Foto del docente

Maria Laura Lanzillo

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-03/A History of Political Thought


Keywords: freedom-rights-secularism fear-risk-security tolerance-toleration-multiculturalism Enlightenment-Lumières culture-cultures-difference democracy-freedom-equality State-Empire communitarians-liberals

Her research focuses on dialectical thought particulary in France and Italy in the 20th century (i.e. Alexandre Kojève and Giovanni Gentile), on the age of the European Enlightenment and on Voltaire's political thought, on the political thought of Tocqueville and Mazzini, and on the concepts of tolerance and multiculturalism in an historical and political perspective.

Her research is now focusing both on the relationship between the newly debate on the tolerance and the contemporary political reflection of exclusion, multiculturalism, freedom, rights, identity and culture in the age of globalization and on the link between fear and security in the modern and contemporary political theory and on the transformations of this link in the global age.

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