Foto del docente

Mario Lima

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-14/B Paediatric Surgery

Head of Scuola di Specializzazione Chirurgia Pediatrica (DO 68/2015)

Curriculum vitae


            Professor Mario Lima was born in Catania in June 29th, 1955 .

He received a humanistic education at the high school, "Luigi Galvani" in Bologna and he graduated in the academic year 1973/74.

He was admitted to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bologna in A.Y. 1974/75. He was intern at the Paediatric Surgery Clinical Institute of the University of Bologna (director: prof.R.Dòmini) from the third year of the degree course and he wrote his thesis there. He obtained the degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, with a score of 110 out of 110 cum laude, discussing the thesis: "Microsurgery: experimental study and clinical applications in paediatric surgery". In the same year he obtained the Italian Medical Licence.

He was admitted to the Paediatric Surgery Fellowship at the University of Bologna in A.Y. 1980/81 and he was appointed paediatric surgeon in A.Y.  1984/85 (with a score of 70 out of 70 cum laude).

He was admitted to the Microsurgery and Experimental Surgery postgraduate class at the University of Milan in A.Y. 1985/86 and he completed the course in 1987/88 (with a score of 50 out of 50).

Immediately after completing the Medical and Surgical School he spent three months (from November, 1st 1980) at the Paediatric Surgery Clinical Institute of the University of Bologna.

He successfully completed the Practical Stage (from April 1981 to September 1981) at the Paediatric Surgery Clinical Institute of the University of Bologna with excellent votes.

            He fulfilled his military obligations by attending the Cadet Officers Course – Sanitary Service – as Director of Health Service of the “5th Battaglione Carabinieri Emilia-Romagna” in Bologna (from January 1982 to April 1983) and performing medical and surgical service at the Emergency Department of the “Ospedale Militare Principale” in Bologna (from April 1982 to April 1983).

            He has been employed at the Paediatric Surgery Clinical Institute of the University of Bologna since 1986 covering the following roles: Medical Assistant at “U.S.L. Ventotto-Bologna Nord” (from August 1986 to August 1991) and at the Paediatric Surgery Unit (from August 1991 to June 1993) with the benefits provided by the art. 117 of Presidential Decree 384/90; Paediatric Surgery Help Assistant and Co-responsible (from July 1993 to June 1994); Physician Executive (“Medico I livello dirigenziale fascia A di ruolo”) at the Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi of Bologna (from July 1994).

            He took part in the Competition for Associate Professor – group F082 “Paediatric Surgery” in 1992 (“Concorso per Professore Seconda Fascia”), obtaining the following final judgement (on the basis of opinions formulated after collegial assessment of qualifications and tests): “The Commission unanimously believes that the candidate Lima is an important figure in terms of commitment and scientific capabilities, with excellent elements for teaching and further didactic maturation and professional growth”.

            He became Associate Professor  passing the Competition S.S.D. MED/20 “Paediatric and Infant Surgery”, banned by the University of Bologna in May 2000. He started his activities at the University of Bologna – Faculty of Paediatric Surgery in October 2000.

            He became  Full Professor passing the Competition S.S.D. MED/20 “Paediatric and Infant Surgery”, banned by the University of Bologna in November 2000. He started his activities at the University of Bologna – Faculty of Paediatric Surgery in October 2001, 

            He has been Director of the Paediatric Surgery Unit of the Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi  since February 2001.

            He has been Director of the Paediatric Surgery Unit of the Maggiore Hospital (Bologna) from January 2010.

            He has been Director of the Integrated Woman, Child and Adolescence Department of the Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi since November 2010.



    2.1 Didactic and academic assignments

            He was nominated Adjunct Professor of the “Paediatric Microsurgery Course” (part of the practical Paediatric Surgery course) pursuant to art.4 Presidential Decree 162/82 in A.Y. 1983/84, 1984/85 and 1986/87

            He was nominated Adjunct Professor with no charge of the “Diagnosis and Microsurgery of paediatric andrologic anomalies” course for the A.Y. 1990/91, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98,1998/99, 1999/2000.

            He was Associate Professor of the Medicine and Surgery Faculty of the University of Bologna for a year starting from October 2000.

            He has been Professor of the Medicine and Surgery Faculty of the University of Bologna since October 2001.

            He was representative of the Medicine and Surgery Faculty at CILTA for 5 years starting from October 2001.

            He was coordinator of the Medicine and Surgery Faculty for the three-year degree courses, from November 2001 to 2007.

            He has been Director of the Paediatric Surgery School of the University of Bologna since August 2002.

            He was Director of the Neonatology and Paediatric Institute for three years starting from November 2002.

            He was Vice-principal of the Medicine and Surgery Faculty of the University of Bologna.

            He has been national referee for the Directors of the Paediatric Surgery Schools Conference from 2010.


2.2 Other didactic activities

             He was responsible for the “Paediatric microsurgery technical and practical exercises” in A.Y. 1982/83. The exercises were part of the Paediatric Surgery Technical Course, at the Paediatric Surgery School, University of Bologna.   

            He became Adjunct Professor of the “Paediatric Microsurgery” course, within the meaning of art. 4 Presidential Decree 162/82, in A.Y. 1983/84, 1985/86, 1986/87, at the University of Bologna. The course was part of the Paediatric Surgery Technical Course – Paediatric Surgery School.

            He held Seminars about Paediatric Microsurgery at the Paediatric School of the University of Modena in A.Y. 1984/85.

            He performed microsurgical demonstrations at the Paediatric Surgery School of the University of Messina for students in their 4th and 5th year of the degree course, in A.Y. 1988/89.

            He was Adjunct Professor with no charge of the “Diagnosis and Microsurgery of paediatric urologic anomalies” course for the A.Y. 1990/91, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98,1998/99, 1999/2000.

            He has been a teacher for the SSD MED20 of the Paediatric Integrated Course – Medicine and Surgery from October 2000. He was the supervisor of 20 thesis.

            He has been a teacher for the SSD MED20 of the Paediatric Integrated Course – Nursing and Midwifery from October 2005.

            He is the Director and a teacher of the Paediatric Surgery School of the University of Bologna and he was the supervisor of 16 thesis. He is a teacher of the Paediatric and General Surgery Schools of the University of Bologna.

            He has been Director of the Minimally-invasive Paediatric Surgery Centre of the University of Bologna since 2006.

            He has been Director of the Minimally-invasive Paediatric Surgery II level Mater of the University of Bologna since A.Y. 2007/08




3.1 Clinical and experimental research lines

In the early eighties his research was purely experimental in collaboration with the Institute of Experimental Surgery, University of Bologna, directed by prof. G.Galletti. Then there was the clinical part in the Institute of Paediatric Surgery, University of Bologna, directed by prof. R.Dòmini.

During the first phase of his research he worked on issues related to the reactivity of the sutures and to the creation of experimental, surgical and diagnostic models for paediatric urology (ureteroneocistostomy, ureterocolonic anastomosis, urine derivations). Other fields of interest were the experimental models for the study of portal hypertension in children.

He was also involved in foetal surgery (experimental animal models to treat obstructive uropathy), splenic autotransplant and microsurgery (in particular the use of laser) and he obtained funds for these research projects from the Ministry of Education.

In the second half of the eighties and early nineties, he turned his interest into other topics; in particular he did researches on the technical difficulties and the vascular issues related to testes microvascular autotransplant (experiences grouped in his monograph “Autotrapianto testicolare sperimentale : tecniche microchirurgiche a confronto” and “Argomenti di andrologia chirurgica pediatrica”) and orthotropic intestinal transplant (evaluation of transplanted intestine absorption). He was therefore invited as an expert of transplants to discuss scientific communications during the XXV National Congress of Italian Transplant Society. Vascular researches with surgical microscope led to clinical results such as: the venous spermatic-epigastric shunt to treat varicocele and to prevent infertility, lymphatic-venous anastomosis to correct paediatric congenital lymphedema and the use skin free vascularised flaps in plastic reconstruction of huge angiomas. As the microvascular autotransplant is concerned, it was with the help of prof. R.Dòmini  and prof. A. Bianchi from Royal Manchester Children Hospital, where he verified the truth of his hypothesis, that he proposed a new and innovative microvascular technique. This technique is now accepted and cited in important international monographs such as L. Spitz and A.G. Coran “Pediatric Surgery”, V edition, Ed. Chapman & Hall 1995 pag.727 ; J.D.Atwell, Ed.Arnold  “Paediatric Surgery” 1998, pag.335.

He drew up many clinical series, especially in the field of esophageal, gastro-intestinal and hepato-biliary malformations. He focused on the study of the etiopathogenesis and the technical-therapeutic problems of esophageal replacement (esophageal atresia, brachiesophagus and caustic esophageal stenosis), of choledochal cysts and portal hypertension. The result of this work was the monograph “Chirurgia delle malformazioni digestive”.    

The research clinic and experimental activity had as a constant the use of technical innovations such as the vascular microsurgery and laparo-thoraco-retroperitoneoscopy and their application in selected pediatric pathologies.

He has been studying minimally-invasive surgery and its application since 1995. He is currently involved in problems related to virtual reality thanks' to the collaboration with the Robotic Department of Engineering Faculty in Bologna, that started in 2005.


3.2 Pubblications

He is the author of 514 printed scientific works. Of these:

·      278 on National and International magazines

·      22 monographs     

·      214 abstracts on National and International  conference proceedings



3.3 Research activity in International projects

            In November 1990 he did an internship at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital (Prof. A.Bianchi - Manchester, GB) to investigate the issues involved in the testicular transplant in children, in the treatment of neonatal megacolon and in new technical guidelines for the treatment of gastroschisis.

            In March 1995 he did an internship at the Freie Universitat Berlin Universitätsklinikum Steglitz-Abteilung fur Kinderchirurgie (Prof. F.Schier - Berlin D) to investigate the problems related to the use of Video-diagnostic and operative laparoscopy.

Since June 1993 he periodically goes to Nice (Fondation Lenval pédiatrique Surgery - Prof. JSValla - Nice F) to perfect techniques of thoracoscopic, laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic surgery.

            In November 1996, he did an internship at the Clinique de Gastroenterologie-Hepatologie de Hopital Universitaire des Enfants Reine Fabiola (Prof. S.Cadranel - Brussels B) to perfect techniques of paediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy.

      In December 1997, he did an internship at the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the University Children's Hospital "Wilhelmina" (Prof. K.Bax - Utrecht NL) to improve his laparoscopic techniques, in particular laparoscopic splenectomy.


3.4 Participation in National and International master classes

In 1993 he attended the "Endo-Laparoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery" (in accordance with D.P.R. 162/82 art.17) at the Surgical Clinic of the University of Modena.

In 1995 he attended the theoretical and practical course " Operating Laparoskopie in der Kinderchirurgie"

at the European Surgical Institute, Hamburg (D).

In 1996 he attended the Advanced Course "Video -Assisted Pediatric Surgery" at the IRCARD Strasbourg (F).

In 1996 he attended the European Course on Laparoscopic Surgery at the Hospital S.Pierre, University of Brussels (B).

In 1996 he attended the "Techniques of visceral Synthesis in Minimally Invasive Surgery” Course (in accordance with Presidential Decree 162/82 art.17) at the Surgical Clinic of the University of Modena.

In 1999 he attended the "Laparoscopic surgery course" at the University Clinic Benjamin Franklin Berlin (D).


3.5 Research activity in National projects

He took part in the following projects with CNR funding:

·      Trapianto ortotopico di fegato sperimentale nell'animale di piccola taglia (n.88.03455.04) ;

·      Autotrapianto di testicolo sperimentale nel coniglio (n.89.02552.04) ;

He took part in the following projects with Ministry of Education funding:

·      Chirurgia fetale su animali da esperimento per la terapia delle uropatie ostruttive congenite. (1984)

·      Il laser chirurgico in microchirurgia vascolare pediatrica. (1985)

·      Autotrapianto splenico. (1987)

·      Autotrapianto testicolare venoso nel ratto. (1988)

·      Ossimetria testicolare in corso di autotrapianto testicolare. (1990)

·      Trapianto di intestino : modello sperimentale. (1991)


3.6 Coordination of didactic, scientific and medical activities

He managed the following International congresses and courses:  

·      “I Corso teorico-pratico di Microchirurgia in Chirurgia Pediatrica ” Bologna 1986

·      “II Corso teorico-pratico di Microchirurgia in Chirurgia Pediatrica” Bologna 1987

·      “Corso di Andrologia e Ginecologia chirurgica in età pediatrica ” Bologna 1988

·      “Corso internazionale di Video-Chirurgia in diretta in Chirurgia Pediatrica” Bologna 1995

·      “Secondo Corso internazionale di Chirurgia Laparoscopica Pediatrica” Bologna 1997

·       “33° Congresso della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Pediatrica” Bologna 1998

·      “2° Congresso della Società Italiana di Videochirurgia Infantile” Bologna 1998

·      Laparoscopic and thopracoscopci paediatric surgery, Bologna ottobre 2001

·      Laproscopy and retroperitoneoscopy in paediatric urology,  Bologna novembre 2002

·      Laparoscopic surgery in paediatric gynaecology and robotic surgery,  Bologna novembre 2003

·      Liver and oesophageal junction laparoscopic surgery,  Bologna febbraio 2004

·      Colorectal laparoscopic surgery,  Bologna  aprile 2004

·      Inguinal and gynaecological laparoscopic surgery,  Bologna  giungo 2004

·      Thoracoscopic surgery,  Bologna luglio 2004

·      Laparoscopic and Retroperitoneoscopic Surgery in Urology, Bologna ottobre 2004

·      Nursing day in laparoscopic surgery, Bologna dicembre 2004

·      Liver and oesophageal junction laparoscopic surgery,  Bologna febbraio 2005

·      Colorectal laparoscopic surgery,  Bologna  aprile 2005

·      Inguinal and gynaecological laparoscopic surgery,  Bologna  giungo 2005

·      Thoracoscopic surgery,  Bologna luglio 2005

·      Laparoscopic and Retroperitoneoscopic Surgery in Urology, Bologna ottobre 2005

·      Nursing day in laparoscopic surgery, Bologna Dicembre 2005

·      Liver and oesophageal junction laparoscopic surgery,  Bologna febbraio 2006

·      International course on pediatric urology “Genital reconstruction (male and female)” Bologna gennaio 2006

·      Innovative Strategies in Pediatric Oncology:for a Proactive Surgical and Clinical Approach.  Bologna, Novembre 2009

·      Symposium on Paediatric Thoracic Surgery. Bologna,  Novembre 2010

·      Master in chirurgia mininvasiva pediatrica di secondo livello A.A. 2007/2008

·      Master in chirurgia mininvasiva pediatrica di secondo livello A.A. 2008/2009

·      Master in chirurgia mininvasiva pediatrica di secondo livello A.A. 2009/2010

·      Master in chirurgia mininvasiva pediatrica di secondo livello A.A. 2010/2011

·      Master in chirurgia mininvasiva pediatrica di secondo livello A.A. 2011/2012

·      Master in chirurgia mininvasiva pediatrica di secondo livello A.A. 2012/2013


3.7 Active participation in conferences

He took part in 253 National and International congresses on paediatric surgery presenting 214 scientific communications.


3.8 Participation in National and International Scientific

He is a member of the Italian Society of Pediatric Surgery, of the Italian Society of Paediatric Videosurgery (of which he was president), Italian Society of Pediatric Urology, European Society of Endoscopic Surgery. He is a member (and current president) of the Medical and Surgical Society of Bologna. He got the certification by the European Board of Pediatric Surgery n.379.



From August 1986 to February 2001, he performed 1497 surgical procedures (elective surgery and emergency) as first operator.

From February 8, 2001 as Director of the Paediatric Surgery Unit he performed about 17.000 , 6000 as first operator.

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