Foto del docente

Marco Zecchi

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: STAA-01/B Egyptology and Coptology

Curriculum vitae


Marco Zecchi

Associate professor, scientific field L-OR/02 (Egittologia e Civiltà Copta), Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna.


- 1986-1991: First class BA degree (110/110 with laudem) in Ancient History with a final dissertation in Egyptology from the University of Bologna.

- January 1994 - December 1995: M.Phil. at the “School of Archaeology and Oriental Studies”, University of Liverpool, in Egyptology. Supervisor: Dr. C.J. Eyre. Examiners: Prof. K.A. Kitchen, Dr. A. Leahy.

- October 1996 - October 1999: Ph.D. obtained the 14th of March 2000 from the University of Bologna in “Antichità Africane” (scientific field: Egyptology). Title of the dissertation: “Geografia religiosa del Fayyum. Dalle origine al IV secolo a.C.”. Supervisor: Prof. S. Pernigotti. Examiners: Prof. E. Bresciani; Prof. L. Bongrani-Fanforni, Prof. R. Fattovich.

Fellowships and Awards

- 1993: Post-graduate scholarship offered by the University of Bologna in order to study for a two-year period at the University of Liverpool.

- 01/1997-12/1999: PhD fellowship, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna

- 1998: Scholarship offered by the Brown University for a two-month period (March - April 1999) at the Department of Egyptology at the Brown University - Providence (Rhode Island - USA). Tutor: Prof. L. Lesko.

- 2003: Prize allocated by the Michela Schiff Giorgini Fondation - Lousanne (president Prof. J. Leclant) as a financial grant to support a research aiming at collecting the hieroglyphic inscriptions from the Fayyum.

- July 2004-2006: Postdoctoral fellowship for a two-year period offered by the Department of Archaeology of the University of Bologna.

- 2008: Fellowship ‘Marco Polo’ for a three-month period offered by the University of Bologna as a financial grant to support a research on the god Sobek in the Fayyum at the School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool (UK).


- October 1996, November 2005, 2006, 2007: Excavation at Bakchias (Fayyum, Egypt), University of Bologna.

Work experiences

- 2000-2002: Contract as a lecturer in Egyptology and Coptic Studies for a semester at the Department of Archaeology of the University of Bologna

- 2002-2004: Contract as a tutor in Egyptology for a semester at the Department of Archaeology of the University of Bologna.

- 2004-2005/ 2006-2007: Contract for a professorship for the course in “Egyptology” at the “Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia” of the University of Sassari.

- 2007-2009: “Egyptology”, course for undergraduate and graduate students at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna

- 2009-ongoing: “Egyptology” and “Egyptian epigraphy”, courses for undergraduate and graduate students at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna

Examiner of Ph.D. thesis

- July 2011 External examiner of a Ph.D. thesis for the ‘Dottorato di Ricerca in Orientalistica: Egitto, Vicino e Medio Oriente’, University of Pisa.

- Febryary 2012: External examiner of a Ph.D. thesis at the School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool.

Conference talks

- 2003 – 11-13 April VIII National Congress of Egyptology and Papirology. Turin, Convegno IICE. Paper: “Sobek, il coccodrillo e le donne”

- 2006 – 1-2 February X National Congress of Egyptology and Papirology. Rome, Convegno IICE. Paper “Il survey fotografico dell’obelisco di Abgig”

- 2006 – 16 June Lecture “The Worship of Sobek in the Fayyum in the Dynastic Period”, at the “Forschungskolloquium Sommersemester 2006”, Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität Basel.

- 2009 – 17-18 December Cogress ‘L’Egitto in Età Ramesside’, Chianciano Terme. Paper: ‘Sobek di Shedet in età ramesside’.

- 2012 – 12 March Congress ‘Oracoli, visioni e profezie. L’Egitto da Alessandro il Grande a el-Hakim’, Universiy of Rome, La Sapienza. Paper: ‘Horo il fanciullo come preveggente nelle scene rituali di epoca greco-romana’.

- 2014 – 3-4 April Workshop ‘Current Research in Ancient Egyptian Religion: Osiris, Amon, Mut’, Universität Basel. Paper: ‘The naos of Leiden of Amasis: protection and awakening of Osiris’.

- 2016 – 26-28 October VI International Congress on the Fayum, ‘Le Fayoum – archéologie, histoire, religion’, Université Paul-Valery Montpellier 3. Paper: ‘Personal names in the Fayyum: from the 12th dynasty to the ramesside period’.

2022 - 1-3 November International Conference 'Gateway to Afric. Cultural exchanges across the Cataracts (from Prehistory to the Mamluk Era)', IFAO, Cairo. Paper: 'Khnum beyond the First Cataract: the god's role in the Nubian temples of the Eighteenth dynasty'.

2023 - 17 March Workshop 'Les épithètes topiques des dieux antiques:une approche comparative entre Egypte, Grèce et monde sémotique', Universitè de Lausanne, Lausanne. Paper: 'Osiris Lord of Pharbaithos: A Case Study in the Creation of Osirian Toponymic Epithets'

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