Maria Teresa Guerrini got her degree in History in 1998 (University of Ferrara, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy). She spent two years working on a
project about the presence of scholars and teachers at the
University of Bologna in the early modern age. She expanded that
same topic during her PhD studies in Modern and Contemporary
History at the University of Cagliari. She gained her degree
in 2004. Her final dissertation lead to the publication of a
catalogue about the doctors in law who graduated from the
University of Bologna during the early modern age. It also set the
path for other researches on the careers of all the doctors in law
born in Bologna who got their degree at the Alma
This topic has been her main focus during her four
year fellowship in the Department of History at the University of
Bologna. Her project was financed with a post-doctoral grant during
her fifth year.
Since December 2008 she worked as research at the
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione at the University of Bologna
where she taught History of cultural exchanges, Early
modern History, and also teaches History of colonial
expansion and migration. At the present she works on DiSCi
(Dipartimento di storia culture civiltà).
Actually she directs the MEUS (Museo europeo degli studenti into SMA - Sistema Museale d'Ateneo of the University of Bologna) and she is member of the Scientific Commitee of the CISUI (Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia delle Università Italiane and she represents, on behalf of the Department, the Alumni project.
The strong collaboration with important reviews focusing on her
research topic, such as “History of Universities” and “Annali di
storia delle università italiane”, and her active participation to
the online review “Storicamente”, help her to keep her to
focus on the historical debates she is interested in.
Among Scientific Society, she is member of the CISS (Centro internazionale di Studi sul Seicento – Centro di studi sulle accademie toscane), of the Istituto per la Storia dell’Università di Bologna. She is active in the Board network Heloise, SISEM (Società Italiana per la Storia dell’Età Moderna) whom was member of the Direction Committee from 2016 unti 2020. She is associated to the SISSD (Società Italiana Studi sul Diciottesimo Secolo), to the network ITIBER and she is member of the Scientific Commitee of the Centro di Studi sul Seicento e Settecento Spagnolo. She is also member of the Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Province di Romagna and member of the Istituto per la Storia dell'Università di Bologna.