Foto del docente

Martino Colonna

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CHEM-06/A Chemical Foundations of Technologies

Curriculum vitae

Born in Trieste (TS)  28.03.1970
Bachelor degree with Laude in Industrial Chemistry 11 November 1994 
PhD in Industrial Chemistry 22 February 1999
Visiting Scientist at the Global Research Center of General Electric Company (Schenectady, NY) 1997-1998 under the supervision of Daniel J Brunelle e and Timothy E Banach. Post-doc 1999-2001 on research projects funded by General Electric Plastics. Researcher  from  july 2001 at the Deparment of Applied Chemistry and Material Sciences.  Lecturer of 28 courses on Fundamental Chemistry for Engeeneering at University of Bologna Author of 30 international patents, 77 papers on peer-reviewed International journals, of 5 book chapters, one book and of 50 communications in international meetings.  Winner of the best poster award at the 2008 POLYCONDENSATION meeting in Tokyo.

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