Foto del docente

Marco Sazzini

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-03/B Anthropology


Keywords: Human Evolutionary Genomics Human Adaptability Evolutionary Medicine Human Biodiversity

Research activity is focused on the study of genomic variability of human populations from an evolutionary perspective by means of the characterization of autosomal molecular markers through SNP arrays or massive parallel sequencing of whole genomes, it is carried out within the framework of different research projects and with two main goals:

- investigating the evolutionary history of genomic regions subjected to selective pressures to shed lights on the genetic bases of human adaptations and its crucial medical implications, in the attempt to understand the role played by natural selection in different socio-cultural contexts and its impact on the susceptibility of modern populations to complex diseases (related projects: CROSSING THE SEA, SHERPA, fineMEX, MEX, PH-NGS, EPIC, NGS-PTL, PsA GWAS, TASTE GENETIC GEOGRAPHY);

- depicting the genetic structure and history of human populations to dissect biological, demographic and cultural factors that have mainly shaped the evolution of the genome of their individuals (related projects: CROSSING THE SEA, LANGELIN, GENOGRAPHIC Italia, ISOLATING THE ISOLATES)

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