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Mario Ederoclite is a PhD candidate in Pedagogical Sciences.
He completed his Ph.D. visiting period at Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP) under the supervision of Prof. Isabel Menezes.
His research attempts to investigate masculinity from the perspectives of psychology and pedagogy in order to understand the representations, stereotypes, and prejudices that characterize males engaged in educational care.
He earned a degree in Clinical and Community Psychology from the University of Naples Federico II in 2008 and became a psychologist in 2009. He is currently listed in Section A of the Emilia Romagna regional registration.
He is a clinical sexology specialist and a member of the Italian Society of Sexology and Sex Education.
He won the competition for professorships in primary school teaching in 2013.
Affiliate member of AIP Italian Association of Psychology - Social Psychology section.
Member of Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP).