Foto del docente

Maria Pia Victoria Feser

Full Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: STAT-01/A Statistics


Preprints in Arxiv:

- Just Identified Indirect Inference Estimator: Accurate Inference through Bias Correction (2023). Zhang, Y., Ma, Y. Orso, S. Karemera, M., Victoria-Feser, M.-P. and Guerrier, S.

- Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification of Magma Interaction Times using Statistical Emulation (2022). Insolia, L., Guerrier, S., Montagna, C. P., Victoria-Feser, M.-P, and Caricchi, L. Earth ArXiv:

- A simple recipe for making accurate parametric inference in finite sample (2019). Guerrier, S., Karemera, M., Orso, S. and M.-P. Victoria-Feser.

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