Collaborator and Linguistic Expert since 1993 at the Department of Interpretation and Translation (former School of Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpretation) - Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Forlì Campus. Her research interests focus on the didactics of French as a foreign language in the training of future language mediators; on theatre as art and as a didactic tool for the acquisition of intercultural communicative competence; on contemporary dramaturgy; on the translation of theatrical texts for publishing and for the stage.
2011PhD in Languages, Cultures and Intercultural Communication from the SITLeC Department (University of Bologna), title of doctoral thesis : La traduction des textes de théâtre. Analyse comparée des réalités contemporaines française et italienne.
1998Master's Degree in Civilisation, Italian Language and Literature, University of Clermont Ferrand II, Francia.
1986Bachelor of Civilisation, Italian Language and Literature indirizzo FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) University of Clermont Ferrand II, Francia.
Academic career
After contract teaching (course of Translation from French into Italian) from 1990 to 1993 at the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (University of Bologna, Forlì campus), she became a permanent collaborator and linguistic expert in French in 1993.
Teaching activities
- Adjunct professor of French language and culture, Year II, second language.
- French language lectureship:
Bachelor's degree: Year I, first French language; Year I, second French language; Year II, first French language.
Master's Degree in Interpretation, course: Year I
Master's degree in translation Specialised translation, course: Year I
From 1998-1999 to 2015-2016Course in "Français des Affaires" in collaboration with the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie of Paris, at the School of Languages, Literature, Interpretation and Translation, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus.
From 2010 to 2016Organisation and coordination with Prof. Chiara Elefante and Prof. Licia Reggiani of the 'Theatre Translation Workshop' with translation of theatre texts by contemporary French authors c/o School of Languages, Literature, Interpretation and Translation/Department of Interpretation and Translation, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus.
Scientific activity
From 1993 to 2019 Annual workshops (no. 26) on adapting, writing and staging plays in French, with final public performances, with students from the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus.
Since 2003, she has participated as a speaker at several national and international conferences:
2022 Trainer in the framework of the Advanced Training Course in Theory and Techniques of Audiovisual Translation and Subtitling organised by the Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna with the support of the European Social Fund and the Emilia-Romagna Region on the topic: Theatrical titling c/o Cineteca di Bologna, Italy, 31 January-1 February.
2019 Trainer within the framework of the training day aimed at French language teachers of the Atelier Didactique et Recherche, organised by the Federation of Alliances Françaises d'Italia and Do.Ri.F. University (Documentation and Research Centre for the Didactics of the French Language) on the topic: Le théâtre en classe de FLE. Conference title: Ecriture dramatique et écriture scénique-Notions introductives; workshop title: Le geste: le pantomime du texte - Liceo Classico S.A. De Castro - Oristano, Italy, 11 January.
2018 Trainer within the framework of the training day aimed at French language teachers of the Atelier Didactique et Recherche, organised by the Federation of the Alliances Françaises d'Italia and Do.Ri.F. University (Documentation and Research Centre for the Didactics of the French Language) on the theme: Le théâtre en classe de FLE. Conference title: Ecriture dramatique et écriture scénique-Notions introductives; workshop title: Le geste: le pantomime du texte - Istituto Tecnico per il Turismo 'Marco Polo' - Rimini, Italy, 28 September.
2017 Trainer in the framework of Summer School: The role of theatre and drama in higher and adult language education: from theory to practice – Padua, Italy, 28 August-1 September 2017, workshop title:: ‘Working with texts.
2016 Speaker at the international conference: Performing foreign languages. Interdisciplinary approaches to foreign language learning organised by the University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli, 29-30 September 2016. Communication title: 'Theatre in language and comedy. Cognitive, communicative, socialising aspects', 30 September.
2014 Speaker at the Study Day entitled De l'écrit à la scène organised by the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Communication title : "La traduction pour la scène contemporaine: une autre réécriture théâtrale", 14 November.
2014 Speaker at the Study Day entitled One Stage. Theatre Training in Glottodidactics organised by the Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Pavia, Pavia. Communication title: "Translating Radio Drama", 8 July.
2014 Trainer to Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena of French as a business language: Le français pour les affaires, 10 -11 April.
2012 Speaker at the Study Day: Dialogic Interpretation: Theoretical, Didactic and Professional Aspects organised by the University of Trieste, Trieste, France. Title of communication: "The stage and the interpreter: l'interprétation et son double", 23 November.
2010 Speaker at the Journée d'Étude Internationale on « Les pratiques théâtrales dans l'apprentissage des langues à l'Université » organised by Université Stendhal, Grenoble, France. Communication title: “ Staging and performing Molière in an Italian-speaking university environment: perceiving, interpreting and transmitting comedy ”, 5 March.
2009 Speaker at the International Convention: "Percursos de genética teatral: do laboratório de escrita à cena" (Pathway of theatrical genetics, from the writing workshop to the stage) organised by the Centro de Estudos de Teatro, University of Lisbon in collaboration with the University of Algarve - Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 December 2009. Communication title “Traduction et adaptation de... Traduzione e adattamento di… Entre mise en scène virtuelle et mise en scène réelle, le traducteur comme co-créateur”, 10 December.
2009 Speaker at the international conference CORHUM 2009 – "Traduire, transposer, adapter le comique et l’humour” organised by the Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris, France, 24-26 September 2009. Communication title: "Traduire les facéties de J.-M. Ribes pour la scène italienne. Analyse et comparaison de deux versions de Teatro senza Animali”, 24 September.
2009 Speaker at the study day organised by the Centro Diego Fabbri, on theatrical translation and Shakespeare's theatre: " From text to stage. Macbeth and beyond", Teatro Diego Fabbri, Forlì, Italy, 12 March.
2009 Speaker at the meeting on: The Theatre of Jean-Luc Lagarce organised by the Délégation Culturelle/Alliance Française in Bologna, Bologna. Title of presentation: “Il testo teatrale e i suoi traduttori - Un esperimento su Le regole del saper vivere nella società moderna di J.-L. Lagarce”, 10 March.
2008 Speaker at "Doctorants & Recherche 08", organised by SSLMIT, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy. Communication title: “Translating theatre texts, between publishing and the stage, between France and Italy. Terminological aspects”, 11 September.
2008 Speaker at the Study Day "Theatre and foreign language teaching: comparing experiences and practices in an intercultural perspective", organised by the SITLeC Centre for Theatre Studies (University of Bologna, Forlì) as part of the IX Edition of the "Cantiere Internazionale Teatro Giovani" and held at the SSLMIT of the University of Bologna, Forlì branch, Forlì, Italy. Title of communication: "Sectorial languages in theatre with humour", 29 May.
2007 Speaker at the International Conference: Lengua y cultura: tendiendo puentes a través de las artes, organised by the University of Pinar del Río (Cuba) in collaboration with Simon Fraser University (Canada) and held at the University of Pinar del Río as part of the “Simposio Internacional del XXXV Aniversario de la Institucionalización de los Estudios Superiores en Pinar del Río” (Pinar del Río, 2-4 October). Communication title: “ University theatre and foreign language teaching. Intralinguistic translation experience, text construction and dramatisation”.
2006 Speaker at the international conference Writing and Translating for Children: Voices, Images and Words organised by the University of Bologna, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies on Translation, Languages and Cultures, Forlì, Italy, 11-12 May. Participation in the round table with a communication entitled: "Sasso dopo sasso, passo dopo passo, Pollicino is transformed into Tom Thumb. A unique experience in theatrical adaptation".
2005 Within the framework of the performance of Il ragazzo criminale (The Criminal Boy) by the Masque Teatro Company (4 May - Teatro Diego Fabbri, Forlì), on the initiative of SSLMIT - University of Bologna, Forlì branch, Scenic Studies and Intercultural Communication Department SITLeC, Forlì and Masque Teatro, Forlì, Italy, introduction to the performance in collaboration with Catia Gatelli and Chiara Elefante.
2005 Within the framework of the Cantiere Internazionale Teatro Giovani 2005 - 6th Edition, at the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Bologna, Forlì, Italy, presentation of the film review Colombo e lo schermo in collaboration with María Jesús González, 12 May.
2005 Speaker at the Study Day on the 50th anniversary of Diego Fabbri's "Processo a Gesù", Segno di contraddizione. Umanità e cristologia nella scena di Diego Fabbri, organised by the Centro Diego Fabbri of studies, research and training on theatre and performing languages. University of Bologna, Forlì campus, Italy. Title of communication: "From Trial to Jesus to Procès à Jésus”, 26 May.
2003 Speaker within the cycle of meetings "Theatre and University" organised by the Cantiere Internazionale Teatro Giovani, 4th Edition, in collaboration with Harvard University, U.S, the University of Bologna and the Municipality of Forlì, Forlì, Italy, 3-27 June. Title of communication: "The construction of the theatrical text in the teaching of foreign languages: the genesis of a French farce under the influence of the Italiens”.
2003 Speaker at the conference 'Constructing Identity. Translations. Cultures. Nations." organised by the University of Bologna, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies on Translation, Languages and Cultures, Forlì, Italy, 8-9 May. Title of communication: "Le rire est le propre des hommes: the representation of the French language and identity in the performances of Jamel Debbouze" in collaboration with Licia Reggiani.