Foto del docente

Mariolina Longo

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ING-IND/35 Business and Management Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Mariolina Longo is Associate Professor of Management at the Department of Management of the University of Bologna. Her research focuses on Performance measurement system, Sustainability measurement and management and Sustainability Transition. She coordinates research projects funded by the European Commission and important Italian companies.


  • Member of executive board of Department of Business Management, University of Bologna
  • Member of board of School of Engineering & Architecture, University of Bologna
  • Member of board of Quality Assurance(Engineering Management Degree)


At the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna

  • Professor of: "BUSINESS MANAGEMENT", 12 ECTS, Engineering Management Degree Programme), since 2007 to present
  • Professor of ECONOMICS AND ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY, 6 ECTS, Mechanical Engineering Degree Programme, from 2010 to 2015
  • Professor of ECONOMICS AND ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY, 6 ECTS, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering Degree Programme, from 1995 to 2010
  • Professor of HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT,MBA in Clinical Engineering. The module is intended for postgraduate students; from 2008 to present
  • Professor of PROJECT MANAGEMENT, MBA in System Engineering. The module is intended for postgraduate students; from 2017 to present

    At the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Padua

  • Professor of CORPORATE SOCIAL STRATEGY, PhD in Engineering Management of the University of Padua, from 2002 to 2012.


2008 – 2010

European Commission – DG Enterprise & Industry, Grant Work Programme 2008 (ENT/CIP/08/E/N04S00): “BRC – Building Responsible Competitiveness” Grant nr. SI2.ACGRACE020970800. Grant: approx. Euro 250.000. An 18 months project that explored the relationship between corporate social responsibility practices and company competitiveness in the European construction sector. Partners of the project were: University of Bologna (Matteo Mura in the role of co-investigator), Impronta Etica (Italy, principal investigator), Nuova Quasco (Italy), ResPortugal (Portugal), Követ (Hungary), Respact (Austria), Forética (Spain), CSR Europe (Belgium). (Co-Author: Matteo Mura)

2007 – 2009

Italian Ministry of University and Research: “Intellectual capital evaluation and management models for value creation dynamics and analysis of the impact on organisational performance: strategic and managerial implications. The case of health care organizations”. Grant nr. 2007ST2M53. Grant: approx. Euro 76.000. A 24 months research project that aimed to develop new methodologies for the measurement and management of intellectual capital resources within organizations belonging to the Italian National Healthcare System. Partners of the project were: University of Bologna (Matteo Mura in the role of co-investigator), Polytechnic of Milan, University of Basilicata. (Co-Author: Matteo Mura)


2016 - 2018

Sustainability Measurement and Management Laboratory (SuMM Lab). Grant: approx. Euro 50.000

A 24 months applied research project funded by da un gruppo di imprese afferenti al network dell’associazione Impronta Etica (Camst, Coop Alleanza 3.0, Granarolo, Manutencoop, Gruppo Unipol). The SuMM Lab aims to create a database of business sustainability practices through the development of a set of key performance indicators (KPIs). (Co-Author: Matteo Mura)

2004 – 2007

“Stakeholder management. Creating value by means of intangible assets”. Grant: approx. Euro 30.000. A 24 months applied research project funded by the Granarolo Group, a leader Italian company in the food product market. The project aimed to analyze the link between corporate social responsibility practices and employees performance. (Co-Author: Matteo Mura)


  • Mura M., Longo M., Toschi L., Zanni S., Visani F., Bianconcini S., (2021) “The role of geographical scales in sustainability transitions: An empirical investigation of the European industrial context”, Ecological Economics, Vol. 183, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.106968
  • Mura M., Longo M., Zanni S., “Circular economy in Italian SMEs: A multi-method study”, (2020) “Journal of Cleaner Production”, Vol. 245, DOI:
  • Mura, M., Longo, M., Domingues, A.R., Zanni, S. (2019) “An exploration of content and drivers of online sustainability disclosure: A study of Italian organisations”, Sustainability (Switzerland) 11(12), 3422
  • Mura, M., Longo, M., Micheli, P., Bolzani, D. (2018) “The Evolution of Sustainability Measurement Research”, International Journal of Management Reviews 20(3), pp. 661-695
  • Longo M., Mura M. (2017) “Assessing Sustainability Within Organizations: The Sustainability Measurement and Management Lab (SuMM)”, pp 339-346,in Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 68. Springer Chapter
  • Mura M., Radaelli G., Spiller B., Lettieri E., Longo M. (2014) “The effect of Social Capital on Exploration and Exploitation: Modelling the moderating effect of Environmental Dynamism”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 430-450
  • Mura M., Longo M. (2013) “Developing a tool for intellectual capital assessment: An individual-level perspective”, Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 30 No.5, pp. 436-450.
  • Longo M., Mura M. (2011) "The effect of intellectual capital on employees' satisfaction and retention ", Information and Management, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 278–287.
  • Longo M., Mariani M., Mura M. (2009) “The effect of intellectual capital attributes on organizational performance. The case of the Bologna Opera House”, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Vol.7, No. 4, pp. 365-376.
  • Longo M., Mura M. (2008) “Stakeholder Management and Human Resources. Development and Implementation of a Performance Measurement System”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 191-213.
  • Longo M., Mura M. (2007) “A Multidimensional Measure of Employees’ Intangibles. A Managerial Implementation of the Tool”, Management Research News, Vol. 30 No.8, pp. 548-569.
  • Longo M., Mura M., Bonoli A. (2005), “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performance: the Case of Italian SMEs”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, Vol. 5. No. 4, pp. 28-42
  • M. Longo, C. Masella, (2002) “Organization of Operating Theatres: An Italian Benchmarking Study”,International Journal of Operation and Production Management,Special Issue, vol. 22, n. 4 . pp. 425-444
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D., Hinterhuber H. (1991), "Die Rentabilitat der Investition in der Versicherungsbranche in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Italien", Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, n° 8, Wiesbaden, Germania, 1991.
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D., Hinterhuber H.(1990), "Die Rentabilitat der Investition in der Versicherungsbranche in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Italien", Versicherungswirtschaft, anno 45, n° 20, Karlsruhe, Germania.
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D., Hinterhuber H. (1990), "Zur Bewertung der Rentabilitat von Aktien", Versicherungswirtschaft, anno 45, n° 10, Karlsruhe, Germania.
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D. (1989), "Criteria for asset replacement studies", Engineering Costs and production Economics, n° 17, pp. 271-275, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1989

  • Longo M., Mura M. (2017) “Assessing Sustainability Within Organizations: The Sustainability Measurement and Management Lab (SuMM) [] ” in G. Campana et al. (eds.), Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Vol. 68, Springer International Publishing, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57078-5_33
  • Longo M., Mura M. (2010) “A methodology for measuring intellectual capital. A structural equations modelling approach” in Sharma M.K. (Eds) Advances in Measurement Systems, INTECH Publ,. pp. 491-510, ISBN 978-953-307-061-2.
  • Longo M., Mura M. (2011) “Measuring knowledge assets within organizations. An individual-level perspective”, in Schiuma G. Managing knowledge assets and business value creation in organizations: Measures and dynamics, Hershey PA: IGI Global, USA, ISBN 1609600711.
  • Zanobetti D., Longo M. (1992) , "Complementi di calcolo degli investimenti" - Patron Bologna.
  • Mura M., Longo M., Micheli P. (2015) “Il ruolo del CFO nelle strategie aziendali: tra misurazione delle performance e innovazione”, ANDAF Magazine, No. 1.
  • Longo M. e Mura M. (2007) “Stakeholder management e risorse umane. Una misura di prestazione del capitale intangibile. Parte 2”, Sistemi & Impresa, settembre, pp. 12 - 26.
  • Longo M. e Mura M. (2007) “Stakeholder management e risorse umane. Una misura di prestazione del capitale intangibile. Parte 1”, Sistemi & Impresa, luglio-agosto, pp. 15 -19.
  • Longo M. e Mura M. (2005), “CSR e processo di innovazione nella corporate governance”, Sistemi & Impresa, N.2 marzo, pp. 21-28.
  • Longo M. e Mura M. (2005), “L'approccio stakeholder nell'impresa italiana: il caso del gruppo Granarolo”, Sistemi & Impresa, N.3 aprile, pp. 37-45.
  • Longo M. e Mura M. (2005), “Responsabilità sociale d'impresa: analisi delle politiche di base e strumenti gestionali. Osservazione di un campione di piccole e medie imprese della Provincia di Bologna”, Piccola Impresa-Small Business, N. 2, pp. 59-83.
  • Longo M., Masella C., (2000)“ Il processo di trasformazione delle aziende sanitarie e il ruolo delcontrollo di gestione”, Mecosan, Management ed Economia Sanitaria, n. 35.
  • Torsani S., Longo M., Pirini G., Lamberti C. (1996), "Considerazioni preliminari per l'implementazione di un sistema qualità per un servizio di ingegneria clinica", Tecnica Ospedaliera, n° 10, Milano.
  • Longo M., Tagliaventi M.R. (1994), "Caratteristiche strutturali e predisposizione a un approccio cumulativo nelle imprese che operano su commessa" - Impiantistica Italiana, n° 10, ottobre.
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D., Hinterhuber H. (1991), "La redditività dell'investimento assicurativo in Italia e nella repubblica federale tedesca", Problemi di gestione dell'impresa, Università Cattolica, n° 11, Milano.
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D. (1990), "Capital gains tax e redditività delle azioni", Amministrazione e Finanza, n° 9, Milano.
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D. (1988), "Criteri di valutazione degli investimenti e dei finanziamento", Amministrazione e Finanza, n° 20, Milano.
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D. (1988), "Criteri di valutazione della redditività delle azioni", Amministrazione e Finanza, n° 14, Milano, 1988.
  • Longo M., Mura M. (2011) “Capitale intellettuale e innovazione nelle organizzazioni sanitarie”, in Schiuma G., Masella C., Longo M., Valutazione e Gestione degli Intangibili nelle Organizzazioni Sanitarie, Altrimedia Edizioni, pp. 91-101.
  • Longo M., Mura M. (2011) “L’effetto del capitale intellettuale sull’innovazione: il ruolo dell’apprendimento organizzativo”, in Schiuma G., Masella C., Longo M., Valutazione e Gestione degli Intangibili nelle Organizzazioni Sanitarie, Altrimedia Edizioni, pp. 103-116.
  • Longo M.,Macrì D.M., (2006), “L'organizzazione del sistema sanitario”in R. Anthony V. Govindarajan,D.M. Macri';Management Control Systems(pp. 445 - 452), Milano: McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 883866238-X
  • Mura M., Longo M. (2018)Le piccole e medie imprese italiane di fronte alla sfida dell’economia circolare”. Report per il Ministero dell’Ambiente, della tutela del Territorio e del Mare.

  • Mura M., Longo M., Micheli P., Bolzani D. (2016) “Measuring and managing sustainability. A literature review and research agenda”, Performance Measurement Association Conference 2016, 26-29 June 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Mura M., Micheli P., Longo M. (2015) “The effect of performance measurement systems’ use on organizational ambidexterity and company performance”, PMA Symposium 2015, Bologna, 23-25 September.
  • Mura M., Longo M., Massa L. (2015) “Exploring the effects of intellectual capital architectures on organizational ambidexterity”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics, Bari, 10-12June
  • Micheli P., Mura M., Longo M. (2014) “The effect of performance measurement systems use on contextual ambidexterity and company performance”, 21st European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Palermo, 20th-25th June. Accepted for presentation.
  • Mura M., Radaelli G., Spiller N., Lettieri E., Longo M. (2013) “The effect of social capital on exploration and exploitation: Modeling the moderating effect of environmental dynamism”, International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD), Zagreb, 12-14 June.
  • Longo M., Mura M., Spiller N. (2011) “Intellectual capital architectures and ambidextrous learning. Evidence from the healthcare public sector” International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics, Tampere (Finland), 15-17 June.
  • Longo, M., Mariani, M., Mura M. (2010), “Intellectual capital, organizational performance and innovation: evidence from performing arts”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal (CANADA), August 6-10.
  • Longo, M., Mura M. (2010) “The effect of intellectual capital on contextual ambidextrous learning. Evidence from Italian hospitals”, 5th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy, June 24-26.
  • Carlucci D., Lerro A., Schiuma G., Lettieri E., Radaelli G., Masella C., Mura M., Longo, M., Testa, S. (2010) "Knowledge and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: an Ongoing Research Agenda”, 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 6-9.
  • Barbieri, P., Longo, M., Mura, M. (2010), “Ethical issues in buyer-supplier relationship. A dyadic examination in the European constriction industry”, 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, June 6-9.
  • Longo, M., Mariani, M., Mura, M. (2009), “The effect of intellectual capital attributes on organizational performance. The case of the performing arts organizations”, 5th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control (EIASM), Nice, France, September 23-25
  • Barbieri, P., Longo, M., Mura, M. (2009), “Exploring the link between corporate social responsibility and company performance. The case of European construction companies”, 5th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control (EIASM), Nice, France, September 23-25
  • Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2009) “Intellectual capital and innovative capabilities: does health care?”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD) – Intellectual Capital Dynamics and Innovation Capabilities, Glasgow, UK, February 14–15.
  • Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2008) “Intellectual capital, individual performance and perceived corporate strategy. An exploratory study”, EUROMOT 2008, Nice, France, 17-19 September, ISBN 0-9815817-1-4.
  • Longo, M., Mariani, M. and Mura, M. (2008) “Performance measurement in Italian opera houses using an intellectual capital framework”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD) – Intellectual Capital Dynamics and Innovation Capabilities, Matera, Italy, June 26–27
  • Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2007) “Intellectual capital. Development and implementation of a measurement system”, 3rd Workshop On Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intangibles & Intellectual Capital (EIASM), Ferrara, Italy, October 29–31
  • Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2007) “Intellectual capital. Development and validation of a measurement system”, International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD) – Intellectual Capital Dynamics and Performance Management, Matera, Italy, June 22-23.
  • Longo, M and Mura M., (2006) “Intangible assets related to employees. An empirically tested measurement model”, 2nd Workshop on Visualising, Measuring and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 25-27.
  • Longo, M and Mura M., (2006) “Stakeholder management and human resources, a methodology for measuring intangibles”, 5th European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) Colloquium: Corporate Sustainability, Strategic Management and the Stakeholder View of the Firm, Milan, Italy, September 11-12.
  • Longo M. and Mura M., (2005) “Stakeholder management and human resources”, 3rd Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control (EIASM), September 21-23, Nice, France.
  • Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2004), “Stakeholder approach and innovation in corporate governance. The creation of intangible capital”, Workshop on Corporate Governance (EIASM), November 4-5, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Longo, M. and Mura, M. (2004), “Corporate governance and CSR: toward a stakeholder approach in the Italian enterprise. A topic Italian case study ”, EURAM (European Academy of Management) Conference, May 5-8, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland.
  • Longo, M., Mura, M. and Bonoli, A. (2003) “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performance: the Case of Italian Small Medium Enterprises”, Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, September 3-5, London Metropolitan University, London, UK.
  • Longo M., Masella C. (1998), "Performance measurement in Hospital Management",EIASM, International Conference on Accounting for the New Public Management, Island of S. Servolo, Venice, Italy, September 17-19.
  • Longo M., Tagliaventi M.R.(1996), "Project management and channels of communication with external partners in construction general contractors"; IPMA '96 World Congress on Project Management, Paris, France - June.
  • Zanobetti D., Longo M., (1991) "Enseignement de l'économie et de l'organisation de l'entreprise dans les écoles d'ingénieurs" - Actes 3ème Congrès international de Génie industriel - Ecole d'ingénieurs de Tours, France – June
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D. (1990), "Judging the attractiveness of proposed investments and the reinvestment faliacy" – Sixth International Working Seminar on Production Economics; Igls/Innsbruck, February 19-23.
  • Longo M., Zanobetti D. (1989), "Criteria for asset replacement studies", paper presentato a Proc.Fifth International Working Seminar on Production Economics; Igls/Innsbruck, 22-26 February 1988.Pubblicata su Engineering Costs and production Economics, n° 17, pp. 271-275, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1989
  • Longo M., Mura M., “Clima, L’Onu chiede di accelerare. Per l’industria la sfida più difficile”, pubblicato su Affari & Finanza il 21 ottobre 2019.
  • Mura M. Longo M. “Aria inquinata, un piano globale di reindustrializzazione a basso impatto [] ”, pubblicato su Affari & Finanza il 18 ottobre 2018.
  • Longo M. “Economia circolare e sviluppo sostenibile. Cosa resta ancora da fare”, Corriere Imprese, 18 settembre 2017.
  • Longo M. e Mura M. “E’ finita l’era degli shareholder. Le aziende oltre al profitto devono creare valore”, Corriere Imprese, 15 maggio 2017.
  • Longo M. e Mura M. “Profitto ad ogni costo. Una logica vecchia che non funziona più”, Corriere Imprese, 24 aprile 2017.
  • Mura M., Longo M., Micheli P. (2015) “Il ruolo del CFO nelle strategie aziendali: tra misurazione delle performance e innovazione”, ANDAF Magazine, No. 1.