comunidades indígenas durante la etapa revolucionaria. This research has continued during 2011, with particular attention to relations between Catholics and the Zapatista movement during the revolution. The posdoctoral direction of History y Ethno-History of ENAH also invited me in 2010 to coordinate the research project aimed to the erection of historical Cupilco Community Museum, in Tabasco, which will be inaugurated in the autumn of 2012. In 2012 I was invited instead by the Colegio de Puebla as a speaker at the congress El 5 de mayo en perspectiva internacional and member of the Puebla University Poliforum. On the sidelines of the conference have been appointed, correspondent for Italy of the Academia Mexicana de Historia Geografía sponsored by the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). Among the affiliations, since 2008 I also part of the European Network of Peace Historians, the Association of Historians of Latin America (Ahila) and, since 2009, the Red de investigadores the religious phenomenon (Rifrem) and in 2012 the Association Italian Iberoamerican Studies. On the occasion of 150 anniversary of the Unification of Italy, I have been called instead to be part of the research group of Christians in Italy project, coordinated by Alberto Melloni, dealing theme of Horizons missionaries, colonial, Third World.

At the center of my study and research interests include the issue of relations between international history and local history in the contemporary world, with particular attention to the dynamics of non-European, the popular movements, social, religious and peace, between the political, cultural and impact on public opinion. In particular, I am dedicated to two main issues: the relationship of politics-religion-culture-society-public opinion in Italy and Latin America and the movements for peace and social development and protection of human rights and their political and cultural impact globally, with particular attention to the cases of Italy, in its relations with countries outside Europe. About these subjects I have published various monographs studies, essays, articles... I am currently working with Hilda Iparraguirre, Maria Benzoni and Anamaria Gonzalez at the volume Otras Miradas de  la Revoluciones Mexicanas, which will be published in late 2012 by the Instituto Nacional para el Estudio de la Historia de las Revoluciones Mexicanas (Inehrm), together with the ' Juan Pablos and ENAH publishing, under the research program Promep. I'm also coordinating a research project on behalf of the Fondazione Giorgio La Pira of Florence about major Giorgio La Pira and the extraeuropean countries (Africa, Latin America, Asia), during the Third world age and I'm working on a project on behalf of Rial (Network Italy Latin America) on the international dimension of the Salvadoran civil war (subjet that I've worked for many years).

In addition to essays, books and conferences mentioned, point out that since 1997 I have worked with the publisher Federico Motta and Grolier for writing the history of the International Decade of History and (since 2005) I've the coordination of the international history and politics parts of the series of Yearbooks (2000-2011). In 2002 I contributed to the volume Globalization and Peace in the part devoted to the history of international institutions. From 1995 I wrote a series of articles on history, international relations and public opinion for various Historical and Political Research Magazines, like «Ricerche di storia politica», «Contemporanea», «Italia Contemporanea», «Quaderni della Biblioteca Ballestrieri», «Il Mulino-Lettera internazionale», «Appunti di Cultura e politica», «Istor. Revista de Historia Internacional», «Historia Mexicana», «Strumenti», «Impegno», «Popoli»...  I've collaboreted for some years with the Ngo Mani tese, for which I attended the UN World Social Forum held in Copenhagen in 1995. Finally, from 2007 I joined the editorial board of «The craft of history», the Yearbook, now magazine, of the Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History (SISSCO).

Major conferences and interventions

 ·        «Adesso» e la giustizia sociale, in convegno Don Mazzolari e «Adesso», Cinquant'anni dopo, Brescia, Centro Paolo VI, june 1999.

  • Giorgio La Pira, la pace e l'impegno per lo sviluppo in La politica, la pace, la città. Giorgio La Pira e Giuseppe Lazzati tra utopia e senso della storia, Milano, Fondazione Lazzati, june 2002.
·        L'America di Turoldo, in Laicità e profezia. David Maria Turoldo a dieci anni dalla scomparsa, Milano, Sala delle colonne Banca Popolare di Milano, 28 novembre 2002.
  • Métodos de investigación en historia contemporánea. Educación intercultural en la Tarahumara, visión desde Italia, Universidad del Valle de México, Campus Tlalpan, Mexico City, april 2003.

·        L'educazione rurale nel Messico postrivoluzionario, in Sissco Conference, Cantieri di storia II, Lecce, Università degli studi, september 2003.

·        La Pira operatore di pace:  l'America latina, in La guerra impossibile nell'era atomica. Dialogo delle città bombardate, Centenario della nascita di Giorgio La Pira, Valmontone, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, april 2004.

·        Monsignor Casaroli, l'America indigena e la spiritualità guadalupana, in Casaroli e l'America latina fra Pio XII e Paolo VI. Le politiche vaticane in una Chiesa che cambia, Bedonia, Seminario vescovile, june 2004.

·        Mazzolari, «Tu non uccidere» e il pacifismo tra anni '50 e '60, in A cinquant'anni da «Tu non uccidere», Modena, Palazzo Europa, april 2005.

·        L'America latina; dittature e «seguridad nacional» negli anni '70 in Principi di giustizia e transizioni alla democrazia in America Latina, Ravenna, Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni culturali, may 2005.

  • The «Indio Gabriel» in the postrevolutionary Tabasco. A pacifist resistant and a new religious perspective from the indigenous world in the age of Garrido Canabal (1927-1930), in God's Revolution? Faith and Impiety in Revolutionary Mexico 1910-1940, Belfast, Queen's University, october 2005.
  • Latin America in Italy, through Peace and Social Movements' Action: From the 1960s to the 1980s, in Peace Movements since 1945 in Comparative Perspective: Symbolism, Patterns of Mobilization, Political Culture, University of Bochum, Historical Peace Research Centre, 28-30 october 2005.

·        Il Centroamerica nella «nuova Guerra fredda», in Oscar Romero e il Centroamerica 25 anni dopo. Tra storia, memoria e attualità, Milano, Auditorium San Carlo, november 2005.

  • Cambio y resistencia cultural indígena, frente a la modernización cultural-religiosa en la «nueva misión» de los jesuitas en la Sierra Tarahumara (1900-1930), in Religions. Valeurs et Developpement dans les Ameriques, organizzato dalla Societé Suisse des Américanistes (SSA) e dal Centre de Sociologie des Religions et d'Ethique Sociale (CSRES), Strasburgo, Università Marc Bloch, Palais Universitarie, Salle Tauler, march 2006.

·        ¿Católicos de maíz o indios enemigos? Imagenes y utopías del mundo indígena en México, entre revolución y posrevolución nella sessione Utopías y pensamientos  del 52° Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Pueblos y culturas de las Américas: Diálogos entre globalidad y localidad, Università di Siviglia, Siviglia, july 2006.

·        Entre razón y utopía: génesis y desarollo de la «nueva misión» de los jesuitas en la Sierra Tarahumara in XXVIII Congreso Internacional de Americanística, Mérida (Mx) 25-29 october 2006.

·        Cultura mediterranea y América contemporanea, conference for Faculdad de humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (Uaem), Cuernavaca, november 2006. 

·        Impacto de la guerra fría en Europa y América latina (de la fin de los '40 a las guerras civiles centroamericana de los '80), conference for the Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (Enah), Mexico City, november 2006.

·        La «redención» de los rarámuris. La disputa Stato-Chiesa, tra educazione indigena e nuove missionarietà (1922-1929) in XXIX Congresso Internazionale di Americanistica, Perugia may 2007.

·        Guerra fría, tercermundismo y organizaciones internacionales, in Violencia en América latina. Segunda mitad del siglo XX, Enah, Mexico City, october 2007.

·         Actores y dimensión religiosa en los movimientos sociales latinoamericanos in Congreso de Historia económica, Uaem, Cuernavaca, october 2007  

·        Seminario: La cuestión indígena entre Estado e Iglesia en la construcción del México contemporanea. Caminos de investigación, Enah, Mexico City, november 2007.

·        La Pira e il ruolo delle città, tra dimensione locale e politica internazionale, in Giorgio La Pira: le città sono vive, Palazzo Vermexio, Siracusa, dicember 2007.

·        Los Laicos frente a la Cuestión Indígena en la Primera Parte del Siglo XX in Religión y Laicos en el México Moderno, Joint Initiative for the Study of Latin America and  the Caribbean (JISLAC) Regional Seminar, Queen's University, Belfast, dicember 2007.

·        Movimenti pacifisti e aperture terzomondiste, in Prin conference Le sfide della pace. Istituzioni, movimenti, intellettuali e politici tra Otto e Novecento, Università di Parma, january 2008.

·        Volti del Messico, Milano, Palazzo Greppi, Sala Napoleonica, february 2008

·        El Salvador: un quadro storico dalla guerra fredda alla globalizzazione, in Marianella García Villas e i diritti umani nel Salvador di ieri e oggi, Bologna- Palazzo Accursio, Roma, Fondazione Basso, march 2008.

·        La distensione Est-Ovest dal punto di vista del Mediterraneo, in La Russia e l'Asia viste da Giorgio La Pira, Prin congress Da Roma alla terza Roma. Seminari internazionali di studi storici, Roma, Campidoglio, april 2008.

·        Las políticas de «defanatización» en el México indígena. La experiencia callista y del maximato (1926-1932), in El anticlericalismo entre Europa y América latina, XV Congresso internazionale dell'Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericansitas Europeos (Ahila), 1808-2008: Crisi y Problemas en el Mundo Atlántico, Università di Leiden (Nl), august 2008.   

·        Luigi Sturzo e la comunità internazionale: l'antifascismo, la pace e la guerra, in Dialogo sul riformismo. Riscoprire don Sturzo, Gradara, castello, october 2008.   

·        Guerra y paz. Para una historia internacional de la guerra y de la paz en el siglo XX. Procesos, fuentes, historiografía, caminos de investigación, in Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH), México, november 2008.

·        La casa del estudiante indígena: un experimento del gobierno callista, in Educación y cuestión indígena, Centro de investigaciones y Estudios superiores en Antropología social (Ciesas-Occidente), Guadalajara, dicember 2008.

·        De aquí la frase «Fare l'indiano». Misioneros italianos en México entre el porfiriato y la revolución, in I Encuentro de Antropología e Historia: Diálogos entre Italia y México, Salón Augustín Yañez, Feria Internacional del Libro, Guadalajara, dicember 2008.

·        Le relazioni tra Italia e Terzo mondo: l'esperienza dell'Ipalmo, in Milano tra ricostruzione e globalizzazione. Dalle carte dell'Archivio di Piero Bassetti, Milano, Palazzo Greppi, sala Napoleonica, dicember 2008.

·        El catolicismo social y la cuestion indígena en México: el congreso de Oaxaca de 1909, mesa Catolicismo y sociedad civil en XII Enceuntro de la Red de estudiosos del fenómeno religioso, Casa de la Cultura, Aguascalientes, junio 2009.  

·        Las identidades escondidas. Los pueblos indígenas y la competición curas-maestros en el México posrevolucionario in Política-religión e identidad en México: entre la crisis colonial y la crisis de la modernidad, 53° Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, july 2009.

·        Impact of Atomic and H-Bomb on Italian Cultural Community in Machines of Thruth. The Impact of technological Innovations on the Representation and Image of War in the Media and Arts, Erich-Marie Remarque Peace Centre/University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany, september 2009. 

·        Guerra fredda nel Caribe. Dall'Alleanza per il progresso al vertice di Punta del Este (1961-1966), in Juan Bosch, tra Italia e Repubblica Dominicana, Fondazione Casa America, Genova, november 2009.

·        Il progetto politico di Giorgio La Pira e l'orizzonte extraeuropeo  in Giorgio La Pira e Julius Nyerere, Istituto Calafato (Lumsa)/Palazzo dei Normanni, Caltanissetta-Palermo, february 2010.

·        La encrucijada entre guerra fría y tercermundismos, a través de la experiencia latinoamericana , Escuela nacional de antropología e historia, Mexico City, march 2010

·        Los puentes colgantes. Reflexiones acerca de una historia global de México , Posgrado de Historia y Etnohistoria de la Escuela nacional de antropología e historia, Mexico City, march 2010

·        Il problema della pace e il sorgere del pacifismo in convegno Le inquietudini della fede. Don Primo Mazzolari e il cattolicesimo italiano prima del Concilio, Università degli Studi di Milano-Fondazione Mazzolari, Sala Napoleonica, Milano, april 2010

·        Cattolici, organizzazioni popolari e sinistre, tra guerra civile e guerra fredda: il caso di El Salvador, in Le sinistre in America latina: passato e presente, Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Scienze politiche, Aula Poeti, Bologna, may 2010

·        Relaciones entre poderes políticos y comunidades indígenas durante la etapa revolucionaria, Posgrado de Historia y Etnohistoria de la Escuela nacional de antropología e historia, Mexico City, august 2010

·        El Tabasco racionalista frente a lo indígena: entre laboratorio social y experimentación cultural (1922-1934), Seminario permanente de Historia social de El Colegio de México, Città del Messico, august 2010

·        De Nación y fé. I cattolici messicani alla prova della rivoluzione: la terra, gli indigeni, la violenza e la chimera della classe media, in Cento per cento. 1810, 1910, 2010: l'America Latina tra indipendenza, emancipazione e rivoluzione, Università degli studi di Napoli, L'Orientale, Napoli, october 2010

·        La cuestión social en la Revolución mexicana , Instituto Cervantes di Milano nell'ambito del ciclo México 1810-1910 Proceso histórico-cultural de la Indipendencia a la Revolución, Milano, october 2010.

·         La Revolución escindida e il fantasma di Zapata. «Cattolici» e «indigeni» tra guerra e pace, in México 1810-2010. Las Revoluciones entre historia y literatura, Sala Napoleonica dell'Università degli studi di Milano, november 2010

·        “Piedad para el indio”, “el Átila del sur” y “las banderas de Guadalupe”: los católicos y el fenómeno zapatista durante la Revolución , in Iglesia, Estado, Nación, Jornadas de Historia, Instituto Superior de Estudios Eclesiásticos, Mexico City, march 2011

·        Las relaciones entre el Zapatismo, la Iglesia y los católicos en la Revolución mexicana, Posgrado de Historia y Etnohistoria de la Escuela nacional de antropología e historia, Mexico City, march 2011

·        La Pira-Capitini. I cattolici di fronte al pacifismo non-violento negli anni della guerra fredda in Il seme e l'albero. Aldo Capitini e Giorgio La Pira, Predappio (FC), may 2011

·        Las izquierdas y la opción por los pobres posconciliar en América latina. El caso de Mons. Romero y de las crisis centroamericanas in XVI Congreso Internacional de la Ahila, San Fernando-Cadiz, september 2011

·        «¡A la solidaridad cristiana!». I cattolici europei e il caso salvadoregno: mobilitazione, diritti umani e reti di solidarietà durante la «nuova guerra fredda» centroamericana e coordinamento del panel Cristiani e guerra fredda in America latina. Esperienze regionali e reti di solidarietà da metà anni Sessanta a metà anni Ottanta, in Sissco Congress Cantieri di storia VI. La storia contemporanea in Italia oggi: tra linee di ricerca e tendenze, Forlì, september 2011

·        Léopold Senghor, Giorgio La Pira e la cultura terzomondista, in convegno Léopold Senghor e Giorgio La Pira oggi, Palazzo Vecchio, Sala de Dugento, Firenze, november 2011     

·        La disputa sull'educazione religiosa nel Messico postrivoluzionario, in Prin Congress La religione istruita nella scuola e nella cultura dell'Italia contemporanea, Auditorium S. Margherita, Università di Ca' Foscari, Venezia, january 2012

·        «Una visión desde Italia». Garibaldínos, monárquicos y católicos frente a la intervención francesa en México y al Imperio. Primeros pasos de una política exterior y reflejos americanos de la cuestión romana in Simposio, El 5 de mayo en perspectiva internacional, Biblioteca Palafoxiana, Puebla, may 2012

·        «Más allá del fin del mundo». Dinamiche di resistenza religiosa nel Tabasco indigeno tra XIX e XX secolo, in II convegno nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Studi Iberoamericani (Aisi), Villa Feltrinelli, Gargnano, june 2012