Foto del docente

Maria Nadia Postorino

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-03/B Transportation


Keywords: Urban Air Mobility Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) Transport systems Performances and resilience of transport networks Effective and efficient Mobility Intelligent Transport Systems

  • Mobility of people and freight; sustainable approaches and solutions; shared, sustainable mobility
  • Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM)
  • Urban Air Mobility
  • Air transport demand; airport problems (land control, demand level, catchment area); airport activities and environmental impacts; airport connectivity and territorial effects;
  • Resilience of transport networks and effects on intermodal nodes; transport networks and their properties;
  • Models and analysis of transport demand; modal choice models and model calibration problems; random utility models for simulating user transport choices; Stated Preferences data analysis and construction of project scenarios; update of O/D trip demand by traffic counts;
  • Applications of artificial intelligence for transport problems aimed at implementing Intelligent Transport Systems (multi-agent systems for car-sharing and recommender applications in airports; approaches based on neural networks and fuzzy systems for forecasting and analysis of choice percentages modal, and for traffic light control).

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