Foto del docente

Marco Severi

Research fellow

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHIM/02 Physical Chemistry

Curriculum vitae


nov. 2020 - today: PhD student in Chemistry at the University of Bologna (Italy). He works within the research group of Professor Francesco Zerbetto

sept. 2018 - jul. 2020: Msc in Photochemistry and Molecular Materials at the Univeristy of Bologna (Italy). Thesis title: Quantum entanglement with non-bonding molecular interactions. Vote: 110 cum laude.

sept. 2015 - jul. 2018: BSc in  Chemistry and Materials Chemistry at the University of Bologna (Italy). Thesis title: Conformational analysis of the 1-octen-3-ol using rotational spectroscopy and computational methods. Vote: 110 cum laude


Research Activities:

Oct. 2022 - Apr. 2023: Research period at the institute of theoretical and computational chemistry of the University of Barcelona (IQTCUB). Supervisor Professor Bofill Villà.

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