Pietro Impellizzeri; Angela Simona; Maria Grasso; Pietro Antonuccio; Caterina Crisafi; Gianfranco Scalfari; Francesco Arena; Carmelo Salpietro; Mario Lima; Carmelo Romeo, Surgical Stress after Open and Transumbilical Laparoscopic-Assisted Appendectomy in Children, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY», 2014, 24, pp. 174 - 178 [Scientific article]
Ruggeri G; Destro F; Maffi M; Gregori G; Lima M, A Rare Case of Chylothorax due to Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia in a 7-Year-Old Boy, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY REPORTS», 2013, 01, pp. 18 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access
Gobbi D; Billi P; Fascetti Leon F; Alvisi P; Lambertini A; Lima M., Pneumatic pyloric dilatation for the treatment of gastric outlet obstruction in a child, «PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL», 2013, 55, pp. 382 - 385 [Scientific article]
Fascetti-Leon F; Gobbi D; Pavia SV; Aquino A; Ruggeri G; Gregori G; Lima M., Sparing-lung surgery for the treatment of congenital lung malformations, «JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY», 2013, 48, pp. 1476 - 1480 [Scientific article]
Lima M; Reinberg O; Ruggeri G; De Buys Roessingh AS; Gargano T; Soler L; Mogiatti M; Cantone N., 3D virtual rendering before laparoscopic partial splenectomy in children, «JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY», 2013, 48, pp. 1784 - 1788 [Scientific article]
Lima M; Ruggeri G; Molinaro F; Gargano T; Gregori G; Randi B., One-trocar-assisted nephrectomy (OTAN): initial experience and codification of a technique., «SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY», 2012, 26(4), pp. 1165 - 1169 [Scientific article]
G. Ruggeri; T. Gargano; C. Antonellini; V. Carlini; B. Randi; F. Destro; M. Lima, Vaginal malformations: a proposed classification based on embryological, anatomical and clinical criteria and their surgical management (an analysis of 167 cases), «PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL», 2012, 28, pp. 797 - 803 [Scientific article]
Lima M;Libri M; Aquino A;Gobbi D., Bilateral hydrosalpinx with asynchronous tubal torsion: an exceptional finding in a premenarcheal girl., «JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY», 2011, 46(4):, pp. 27 - 29 [Scientific article]
Lima M.; Randi B.; Gargano T.; Tani G.; Pession A.; Gregori G., Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration Presenting with Torsion and Associated Hydrothorax., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY», 2010, 20(3), pp. 208 - 210 [Scientific article]
Domini M; Gargano T; Ruggeri G; Gentili A; Manuele R; Lima M., Transverse testicular ectopia and persistent Mullerian duct syndrome: video-assisted treatment, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY», 2010, 20(1), pp. 53 - 54 [Scientific article]
Mario Lima; Giovanni Ruggeri; Beatrice Randi; Marcello Domini; Tommaso Gargano; Enrico La Pergola; Giulio Gregori, Vaginal replacement in the pediatric age group: a 34-year experience of intestinal vaginoplasty in children and young girls, «JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY», 2010, 45(10), pp. 2087 - 2091 [Scientific article]
Bachiocco V; Mastrolia A; Gentili A; Pipitone E; Lima M., Increase of plasmatic beta-endorphin immunoreactive material in children in the perioperative period: the influence of the site of surgery, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY», 2008, 18(1), pp. 26 - 31 [Scientific article]