Foto del docente

Maria Paola Zamagni

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Born in Rimini on 24/04/1948, I was awarded a Bachelor of Education with honours from the University of Bologna in 1971. In 1973-74 I received a ministerial scholarship and in 1979 gained the title of Assistant lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in the University of Bologna.

In 1986 I was appointed Associate Professor in the same Faculty which was awarded via a state exam.

Between 1971-78 I was part of the medico-psycho-pedagogical team operating in Bologna in lower-middle schools, dealing with issues related to scholastic and social maladjustment of minors.

After several years of working in the Psychology department as a psychological assistant for university students, from 2004 I have been working as a psychological assistant for cancer patients in the S. Orsola-Malpighi General Hospital in Bologna.

In this context, I have also participated in various internships and conferences for doctors, radiotherapists and nurses working in the cancer field.


Overall, my research has dealt with the following themes:

- interpersonal perception and decoding non-verbal messages;

- cognitive-emotive dynamics caused by video stimuli;

- advertising message analysis and consumer behaviour;

- illness experience and related dynamics in the family environment;

- adolescent maladjustment and its relationship with socio-familial dynamics;

- critical review of spirit mottos theories;

- analysis of the relationship between primitive knowledge and creativity;

- literary texts analysis, communication and medico-patient relationship, with particular focus on cancer illnesses;

- motivational factors in the treatment of oral hygiene;

- corporeal image and construction of identity;

- structure of personality and psychosocial factors in the treatment of anxiety.


My teaching activities have been in the General Psychology discipline (M-PSI/01) conducted in the School of Medicine of  Bologna University in the following Courses:

- Medicine and Surgery

- Dietetics

- Dental Hygiene

- Nursing.

I also lecture in the Master course in “Palliative Medicine and Pain Therapy” at the Hospice Seragnoli Foundation in Bentivoglio, Bologna.