Maria Laura Bacci, born in Bologna, March 28th,
1987 Degree in Veterinary Medicine DVM (magna cum
laude); Abilitazione all'esercizio della professione.
1992 Ph.D in "Animal Reproductive Physiology".
1990-98 Permanent researcher - Physiology
Institute, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bologna University,
1998-2014 Associate professor (VET/02)-
of Veterinary Medical Science (DIMEVET), School of Agricolture and
Veterinary Medicine, Bologna University, Italy.
2014 Full Professor SSD VET/02.
1998 -08: Ph.D. degree supervisor (Cellular and Molecular
2003-11: Member of Teaching Advisory Board - Biotecnologies
2008-11: Ph.D. degree supervisor (Veterinary
Morphophysiology and Phatology and Biotechnological applications)
11.2015-10.2018: Campus Vice-Dean, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
11.2015-10.2018: Member of the Joint Teacher-Student Committee of the School
May 2018: Vice-Director of DIMEVET
June 2020: Member of University preparatory group for the evaluation of professional courses
1.11.2021: Director of the Degre Programme in Veterinary Medicine
1991: Fellowship - European Molecular Laboratory Biology,
Research group of R. Di Lauro, Heidelberg, Germany;
2005-10: Member of "Albo degli Esperti in meteria
di ricerca sul sistema agricolo" - Ministero delle Politiche
Agricole e Forestali.
2005-10: DIMORFIPA web Editor;
2008: Member of the Ethical and Scienfic Committee
on Animal Experimentation of University of Bologna.
2008-12: Member of Scientific Council of CIRB
(Interdepartmental Center of Biotechnology Research)
2009-10: Member of Scientific Committee of Central
Biomedical Library.
2011-14: DIMEVET web Editor.
29.10.18: member of national ASN.
12.11.18: president of Scientific Committee of SISVet
REVIEWER for the following International Journals:
-Domestic Animal Endocrinology;
-Reproduction, Nutrition and Development;
-Reproduction in Domestic Animal;
-Animal Reproduction Science;
CO-EDITOR: Animals; Veterinary Medicine International
(Open access journal).
TEACHING (from 1994 since 2025)
Physiology of Domestic Animals; Physiology of Animal
Nutrition; Physiology of Reared Teleosts; Physiology of Animal
Reproduction; Physiology of Farm Animals; Physiology of
Reproduction in Domestic Animals; Adaptation Physiology of Domestic
Animals; Endocrinology of Domestic Animals; Veterinary
Biotechnology: Physiological Aspects; Physiology applied to animal
food inspection; Animal adaptation to the environment;
Biotechnologies applied to animal reproduction; Reproductive
physiology and transgenesis; Physiology and biotechnologies applied
to reproduction; Animal welfare and environmental adaptation.
Physiology 1 (general physiology, blood, nervous system, digestive
system). STRESS in reared teleosts.
Results have been published in several international
journals (121 publications). Personal H-index: 29.
- Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna,
2010: Identification of molecular targets in
order to prevent neointimal hyperplasia.
-PRIN 2005: “Genomic and proteomic approaches to
evaluate physiological and physio-pathological response to hypoxic
-PRIN 2003: In vivo and in vitro experimental
models identification evaluation of relationship between bio-active
gaseous molecules and endothelial cells activation process:
exploitation for a possible terapeutical approach to the acute
vascular injury
-PRIN 2001: Sperm DNA remodelling at
fertilisation, exploitation for the use of exogenous DNA”.
- EU IMI Conception (2019-2023)
- EU Capacities BAKE4FUN (2014)
- EU Sixth Framework Programme,
Integrated project XENOME: Engineering of the porcine genome
for xenotransplanatation studies in primates: a step towards
clinical application (start date: November 1st 2006);
-Ricerca Fondamentale Orientata (ex quota 60%)
-PROGETTO STRATEGICO di Ateneo 2006: Sviluppo di
biomateriali innovativi a base minerale (silicatica e
idrossiapatitica), ad indurimento in ambiente umido, per la
rigenerazione ossea per utilizzo endodontico e
-PRIN 2002: Studio dei fattori che
controllano la dinamica vascolare nel corpo luteo in relazione al
corretto instaurarsi spazio/temporale dell'apoptosi;
-ISPESL-INBB B81-1/DML/02: Studio degli effetti di
campi elettromagnetici su cellule dell'organismo umano e su singole
componenti cellulari.
-PRIN 2000: Modificazioni morfofunzionali e
meccanismi di adattamento cellulare alle basse temperature:
possibilità applicative per la crioconservazione di gameti ed
-PLURIENNALE di ATENEO BO: Modificazioni
strutturali ed epigenetiche operate dall'ovocellula matura sui
genomi parentali dopo la fecondazione e loro influenze sullo
sviluppo embrionale;
-SANITA' REG. VENETO: Role of anti-inflammatory
and anti-thrombotic agents on the prevention of acute
vascular rejection in xenotransplantation
-SPECIALE 5% MURST: Development of alternative
techniques for the animal transgenesis: from biotechnological
innovation to animal production
-SPECIALE MiPAF: Biotechnologies applied to
zoo-technical animal: Clinical application for transgenic