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Maria Nadia Postorino

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali


Postorino, Maria Nadia; Mantecchini, Luca; Malandri, Caterina; Paganelli, Filippo, A methodological framework to evaluate the impact of disruptions on airport turnaround operations: a case study, «CASE STUDIES ON TRANSPORT POLICY», 2020, 8, pp. 429 - 439 [articolo]Open Access

Maria Nadia Postorino; Giuseppe Maria Luigi Sarnè, A Reputation-based Framework to Support Dynamic Car-Pooling, «INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE», 2020, 14, pp. 89 - 102 [articolo]

Postorino M.N.; Sarne F.A.; Sarne G.M.L., An agent-based simulator for urban air mobility scenarios, in: Proceedings of the 21st Workshop "From Objects to Agents", CEUR-WS, «CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS», 2020, 2706, pp. 2 - 14 (atti di: 21st Workshop "From Objects to Agents", WOA 2020, Bologna, Italia, 14-16 September 2020) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access

Postorino M.N.; Mantecchini L., An element-by-element approach for a holistic estimation of the airport carbon footprint, in: Sustainable Aviation. Greening the Flight Path, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE RG21 6XS, ENGLAND, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (Springer International Publishing - Springer Nature), 2020, pp. 193 - 214 [capitolo di libro]

Emilio Picasso; Maria Nadia Postorino; Mariano Bonoli-Escobar; Maria Stewart-Harris, Car-sharing vs bike-sharing: A choice experiment to understand young people behaviour, «TRANSPORT POLICY», 2020, 97, pp. 121 - 128 [articolo]

Malandri C.; Mantecchini L.; Paganelli F.; Postorino Maria Nadia, Impacts of unplanned aircraft diversions on airport ground operations, «TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA», 2020, 47, pp. 537 - 544 [articolo]Open Access

Postorino M.N., Sarne' G.M.L., Reinventing Mobility Paradigms: Flying Car Scenarios and Challenges for Urban Mobility, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2020, 12, Article number: 3581, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]Open Access

Battistini R.; Mantecchini L.; Postorino M.N., Users’ acceptance of connected and automated shuttles for tourism purposes: A survey study, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2020, 12, Article number: 10188, pp. 1 - 17 [articolo]Open Access

POSTORINO M.N.; SARNE' G.M.L., A Neural Network to Identify Driving Habits and Compute Car-Sharing Users' Reputation, in: Proceedings of the 27th Italian Workshop on Neural Networks WIRN 2017, DEU, Springer, 2019, 103, pp. 207 - 216 (atti di: 27th Italian Workshop on Neural Networks WIRN 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno - Italy, 14-16/6/2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

POSTORINO M.N.; SARNE' G.M.L., A Preliminary Study for an Agent Blockchain-based Framework Supporting Dynamic Car-Pooling, in: 20th Workshop “from Objects to Agents” (WOA-2019), 2019, 2404, pp. 65 - 70 (atti di: 20th Workshop “from Objects to Agents” (WOA-2019), Parma (Italy), June 26th-28th, 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Postorino, Maria Nadia; Mantecchini, Luca; Malandri, Caterina*; Paganelli, Filippo, Airport Passenger Arrival Process: Estimation of Earliness Arrival Functions, in: Transportation Research Procedia, Elsevier B.V., 2019, 37, pp. 338 - 345 (atti di: 21st EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2018, Braunschweig, 17-19/09/2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Postorino, M. N.; Mantecchini, L.*, Connectivity carbon and noise levels in the airport neighbourhood, «TRANSPORT POLICY», 2019, 79, pp. 204 - 212 [articolo]

Postorino M.N.; Mantecchini L.; Paganelli F., Improving taxi-out operations at city airports to reduce CO2 emissions, «TRANSPORT POLICY», 2019, 80, pp. 167 - 176 [articolo]

Postorino, M.N.; Mantecchini, L., An agent framework to support air passengers in departure terminals, in: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, 2018, 2215, pp. 75 - 80 (atti di: 19th Workshop "From Objects to Agents", WOA 2018, Palermo, Italia, Giugno 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

DE MEO P.; MESSINA F.; POSTORINO M.N.; ROSACI D. and SARNE' G.M.L., A Reputation Framework to Share Resources into IoT-based Environments, in: 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2017, pp. 513 - 518 (atti di: 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Calabria, Italy, May 16-18, 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

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