Foto del docente

Marina Antonia Colangelo

Assistant professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/07 Ecology

Curriculum vitae

Personal information: born 8 March 1961, Chieti, Italy.

Current position: Research Fellow, University of Bologna, Italy

Academic qualifications:

1980: Maturità classica at Liceo-Ginnasio "L. V. Pudente" in Vasto (CH, Italy).

1986: M.Sc. equivalent in Biological Sciences, University of Roma La Sapienza (Italy), presenting an experimental thesis on: "Genetic longevity in different Asellus aquaticus (L.) (Crustacea: Isopoda) populations".

1993: Ph.D in Ecology, University of Ferrara presenting an experimental thesis on Meiofauna recolonization of azoic sediment in a Po Delta lagoon.

1993: Qualification to practice of profession of Biologist.

Employment, fellowships and advanced courses:

1987-89: Maths and Natural Science theacher at Scuola Media "Angelo Sacerdoti" (Roma, Italy).

1990-1993: Doctoral Fellow, University of Ferrara, associated member to the administrative seat of University of Parma (Doctoral Fellowship, Italian Ministry of the University, Scientific and Technological Research, Italy)

1993: Research fellow on the Project Settlement of clam Tapes philippinarum in Sacca di Scardovari (Po Delta Lagoon, Italy), Università di Ferrara

1994: Research fellow, Università di Ferrara

1994: Research stage on the ecology and biology of meiobenthic Harpacticoids at the Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Biologique de l'Universitè de Bordeaux in Arcachon (France), in the frame of the UE Project CLEAN (Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and Anaerobic Processes).

1994-96: Postdoctoral fellow of the University of Ferrara for researches on Ecology and marine biology of the Po River Delta

1996-98: Postdoctoral fellow of the ECC for researches in the UE Programme ELOISE - Project ROBUST (Role of Buffering Capacities in Stabilising coastal lagoon ecosystems).

1999-: Researcher position, University of Bologna

2000: Design and analysis of biological experiment: an advanced course. (Lecce, 11-15 settembre, 2000).

2001:Statistical analysis and interpretation of community ecology data, using Primer for windows (v5) (Plymouth (U.K.), 19-22 marzo 2001).

Teaching activity

Since 2000, I am teaching at the Faculty of Sciences (University of Bologna) in the scientific field of Ecology (Ecology, Analysis of Ecological systems, Marine habitats-evolution, structure and processes). Since 2004 I am member of the Committee for the PhD Course in Ecology (University of Parma). I have coordinated and taught in the course Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis of the International University Master: Eco-Governance of Adriatic coastal environments (EU Interreg-Cards-Phare).

Research Projects

1993-95: Research Project UE - CLEAN - Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic processes (CEE EV5V-CT92-0080)

1995: Research project LIFE 1995"Study of benthic assemblages of the brackish water lagoon Pialassa Baiona" in the framework of the Conservation program of the geographic area of Po Delta Park "

1996-99: Research Project UE - ROBUST - the ROle of BUffering capacities in STabilising coastal lagoon ecosystems (EU ENV4-CT96-0218, 1996-99);

1999-2000: Research Project on: Ricerca e sperimentazione per le zone umide. - Interventi strutturali comunitari della regione Emilia-Romagna, Obbiettivo 5 B, Sottoprogramma 1, Misura 7

1999-2001: Research Project COFIN/99- Relationships between structure and function in inland water ecosystems: integration of population and process-oriented approaches to understanding the role of biodiversity on structural complexity and processes in the ecosystem.

2000-2004: Research Project UE - DELOS (Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures) in the 5th Framework Programme (Contract No EVK3-CT-2000-00041).

2004-07- Research Project UE - FISH AND CHIPS - Towards DNA chip technology as a standard analytical tool for fisheries and marine ecologiacal research - Scientific & Technologiacal Research Project (STREP). Project FP6 GOCE-2003-50549 UE.

2005-06: Coordinator of Research Project MULLWEB Characterization of food web of Mullus barbatus in Adriatic Sea by multidisciplinary analyses. Polo Scientifico Didattico di Ravenna.

2009-2011: Research project PRIN 2008 - Processi biogeochimici, trasformazioni ed effetti del carico dell'azoto nel tratto di pianura e nelle acque di transizione del delta del Po

2009-2012: Reserach Project UE: THESEUS - Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate. Collaborative Project, large scale integrating project (FP7-ENV-2009-1; No. 244104)

2010-2011. Research Project PRIN 2010 - TETRIS

2004: Organizing committee of TWIMCO - Twelfth International Meiofauna Conference (11.-16.07.2004), Ravenna, Italy


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