Foto del docente

Marco Tramontano

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/48 Nursing In Neuropsychiatry and Rehabilitation

Curriculum vitae


Graduated in Physiotherapy in 2002, obtained a Post graduate course in Posturology in 2006, a Master's degree in Rehabilitation Sciences in 2011, completed a 6-year post-graduate course in Osteopathy in 2012, and completed a Ph.D. in Human Movement and Sports Sciences in 2023.

Academic Career

From the academic year 2008/2009 until 2022/2023, served as a contract lecturer in the MED/48 discipline. Since 2009, held the position of educational director for the Physiotherapy degree program at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. In 2022, obtained National Scientific Qualification as an Associate Professor. In 2023, won the selection process for the position of Associate Professor at Unilink Campus University but declined to start an academic career at the University of Bologna.

Teaching Activities

Since 2008, consistently engaged in teaching activities, serving as the instructor for various courses in the Physiotherapy program at the University Tor Vergata, Unicamillus University, and the Master's program in Neurological Physiotherapy at the University of Verona. Since 2016, organized and coordinated training events in vestibology and rehabilitation.

Scientific Activities

Participated in several national and international research programs, including one granted by the Ministry of Health as Principal investigator on predicting daily activity in patients undergoing neurological rehabilitation. Served as a referee for international peer-reviewed journals in the fields of neuroscience and rehabilitation.

Institutional Activities and Academic Roles

From 2015 to 2023, served as a member of the Ethical Committee at IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, representing technical-rehabilitative professions. Since 2009, been a member of the Ministry of Health commission for the accreditation of foreign qualifications.

Membership in Scientific and Editorial Committees

Member of the editorial board for journals such as Frontiers in Neurology (Neurorehabilitation section), Healthcare Journal, and Rehabilitation Research and Practice Journal. A member of the Barany Society, the international society for oto-neurology.

Awards and Recognitions

  • 2002 Anna Tacconi Award for the best academic curriculum in the Physiotherapy degree program.
  • 2013 Best Scientific Poster Award at the Argentine Congress of Neurorehabilitation in Buenos Aires.
  • 2018, 2019, 2020 Fondazione Turati Award for the best physiotherapy thesis as a supervisor.
  • 2019 Quantum Excellence Prize from the C.O.M.E. Collaboration Foundation for scientific activity in the field of osteopathy.

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